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Lectures for earthlings

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We would like to begin this lecture by quoting the German writer Lion Feuchtwanger. We have deliberately chosen him because in his historic novels the mind perceived as the force of the progress and guarantee of a humane law and order becomes consolidated in the struggle against barbarism and lack of spirituality. He wrote: “There would be no notion of light without darkness. In order for light to become self-aware, there must be its opposite in front of it – darkness”. There is no such concept as evil forces in the Universe. We, earthlings, have adapted such a concept to define the phenomena we could not explain logically at the terrestrial level. We have separated the notions of good and evil forces according to the view of the results of the action of these forces. All the forces aimed at positive emotions or positive results are pure forces; all the forces connected with any kind of suffering are impure. In the Universe there are other notions regarding this issue that will seem a little unusual to humans. There is no such concept as evil forces in the Universe. Unfortunately, we, people, are not alone in our isolation from the life of the Intelligent Universe. Inhabitants of some planets can harm with their poor intelligence just like people do. Besides the planet Earth in Mokayad there are lives that need to go through stages of approach towards the level of the Supreme Intelligence. And it is only natural that they should make contact with the representatives of the Absolute that are supposed to control the implementation of the Universal Laws. Such lost individuals must be guided towards the path of knowledge and initiation into the Universal Laws of being, mutual contacts and understanding. The forces that control at the Behest of the Absolute cannot be impure. It all depends on the purpose with which the one who interacts with this force uses it. These can be elevated purposes that urge this force to help others as healing, perfection of spiritual growth and on the other hand this force is used to satisfy personal ambitions, to become more important, rich etc. A person who makes contact with alien lives (Souls of the former inhabitants of Earth) of the commonest kind can be asked to perform good actions for other people and it means that a pure force is at work. But other events can happen when the owner of the force of the energy life of Teteya asks that violent actions be performed that contradict to the order of movement along the paths of life of any earthling. In this case an ordinary alien life from the House of Father God of Teteya won’t carry out the order. This order or request will be performed either by the alien Teiuda of the Soul of an earthling whose energy is full of heavy negative or by the alien life of a sinner who is near the Teluta (body) of Mother Earth. Why do dirty Souls have to perform such actions? The explanation lies in the fact that in such actions these energy lives (Teiuda of the living and the Soul of the dead sinners) are replenished with the energy of the terrestrial life at which the order is aimed. There are no evil forces. There is the force of bad thinking that can harm other lives and there is an evil force carried by isolated representatives that harms their likes.
People try to blame Lucifer for all their bad actions saying that he tempts them and makes them behave in such a way. One must know that Lucifer has no such power so he cannot express his Will and give dark energies when interacting with any of the lives in the Universe. The service of Lucifer acts as a controlling body that accumulates data on those Souls or living individuals who have darkened the background of their Souls and stained their Books of Life and Destiny with their actions and dirty behavior. The service of Lucifer reports about the results of the control to the Forces that control the energy background of every inhabitant of Mother Earth (if the inhabitants of Mother Earth are concerned). Any Patriarchy of Planets can be these Forces. For our planet they are the Forces of Jesus Christ, Buddha, Krishna and the Forces of any other whom people revere. These Forces continue to lead a terrestrial life until its energy background changes in such a way that life paths are opened before it to realize these changes. Such terrestrial life should be filled with purity while moving along these paths. And only the terrestrial life is able to change its conditions for the better or for the worse. If the terrestrial life worsens its condition, not the Forces of Lucifer start working with it but the Forces that punish. These Forces are controlled by the life of Mokayad (Intelligent Universe) and can be only the servants of Death or the servants of punishment. The latter are abstracted lives on Mother Earth that don’t have any other dwelling place except for the House of Father God; they can be alien lives and alien Manna from Heaven. In this process of punishment the Forces of Lucifer manifest their Will so that those who have to execute the punishment can make all the necessary actions well. As for earthlings with darkened Souls, punishment the Forces of Lucifer start working with them only after the Souls leave the physical body-carriers. As long as a person lives on Mother Earth, all methods are used to save the Soul and to clean it from dirt. As soon as the Soul leaves the physical carrier, Lucifer takes care of the dirty Soul but only when it leaves Teteya; Lucifer doesn’t take care of the Souls that cannot break away from Mother Earth and keep floundering near its Teluta. The Forces of Lucifer will not come to any person who has darkness in the House of Soul to worsen the dark background of his Soul. All the variants of work of these Forces are aimed at making the inhabitant of Earth reconsider his behavior, to make him change, take the path of purity and repentance in front of people. The Forces of Lucifer don’t lead the earthling into the fiery gate. Those who have sinned really are curated by the Devil. When does he take control over a person? When the person performs bad actions. Let’s take a simple example. A person drops a wallet. The person who is walking behind him picks up the wallet and put it into his pocket. The Devil starts controlling this person from this moment on. One can always choose in different situations. When the wallet fell down, the other person had the right to call the person whose wallet it was. He might have even received an award for this (of course, it would have depended on the nobility of the man who lost the wallet). If the person remained silent and put the wallet into his pocket, he immediately darkened his Soul because he had failed to implement the Law of humanity. Only after all the methods of change have been used by all the possible comings of pure lives and the person still refuses to let the purity into the House of Soul and doesn’t want the purity in the House of Soul to be replaced, the Forces of Lucifer start working (before the Forces of Death and punishment come). But here the Forces of Lucifer do not work to lead the person to death so that Lucifer can take away the person’s Soul and make this Soul suffer at the energy level to burn it with immortal purity. It is not true. Even when such Servant as Basilisk comes the doors are not closed for the earthling’s change and improvement, mental creation and state of Soul. For each inhabitant of Mother Earth at least a tiny portion of Light is left. And this Light can be in any state. When Basilisk comes he does not inhibit the terrestrial life to be able to take it to the world of beyond as a free Soul. Rather than destroying the earthling, the Forces of Lucifer try to bring him back to honest life. Michel de Montaigne – a French philosopher, humanist, thinker and skeptic – wrote when regarding man as the greatest value: “Dishonest means that help some people to become more important clearly testify that their objectives are dishonest, too”. The Forces that control the earthlings and try to make them behave correctly should not be considered evil. A poet from Uzbekistan Zulfiya wrote the following verse:

In the sky, on the land, in the ocean
Life is everywhere... It’s like a spring.
And when we do the right thing
We make every moment beautiful,
And each day we live in vain
Is a burden for us in the silence of the night.
Let it be!.. We well stand it!
There is no life without discontent.
We will never appreciate light without darkness,
We will never do without sadness and grief...

Our readers ask us to tell about who Lucifer is. Are Lucifer, Satan and Devil the same or are they different Servants in the system of negative? What is a sin? There are many other questions regarding the Service of the negative. In the previous lectures we gave information about Lucifer, Satan and Devil.
We would like to point out from the very beginning that Lucifer, Satan and Devil are not the same. The Service of the negative is headed by the Archintelligent Lucifer, Member of the Absolute. At the behest of Father God he was appointed to control, tempt and punish human Souls that are inclined to do things that contradict to the norms of behavior and existence in the Universe. He has unlimited Power over the Souls that have darkened their plan, that have the burden of sins and do not strive for illumination, relief and performing actions that please God. Lucifer is not a position; he is a person who rules the above-mentioned Souls and commands a numerous army of servants. He is not a monster who wants to constantly tempt human Souls. He grieves when he sees the humanity plunge into darkness and filth. His Supreme Intellect allows him to detect among humans the Souls that are inclined to do bad things. He sends a Servant to this individual (Devil is responsible for earthlings most of all) and the first step is a little temptation for this person to commit a sin. As the result, in most people the Mind of Soul struggles with the brain and the Mind of Soul wins by waking a strong controlling origin, consciousness that prohibits the brain to harm any living creature on Earth. If the person overcomes the feeling of consciousness and does a bad thing, Lucifer orders the Servants to tempt him more giving him time to realize that he could harm others with this action. This is time for stopping and going back to the original source of purity of thoughts and actions but not everyone go where the Great Father God sends them. Only after this the Service of Lucifer takes control over the sinner and he is constantly controlled till his last mean step by those he has been coming to until the last breath he takes. We would like to emphasize that it does not mean that at any stage of life one cannot turn to God and try not to do bad things but to bring only kindness to others. We should not imagine Lucifer as a serpent-tempter. He is wise because he never tries to impose his evil will by force seeing and sympathizing with sinful earthlings. Only the person himself has the right to choose his own way, to overcome his weakness, to correct his mistakes and not to repeat them in the future. God created man and his likes for kindness and perfection and these representatives with their behavior and their actions made it necessary for a controlling and purifying Service headed by Lucifer to appear. After Souls leave the physical body they are punished for what they did on Earth; the Service of Lucifer does not let them go to the Pure Worlds without experiencing all the difficulties of living near the planet. It is done to reeducate the Souls and without this service the Souls inserted without additional purification, relief and illumination could not keep the intellect of the next lives from doing things that harm the Terrestrial and Space Community. The French writer-moralist Joseph Juber was right to think that those who laugh at evil in any its form are not quite sane from the moral point of view. Thanks to Lucifer, dark Souls realize that they are sinful and during the next insertion many of then carry an immense power of Intellect capable of dominating the intellect of the person’s brain. A spiritual leader from Byzantium, Bishop of Constantinople John Chrysostom was right to say: “The time of grief is not when we suffer from evil but when we do bad things”. We’d like to point out that Lucifer’s mission is carried out by him with dignity and a Great Faith in the Absolute. Father God prepared a historical task for him – to personify evil so that people can understand their relationships and be aware of what good and evil are, what can and mustn’t be done because it’s a sin that will be punished. Lucifer guides all the healers on Mother Earth who help people. Many of those who make contact with Lucifer can control His Forces that dwell in the House of Father God – Teteya. The activity of such contactees is aimed at destroying the darkness of human Souls. The task of such contactees is to eliminate obscurantism and human dirt on Mother Earth. Many Services are needed on Mother Earth. Lucifer resides on the planet Adonatamus. On the planet there is a strict hierarchy according to the Hierarchical Stairway. The intelligence of all servants is high. There is the Board of Patriarchs, Hierarchs and their servants. The Service of Lucifer dwells in the entire Universe. It is Powerful for the Universe. The first deputy of Lucifer who curates the Universe is the Superintelligent purifier Satan. We will talk about him in the following lectures. The right hand of Lucifer are all the Superintelligent. This army always calls Lucifer the Ruler.
The Devil is a representative of the Supreme Intellect. His task is to control the negative on the planet Earth. His name is Zintirkis which means “the one who carries evil against his will”. The reason for his appearance in the Universal Community is purification of Earth from any kind of evil accumulated on it. The emergence of such evil depends only on people. The Devil has no specific reasons for tempting pure Souls and filling then with the desire to do certain things. What the Devil does depends on every earthling personally. He lives on the planet Adonatamus which is a place for his energy replenishment. All the Servants of Lucifer get support in the form of energy replenishment on this planet.
The main activity of the Devil is the purification of the planet Earth and the Souls of those who lived so that in the Universe there is as little evil as possible because evil can spread like a snow ball rolling down a tall mountain. Why does it happen? Good must be done overcoming one’s instincts sometimes. And evil is very easy to do. If a person does a bad thing once, it will be easy for him to it again because as soon as he overcomes the purity of his Soul, there will be no obstacles for him. Being a servant of a very high level, the Devil never spreads evil just to spread it like seeds in the field. He and his servants work selectively. Reading Souls, consciousness and subconsciousness, being able to know past and future, they choose people to be tempted so that in the future they can follow the path of improvement overcoming the difficulties of the previous lives. Others are chosen deliberately to serve evil because they have already approached the edge of the abyss they are attracted to by their desire to do bad thins, be mean towards other people. Who serves the Devil? His servants are former inhabitants of Earth; their Souls after being purified on the planet Adonatamus leave it not black but so wise that they can carry out a purifying mission on Earth. People think that the Devil is served by imaginary carriers of evil such as deuces, serpents-tempters full of dirt. It is not true. Most often he is served by the Souls of former earthlings who become wiser with experience after the purification and, knowing how to do bad things in practice, can find approach to those who are about to do bad things. Souls rarely have the honor of serving Lucifer after the purification. They do not carry any dirt and suffer constantly because they have to serve Lucifer because for them it would be a great blessing and joy to be reinserted into new physical bodies and to serve good purpose, whereas serving Lucifer carrying out a tempting and dirty mission to convince human Souls and human mind to do bad things is a pain for them for the rest of their life. Besides these servants, the Devil has many energy intelligent Intellects-Clots that go away after performing their task once. The bulk of the work is done by the Souls whose owners accumulated heavy sins during life on Earth and after their death their Souls cannot leave the terrestrial surface.
Earthlings, keep your Souls pure and there will be less dirt on Earth and, consequently, less work for the Devil. If a person is destined to be a contactee and he chooses the path of serving Light, the Servants of Lucifer take part in the establishing of a pure and illuminated contactee, too, contributing on the one hand to his ascend along the Perfection Staircase and on the other hand the Devil meets those who merit it most of all to perform a very important mission – to cover the energy cocoons of the contactees with the energy that protects from the cosmic negative since the latter comes to aliens unexpectedly. These coming energies are very powerful and absorb the terrestrial energy and after the protection the contactees are able to reject them. This gift of the Great Father God and the Universe is handed over by the Devil.

On April 5, 1996, during the collaboration between Ekhadata and Emafuht the former was contacted by the Devil: “I am the Devil and I must inform you, children of the Great God, that we give the protection of Lucifer. To you, Ludmila, – now and to Gennadiy – at 22 o’clock. From now on you will be protected by the Forces of Lucifer from the Universal and human evil of any kind, from force and stupidity. I am authorized to hand over, insert and close the door. I admire you, pure children of the Great God. You are true children without hypocrisy and dirt. Never succumb to your Ego even when we wake it up to test its presence in any share. Modesty is your weapon and your protection. I am grateful because you, pure and illuminated, live on Earth and have never succumbed to any temptation, neither Mine nor that of Satan and our Servants. My dear earthlings! I congratulate you on this day. Today you have gone up a few steps in the Perfection Staircase without knowing it. And we participate in this work and We pick up the children who deserve to be loved by Us, Servants of Lucifer, too. And this love, imagine it, is so deserved by you and so appreciated by us that we can love those who bring purity and Light. We are Intelligent and understand love, tenderness and kindness much better than you do. My dear, love all, don’t reject the Souls of sinners, accept them. You will bring them warmth that won’t let them serve Lucifer. My dear, the ideal would be to break up the planet Adonatamus from the energetic point of view and to aim its power at increasing the intelligence of all people. If you only knew how much I would like to put aside my mission and start serving the Great God giving my energy that is more than sufficient to make all good people on earth grow and develop”.
Beelzebub is the third most important person in the Service of Lucifer. It is not a name; it is a position occupied by many. He can have several aspects. The one who occupies this position in the structure of Lucifer is the Manager of Evil Forces aimed at seducing an individual. As one of the Superior Servants of Lucifer, he controls the temptations sent to a person. Having his own subordinates who curate evil on Mother Earth, he purifies Souls by making them do indecent things. It is a Supreme Intellect that is an inhabitant of the Universe but does not have a permanent residence. He does not live on planets. He is subordinate to Lucifer with respect to earthlings; in other spaces he performs a controlling mission for other planets.
Amadeus is a Son of Father God, the one who knows Dark Forces. He is Archintelligent, Omnipotent, has Power over people. He serves only the Creator, controls stupid people who turn to the negative side opposite of Light. Stupid individuals think that these Forces give them power over earthlings and do not know that they dig their own tomb by doing such things. They will burn alive in the burden of terrestrial sins. Amadeus has an army of servants. None of them brings evil in the Universe. All his subordinates accumulate information about stupid people and enter their dirty actions into the Books of Destiny. Jis army consists of Abstract Intelligent inhabitants of the Universe, of human Souls and Energy Doubles of alien lives. All of them have the same position – numat. Amadeus does not enjoy using Dark Forces. Human grief is his grief; joys of purity and perfection are his joys. The more people distance themselves from Dark Forces, the happier their Rulers are because good, purity and joy of salvation are Power and Eternity of Amadeus. Vices are a bad condition of Amadeus. The servants of the Archintelligent God Amadeus control people and record their deeds aimed at evil. Numat knows everything about petty people deprived of mind and Soul who try to reach power through Dark Forces. Numats come to kind people with an open Soul and help. If there is evil, there are numats.
Vissarion Belinskiy, a Russian literature critic, publicist and philosopher, pointed out that people are different and passions are different. For example, a certain person’s passion, the pathos of his nature, is cold meanness and he can be intelligent, talented and even healthy when he bites. Maxim Gorky was astonished by the fact that people can be so base and mean. He said the following: “Devils in Hell suffer from envy observing the Jesuit ability with which people can defame each other”.

Nefchucht is the curator of 6 Zet Negative Field. He is an Archintelligent God. He was appointed curator of the negative at the Behest of Father God. His tasks include protection of Mother Earth from negative processes that happen on the planet, that is curating evil people manifest towards each other as well as evil of any kind on Mother Earth, protection of Mother Earth from negative emotions that reach a critical point, prevention of negative explosions.
Curating the negative, Nefchucht treats intelligent children of the planet who live according to the Cosmic Laws with love and affection. He protects them from harm. Now we should explain what 6 Zet Field is. 6 Zet Field is a Negative Energy Field that contains the energies of Mother Earth more than negative energies from other planets. These are energies of human suffering. 6 Zet Field is divided into several sections according to activities. A Servant of the Hierarchy of Lucifer who works in this Field is responsible for each section. All the sections are controlled by the Archintelligent Nefchucht. 6 Zet Field was formed before the birth of Mother Earth. This energy layer has always existed. It includes the energies of suffering of both Mother Earth and its inhabitants and other planets. At present Mother Earth experiences a lot of problems and suffering that’s why this energy layer is considered to belong to planet Earth. It is from Earth that 6 Zet Field receives the most negative energies. The activity of 6 Zet Field is controlled by the Archintelligent Lucifer. He sends Hierarchs from the Service to each section of 6 Zet Field. This Field generates negative energies.

People are afraid of the number 666. Is it justified? The number 666 is not fatal in itself. The set of these three figures cannot harm anyone. If we regard this number as containing the energies of 6 Zet Negative Field, we can say that this negative is harmless without human interference. And only if a person manifests his negative origin, this number becomes a “beast”. The set of these three figures is the coat of the negative, the evil of negative energies that has not been turned on, sign of evil. And if a person manifests his mean will, these figures are charged with negative energy and acquire a destructive force.
Itola is the right hand of Lucifer not in the Hierarchy Staircase but he is responsible for charitable activities on Earth. He is Superintelligent and is one of a limited number of subjects who perform this activity. The majority of the army of Lucifer cannot be extracted from subjects or objects of their residence without a Force given for this purpose by the Ruler Lucifer. Father God assigns to the Ruler Lucifer the task of providing some people who serve Light with an Extraterrestrial Force that will have to be used with impious earthlings. then Lucifer’s subjects who perform charitable activities on Earth implementing the Will of the Great Father God and the order of the Ruler, insert the energy of Lucifer into these individuals. This shows again that the Archintelligent Lucifer does not harm people; his task is to illuminate terrestrial Souls in the process of their doing bad things.
Demon is a Superintelligent inhabitant of the Universe. He is a representative of the Service of Lucifer. He sympathizes with human evil as he has to purify human Souls from this evil. He suffers very much now because people are capable of dirtying their Souls so much. Evil has always existed on Earth but one must learn to coordinate his thoughts and actions no to harm others. Aristotle, the tutor of Alexander the Great, philosopher and scientist, wrote: “Everyone can get mad – it is easy; but not everyone can get mad at those who deserve it to the extent to which they deserve it when they deserve it”.
Magog is one of Lucifer’s assistants who curates evil on Mother Earth. He helps earthlings who go astray and helps them to find the right path in life.
Dagon occupies a high position in the Service of Lucifer. He quickly helps those who wish to walk the path of purity.
Vaala is Satan’s first assistant.
Jeronim performs the same functions as the Devil and is his loyal assistant.
Medihi is a representative of the Forces of Lucifer. Sometimes he calls himself an old Devil not because he possesses Great Power that can harm people but because he is wise with experience and has lived a life 1250 terrestrial years long. He calls himself Devil because he is capable of Great Actions. It is a Superintelligent inhabitant of the Interplanetary Space. He works with the chosen at the Behest of the Creator giving protection and power to fight against the exponents of the Kingdom of Devil. Medihi is a friend of those who serve the Great Forces of Light. Each of the initiated who is entitled to this gets a bit of his Power from him, power given to him by the Creator to protect those who deserve it with an armor in the layers of energy cocoon. Those who serve the Forces of Light shouldn’t be afraid of him. He is a Senior Spirit or Senior Servant in the army of Lucifer. His cosmic position is Lucifer’s Consul.
Magon is the senior research officer in the Service of Lucifer.
Ragedon is a Hierarch in the Service of Lucifer. The Service of Lucifer does not necessarily harm people. Now 90% of the representatives of this Service perform the mission of increasing the intelligence of earthlings. The Great Absolute uses all the methods possible to penetrate into human consciousness. Some people are visited by representatives of the Superintellect, others are visited by representatives of the Archintellect, Supreme Intellect or simply by the Intelligent. But there are people more easily reachable by Lucifer’s servants and they start working with these people on reviving the Spirituality, increasing their intelligence and involving them into the life of the Universe. Ragedon commands Lucifer’s servants. He controls the work they do. As a Servant of Lucifer, Ragedon has the task of penetrating into human Souls through the mind to increase their Spirituality. He is subordinate directly to Lucifer.
Nekmon is the name of a negative Spirit. When he interacts with those who call him gives and reinforces the power of impact on the other person. He dwells in the beyond of Mother Earth – the energy layer of Spirits of Mother Earth which can be defined as the energy channel of Mother Earth more correctly. Mother Earth has energy channels that unite it with Space. This is one of the nearby channels.
Iconatas is the Elite Ruler of Dark Forces; he is subordinate to the Will of Lucifer. The word Elite indicates that he commands not just simple Spirits but the middle layer. Spirits are commanded by Cheteps and Chitons like Forces of Light. The position of the Elite Ruler in the Service of Lucifer is also called Dobrinor; however, it doesn’t mean that the one who occupies it brings good. Iconatas had an encounter (at the telepathic level) with Ekhadata and gave her additional Forces. These are Forces that can be used to remove Dark Forces with one order. In conversation he said the following: “In the Great Cosmos even evil is intelligent and rejoices when a person is perfect. All the inhabitants of the Universe enjoy this fact very much. To be more exact, the kind of evil that works with earthlings uses work and that’s it. To everyone according to his actions and bad terrestrial things. Until all Souls of earthlings are illuminated without exception there will be work for us on Earth. We work on all the planets of the Ninth Spiral of Intelligence, in particular with people. Our work consists in damaging health, temptations, seducing Souls, distracting them from carrying out God’s commandments. But who forces you, earthlings, to accept our proposal? Purify yourselves, be kind, love one another and we will never be able to do you harm. The Great God provides his Beloved Daughter with additional Power and he has ordered Lucifer to share Antidarkness Forces with you. Who can do it better than us? You are right not to fear anything; you are protected by a dense wall of Light”. These are words of one of the Rulers of the Board of the Highest Ruling Ranks of Lucifer.
Mayagor is a remote inhabitant of Space. He is an interplanetary inhabitant who has a very viscous, elastic, heavy energy that crawls into a Soul making all the elevated things unbearable for it. The Soul wants materially-minded things; it wants to do a bad action or say something bad. This is an energy that weighs down and burdens.
Afanadey is Satan’s assistant. Just like Satan, he deals with many problems, including people’s death. Being the left hand of Satan, he works with people, protecting those who deserve being protected and punishing those who don’t deserve being protected. His position is Junior Hierarch. No Messenger of the Universe that goes to fight evil and the darkness of human Souls can have the Power of Lucifer. The Great Forces of Light with the help of all possible methods and ways insert into contactees the power tat will be a solid protection and a silent weapon for those who live on Earth without thinking how much they harm their Mother Earth and the environment. Afanadey is a representative of the Forces of Lucifer who is supposed to accompany a contactee to hand over to him the power he must get to fight evil on the planet Earth. Afanadey inserts into a Messenger of the Universe a special code; all those who carry the negative and won’t listen to the intellect of the one who carries the power of this code will die because the Earth must be purified. And no one should suffer when this happens since purity must come back to Earth. The assistants of Lucifer such as Afanadey will enjoy doing this work because when they fight evil on Earth and destroy it they lose their power and when they help the Forces of Light they multiply their own power. Afanadey inserts an Echo-Sounding Device into the Messenger of the Universe that sends energy impulses to a certain destination. Thanks to these impulses the Universe knows what this individual from the planet Earth represents. After the Echo-Sounding Device is installed the Messenger of the Universe has the right to get help from the Forces of Lucifer anytime. The Echo-Sounding Device shines like a beacon and is a great salvation and protection force. This person stands out on the common background as the one who has entered the Hierarchy of the Forces of Light and the Servants of Father God. This Messenger of the Universe goes into the field of protection from manifestations of any negative forces. Thus, the representatives of Lucifer who work with contactees of Light should not be regarded as creatures from Hell because they carry such a Power that will do good to many people.
Gihard is a servant of Lucifer. He prepares selected earthlings for destruction of Darkness on Mother Earth.
Andramileta is a Servant of the Forces of Lucifer that control the state of brain of people at any given period of time. He is the Ruler of Souls in the circle of Satan.
Catoran is the name of the servant of Dark Forces sent by Lucifer at the Behest of the Absolute as a protector of a Messenger of the Universe from Dark Forces at the moment when the Messenger of the Universe is revealed energetically. The Great Father God grants to the Messenger of the Universe the right to use his Power.
Druar is the name of an abstract Clot of Intelligent guided by the Forces of Lucifer. It gets into a person with an abstract message of an uncertain through of a human. This happens when mechanic impact is executed on people to depress them mentally. This impact is chaotic and the one who is touched by it can always get a certain essence similar to Druar. This essence can also be called a mechanic essence.
Astarot is one of the representatives of the Service of Lucifer. His tasks are the following: to put into a person’s brain false information to lead him to paths of purity. This can be false information about future and in reality this negative information won’t be valid.
Azazel occupies a remarkable place in the Service of Lucifer. His tasks are the following: to control earthlings who start doing bad things. He tries to interfere with bad actions; he keeps people from evil. So he gives a person an opportunity to think over his deed. He is a senior research officer.
Gaborim does the following work in the Service of Lucifer: he helps a person to focus on the bad thing he has done. He helps to control the actions of people. He puts into a person’s brain information about the harm evil can do both to the person who does a bad thing and the person who suffers from it.
Abadon is mentioned in the Blavatskaya Theosophical Dictionary as the Angel of Hell that corresponds to the Greek Appolion. In reality there are no black Angels, Angels of Hell. E.P. Blavatskaya did not interact with the Absolute; she worked with the Supreme Intellect that’s why she did not know these details. In reality Abandon is a common employee of the Service of Lucifer.
Avaddon is one of the Servants of Lucifer who controls certain areas of the planet Earth, in particular the places where much human negative is accumulated, where the unwillingness of human Souls to listen to what they do reaches its peak.
Antichrist – there is no such concept in the Universe. This is a common saying of people and it refers to those people who don’t believe in Christ or express thoughts and do things that contradict to the beliefs of Jesus Christ.
Incubs and Succubs – there are no such essences in the Universe. They are human fantasies, a fruit of the imagination of sexually concerned individuals.
Trolls and Elves are a very soft energy life at the level of the Abstract Intelligent inhabitants who have a place in the House of the Father.
Belfegora – there is no such name in the Service of Lucifer. People invented this name to call the Devil.
Ligant is a position marked with the sign of Darkness. On Mother Earth Ligant curates mean earthlings who harm the Souls of others. Evil forces on Mother Earth are extremely strong. Uniting evil with an immense stupidity very closely, these earthlings accumulate sins in their Souls without knowing that it is strictly prohibited to hurt human Souls and especially those of the envoys of Father God, i.e. Messengers of the Universe on Mother Earth. These earthlings intensely fill their Souls with darkness and Mental pain. Those who pour dirt over purity will bathe in this dirt. The Envoys of Father God, Messengers of the Universe are born on Mother Earth to resurrect the Souls of people who are deep in dirt with the help of time and power given by Father God and extraterrestrial alien lives of Mokayad. Those who bring dirt and darkness should whine because their black time is coming to an end.
Naftsiger is the name of an ordinary officer serving Lucifer. He can come to a contactee to give him Power from two sides. On the one side it is the Power of protection given by the Forces of Light and on the other side it is Protective Power from Lucifer because he loves children who serve Light as mush as the Great God and all the Servants of the Absolute do. Many of those who try to use the Power of Lucifer to harm make a big mistake because in order for this Power to act the Will of the Great Father God is needed. For it was said: “He who raises a sward will bring it down on his own head”. People are punished for all the dark things they do while they are still alive. Every Messenger, Great who serves Light and establishes a connection between the planet Earth and the Greatest Servants of Father God must by all means meet the servants of Lucifer who give part of their Power so that he can be ringed, covered with armor to prevent anyone from harming him.
Valkyries are Cosmic wandering essences that tempt people very often to do bad things. They are interplanetary inhabitants – men and women – who fly into the atmosphere of Earth and their purpose is to tempt masculine Souls to do impious things.
Valeal or Valeam is one of the tempters of humankind. He is a research officer of the institute that studies the degree of human meanness.
Asmodeus is a servant of the Service of Lucifer. His task is to teach earthlings who have lost the right point of reference in life.
Asp is a person who brings darkness or the Essence of the Universe that gives negative to those who deserve it. From the mythological point of view the word Asp can be explained by the fact that a cobra does much harm and can even kill people.
Vampire can be a living individual who carries a negative pole of energy. Some people have a certain concavity – an unevenness in the cocoon – in the region of solar plexus. These people give away their energy. But there are people whose energy cocoon is elongated like a sucking tube. These people constantly need to replenish their energy at the expense of others. They are energy vampires. Vampires that suck the blood of people do not exist – these are legends. Sometimes mentally ill people can try to use the body of their victim. All cases of physical vampirism are only mental diseases of people.
Avern – this essence can be considered a servant of darkness of the irrationality of human behavior. It is a small dark energy clot generated by a subject’s mental activity.
Sin is an action performed by the physical essence of a person who does not listen to his consciouness, i.e. the voice of Intelligence of his Soul. Sin in a thought is like an action. A thought goes away, whereas a sin as an action remains. Man can do this action deliberately or unconsciously, materially or spiritually. The one who does it deliberately is more responsible.
Infernal World – the word infernal should be understood as the one that carries the negative it its essence formed both by abstract filling of Mother Earth and individual filling through the essence – a carrier of material body that does negative things, actions and thoughts aimed at itself and other earthlings. Infernal World of Mother Earth has five levels of power and intellect for contact and influence on the mind of certain earthlings or inhabitants of Earth:
The First Level are alien lives that do not have power and right to leave the atmosphere of Mother Earth because of the dirtiness and weight of their bodies.
The Second Level are Teiudas – carriers of dirt and negative of their owners.
The Third Level is the Abstract Intelligent life that gets the negative from the places of negative ejection on Mother Earth (geopathogenic zones).
The Forth Level are mental forms of the forces of the so-called witches and magicians. These useless earthlings use their forces given by Father God to influence people with the purpose of implementing their will. The mental forms are temporary and have an energy body with the content created by the sender’s mental activity.
The Fifth Level are night creatures of people who carry enough negative and whose Soul’s body is dark. This is the strongest life of the Infernal World; it can often perform its mission aimed at its owners, causes their nervous breakdown. The clots of dark energies are accumulated near a person or inside a person so intensely that he can even hear his own thoughts. These thoughts can (we repeat once again) and often perform their mission aimed at its owners, causes their nervous breakdown.
Cabbala is Lucifer’s teaching. He gave it to Moses to destroy it with darkness. But those who got hold of this teaching started using it for bad purposes, which harmed the life of Mother Earth very much. At the present stage the power of Cabbala is weak, which means that those who use it now achieve almost no results. Now it’s much ado about nothing.
Basilisk is an inhabitant of the planet Adonatamus. He is not alone; there are many such essences there. Basilisk manifests his power when an individual is tempted or the temptation has already made him do a very negative thing to other earthlings. If Demon (Demon is a typically terrestrial, mythological concept. Lucifer does not have such a servant. In the Universal language this word corresponds to an energy lightning, energy Intellect – Clot that carries a compromising matter. This lightning acts very quickly, it comes very close and sometimes it pierces the energy cocoon of a person. It brings temptation. In the Universal language they are called Crouglies) as an energy arrow comes with a temptation to anyone who can succumb to this temptation, and it is a great joy for them if they manage to overcome it, Basilisk acts in a different way. It is an Essence that starts cunningly and slowly influencing the person who has sinned and finishes what Crouglies started. If Demon (Crouglies) comes and goes and the person can change his mind, when he does not change his mind and waits for Basilisk to arrive he finds himself deep in sin; he will be sinful by all means. Prayers, in particular “Alive in Help”, help those who want to prevent sin, but if a person says prayers and keeps on doing bad things, no prayer will be able to save him from Basilisk.
Vanderzul comes to people who are ready to interact with Dark Forces and use them to gain good and benefits for themselves. Vanderzul can be any subject of the Service of Lucifer. When he comes he starts processing a stupid mind. When we say – Vanderzul has come to you – it means that you cannot say that you strive for high, pure concepts of the Illuminated God. The High Intellect will not interact with Dark Forces to use them for his personal interests.
Witch is an ancient word that carries the notion of hurting a person. People often associate this concept with dark forces. In reality the Universe sent his ability to the inhabitants of Earth to make their life a bit happier but since something did not work on Earth from the creation of people by the Great God and people did not want to go the path of illumination, elevation and physical self-perfection, some people who had the abilities to make the life of an average person happier started using their excessive power to harm. As a Universal concept, a witch does not carry any particular evil. She can be foolish, sometimes she can predict a silly thing; these predictions are hardly ever true. Healers possess more serious knowledge and power.
Many Servants of Lucifer have been assigned the task of increasing the level of human Spirituality through the mind. P. Buast wrote the following about the people who have darkened the plan of their Souls: “A base Soul full of pride is but a fermenting dirt”.
The English writer, philosopher, theologian, musician and painter Samuel Butler was convinced that all peoples like their evil forces secretly. Deuce is the most popular evil force for earthlings. Hans Christian Andersen was not completely right in saying the following: “Ink and publishing are the most dangerous weapons against deuce: sooner or later they will destroy it”. In the Universe and in the Hierarchy Staircase of Lucifer there is no such notion as deuce. This concept is typically terrestrial and it means “the one who brings blackness”. If we regard the word demon (we already talked about) as “the one who brings madness” to people, we can say that a demon that has been instilled in a black human life as an alien Soul full of darkness is a deuce for this life.
After a brief information on the Forces that are more or less connected with the negative it’s time to describe the Hell. We are not going to take the liberty of stating that the information on Hell provided is true and first-hand. It is too early for people to know true information about the Hell. Nevertheless, the data we provide are not invented; they have been received during interactions with different exponents of the Universe.
The Soviet Encyclopaedia (Moscow, 1982) contains the following definition of Hell: “Hell (from the Greek Hades – underworld) according to most religions is a place where Souls of sinners destined for eternal suffering are”.
In the first volume of the Ukrainian Soviet Encyclopaedia (Kiev, 1988) another phrase was added to the above-mentioned definition: “The myth of Hell is used by the religion as one of the methods to intimidate believers”.
In the Illustrated Complete Popular Biblical Archimandrite Nikifor Encyclopaedia (Moscow, 1981) we can read the following: “Hell, which derives from Greek, means a place without light. The Christian teaching understands it as a spiritual prison, i.e. a condition of spirits that cannot see God and light and blessing that accompany God because of sins”.
From the Universal point of view the word HELL (AD in Russian) is an abbreviation of the name of the planet Adonatamus where Souls are cleaned of negative human behavior when the intellect of the brain did not accept the demands of the intellect of Soul.
Irina Bahtina in the newspaper “IKS-BLOK” issue No 12, 2003, writes the following about Hell: “It is clear that the afterlife was designed to resemble this world. In the primitive Polynesian cultures men who died single were devoured by the mistress of the afterlife Miru. Obviously marriage was not very popular in the Polynesian society as they had to invent such a terrible story to intimidate innocent souls”.
In the bureaucratic Chinese hell there were 10 courts; each of them had 16 rooms for punishment and many devils that helped to determine where a sinner had to go.
The Muslims call the place of future punishment of sinners and infidels jahannam. The main torture practiced there is burning fire. Sinners are tied with chains and dressed in resin. They will have to face incredible tortures. “We will burn them in fire! Each time their skin burns we will replace it with new skin so that they can be punished again”. Sinners have to eat the fruits of the infernal tree zakkum that resemble “the heads of shaitans”, drink a beverage that “cuts their internal organs” or purulent water: “He sips it but as soon as he swallows it death comes to him from everywhere yet he is not dead”. In between the fiery tortures the inhabitants of jahannam will suffer from terrible hunger. Jahannam is guarded by 19 angels (malaika).
This sinister place is either in the belly of an animal “ready to burst with rage” or in a deep abyss with seven gates.
The Hell in the “Apocalypse” of Peter is quite material, too: “I saw murderers and their accomplices thrown into a gorge full of furious beasts; those beasts bit them and they were twisting with pain and they were covered with worms like with clouds of darkness. And the souls of those who had been killed observed the punishment and said: “God, your judgement is just”. I saw another gorge nearby where blood and sewage of the punished flew forming a lake. There were women in blood up to the neck and many children were sitting and crying in opposite them – they were children born prematurely; they were emitting rays of fire and hitting the women’s eyes. They were women who had conceived before marriage and expelled the fetus”.
However, all these terrible images were later rejected by the official church. The excessively material “Apocalypse” of Peter was completely denied.
Nowadays most modern Christian theologians preach that Hell is not a chamber of tortures but an eternal separation from God.
Now let’s talk a little about the Hell based on the information at our disposal.
Adonatamus is a planet that is an approximate copy of Archintelligent planets. It is an energetically dense planet in a universe of non-material origin, an extremely powerful clot of energy. It has a very low heavy Energy – Intellect aimed at processing the negative of sinful human Souls. It is situated in the middle layers of the atmosphere of Earth. We would like to say at once that it is not the planet Adonatamus itself that is located in the middle layers of the atmosphere of Earth but its affiliate, a small enterprise so to say. We’ll call this small enterprise Residence. It is located halfway from the place of merging of the atmosphere of Earth and Space. It’s obvious that such position is very convenient: no human Soul will pass by this Residence and, not to lose any conquered Soul, the black fraternity brands these Souls. Brand is a shining line along the clot of the energy of Soul. This Soul finds itself in the Purgatory and goes to the planet Adonatamus at once.
The doors of Adonatamus are open. At the entrance there is a guardian who keeps the order. Then there is a narrow corridor with steps. At the end of the corridor there is a free vast area called Carrier of Destiny of an earthling’s Soul. Here Souls are distributed for purification. Each Soul gets a concrete content of purifying work: term, time, place in the Purgatory of Adonatamus and the further destiny of the Soul. Here the Soul knows everything about its future. Having got specific information, the Soul is sent to the assigned dwelling place accompanied by the servants of the Purgatory. Here the Soul’s pain begins; it starts to be cleaned of sins. Sins are divided into several kinds. According to the level of sins, the Souls are placed into certain so-called purifying containers – wells. There are many such purifying wells or circles of Hell. The circles of Hell contain seven checkpoints that control their work. Servants of Satan enter the checkpoints. The circles are very close to one another; they are layers placed one on top of another. We’d like to reiterate that the souls of the souls of the purification works are placed in circles strictly according to the degree of sins committed. Even the tiniest details of sinfulness are taken into consideration. The circles of Hell can be called stinking bosoms – sacks. All the bosoms-sacks are filled with powerful consumer forces that process the energy-intellect of a person into an accumulative and healing energy of the power of evil carriers. Adonatamus is a base for Souls purification. Besides individual energies for each Soul, there are common energies washing away all the dirt that comes out of any given Soul. In this flow those Souls are burnt that will never live again, i.e. Souls are eliminated.
The first sack can seem paradise compared with the others. In this sack the Souls of people who have committed a crime unconsciously are destined for suffering. According to the increase in the sinfulness of a Soul, it is put into the bosoms-sacks consecutively upwards to the Residence of Lucifer. The main Lucifer’s Residence is on the pole of the planet whose axis faces the Universal Intellect.
The dark force subordinate to Lucifer enjoys the removal of energy from sinful Souls every day and every night in each sack. In every sack a great work is done to remember the past mistakes and all the sins committed and Souls are shaken for their sins and it’s better not to be there. The servants of Lucifer affect the mind of Souls passively, choosing from the owners’ memory the most serious actions and making the Souls tremble and relive each bad action in an amplified version. The human Souls that have managed to ascend to a higher level of development with the help of intellect, have understood the objectives and tasks of Lucifer become his assistants not only in the stinking bosoms-sacks but they also get a permission to replenish their energy from living people who are inclined towards the dark plan in their Souls as well as from those who get the forces of the living having the conviction and who sold their Souls to serve the Devil during their lifetime on Earth. These are cases of jinx and evil eye when either the Soul of a dead earthling heavy with sins or an energy double-malefactor sticks to the energy cocoon of a healthy person and starts drinking the person’s energies causing diseases of internal organs and even malignant tumors. The entire body is exhausted and they say that the person fades away.
On the circles there are sections (several) where the pain of a Soul caused by the purifying energies goes. From time to time as the sections are cleaned with pure energies coming from the storeroom of Mother Earth. Being purified the Soul knows what sin it suffers for. Before the purification the Souls is informed about what sin will be washed away. Souls suffer and agonize because of the negligence of their owners. Less dirty Souls are in the upper ring (circle) of the well; dirtier Souls are lower and so on according to the degree of dirtiness. The lowest circle on the bottom of the well purifies and the work can end with the burning of a Soul. Here there are Souls of murderers, criminals, drug addicts, alcoholics, mental patients, suicides, drowned men, libertines etc., that is Souls that have accumulated many sins. Each circle of the purifying well is always controlled by a guardian. A Soul that suffers much can ask the guardian for a short break to relieve the pain. The permission is given by Lucifer.
The movement of Soul along the purifying circle is clockwise like all the life in the Universe. If the Soul slows down, it means that it aches very much. It can have a short break.
Souls are treated with much attention and warmth in the Purgatory; the servants try to relieve the painful condition as much as possible if there is Lucifer’s Will for this.
In Adonatamus there is the law of non-violence towards a Soul. A Soul suffers only from the pain it has accumulated itself in the physical body on Mother Earth, i.e. sinful pain that must be worked off.
Energies of purity from the Storeroom of Mother Earth go to the Purgatory of Hell for initial purifying works. Then the Cosmos gives energies of subtler purity for complete purification of the Soul. When Souls are cleaned of dirt, the servants of Adonatamus send them to the House of Father God. At the exit from Adonatamus a Guardian Angel waits for a purified Soul and accompanies it to House of Father God. We want to name some Hell servants:
- Mamon is a representative of a guardian in the circles of Hell;
- Velial observes Souls in Adonatamus;
- Rimmon is authorized to control the work in Adonatamus;
- Tamus has the same function as Rimmon.
It wouldn’t hurt to interpret some mythical protagonists described by Dante and other writers:
- Cerberus can almost be considered an alien life;
- Fauns and satyrs are a terrestrial invention;
- Tartarus is a human fantasy about the place where darkened Souls are;
- Figeton is a connection to dark forces that lead to deviations from the norms of mental health;
- Charon symbolizes the transition of a Soul from the physical body into the energy of Mokayad;
- Bog of Stigiya is an energy negative that swallows pure energies of earthlings who follow the path of rejection of purity through their negative thinking and behavior.
The planet Adonatamus is inhabited by Rulers of the Service of Lucifer who have to control the actions of people and by the Souls that serve the inhabitants of this planet. The services on Adonatamus are provided by the Souls that are punished for their sins. After purification and work on the planet Adonatamus they go to the planets of the Sixth Spiral of Intelligence or are reinserted. Lucifer cannot let these Souls remain his servants forever because there is no direct passage to the human body from the planet Adonatamus. After the Hell Souls must visit the planets of the Sixth Spiral of Intelligence and replenish their energy by all means. If Father God wants, these Souls can be sent from the planets of the Sixth Spiral of Intelligence to carry out Lucifer’s tasks. On the planets where Souls serve their time they carry seducing and punishing missions. These Souls do a great job with earthlings. If after a certain darkening a person is not seduced again and tries to correct the previous mistake, the Soul that works with him will enjoy it most. The Souls that live on Adonatamus and suffer to realize their sins don’t work with people. They are not capable of it.
The purer terrestrial Souls are, the fewer negative forces are used at any given moment near the Earth. To conclude the story about Hell we want to emphasize that in Space Adonatamus occupies a very special place because the process of Souls salvation takes place there, Creatures of Father God that are sinful because of their owners. At the Behest of Father God Space sends purest energies to Adonatamus to restore the purity of Souls. Energies that come are of various degree of purity since the condition of Souls is different. The responsible for the energy supply is the Angel from the House of Father God. He makes sure that energies are supplied and distributed on time. Used energies go to the Black Cosmos (Negative Field).
According to a plan, Souls at the Behest of Father God are inserted from the planets of the Sixth Spiral of Intelligence into earthlings who are born. And it does not depend on Lucifer and God whether these Souls will acquire purity in the next physical body. The individual must improve himself. People in whom a Soul that has gone through Hell is inserted can be either good or bad. A Soul inserted into a physical body-carrier knows that it has to be purified and if the Mental of this physical body does not agree the aactions with the Soul’s urges, the latter is darkened again. Then this Soul at the Behest of Father God leaves the physical body and goes to Adonatamus accompanied by a Guardian Angel. In Adonatamus at a Council of Servants it is decided if the Soul can stay for purification. There are Souls that must be destroyed. They are sent to the Teluta of Mother Earth and after a certain period of time when they have undergone suffering without purification they are destroyed. It concerns the Souls that cannot be purified and are not suitable for reincarnation.
A sinful Soul feels always uncomfortable on Mother Earth. This Souls wants to go where there is evil on Earth. It is in a current of evil. We are talking about the sinful Souls that are heavy with sins and could not go up to the Purgatory and separate themselves from the Body of Earth. For such a Soul there are cases of salvation when a current of evil carries it into the physical body of a living earthling. Having received such a chance of salvation, this Soul in the physical body carries out a positive function; it informs the person who lives on Earth that it is necessary to think about his life in connection with the deterioration of his condition. The person must start analyzing strange symptoms of his illness and try to understand the reason for it. In this case the sinful Soul performs a teaching work. Later it will be rewarded for this; it will be sent to be purified in a pure environment of energies. The alien life taken out of the physical body an earthling is sent to Teteya.
If necessary, purification works with a Soul in Adonatamus are repeated till the walls of the Soul are completely pure again. After finding itself in Adonatamus, a Soul starts crying in the full sense of this word. Because of pure energies supplied from the pure storerooms of Mother Earth. The Soul becomes so helpless that it can be compared to a newborn crying baby. But unlike the baby it understands what is happening to it; it sees every its sin, understands its incorrect action during the life in the physical body on Mother Earth. It hurts very much; the Soul suffers and agonizes receiving energies of purity. The Intellect of Soul works clearly and vigorously giving instructive lessons to the Soul.
The following information can be transmitted to people from the general field of suffering of Souls in Adonatamus: “People, wake up! Protect your Souls; prevent them from suffering so terribly. Souls in Adonatamus ache so much that this pain cannot be compared to pain on Earth. Protect your Souls from evil”. These words are said to earthlings by the Archintelligent God Nefchucht.
In the magazine “NLO” (UFO) issue No 21 of May 23, 2005, in the article “Where is Heaven?” (page 4) Aleksandr Potapov writes: “A few years ago a special classified information was kept in the NASA. On August 9, 1973, from the spaceship “Skylab-2” the astronauts sent a message that shocked all the employees of the US Laboratory of Space Research. It said: “The hell is in the middle of the Sun. We see the dead burn. We see hell”. The connection was interrupted for a few seconds and then the astronauts kept sending ordinary information from space as if they had never sent the sensational message. The NASA specialists denied all the rumors about this event for 16 years. But in 1985 the American magazine “World Science” revealed the secret. The incredible message of the “Skylab-2” crew was published.
In August 1973 the astronauts onboard the spaceship were researching solar flashes with the help of a spectroheliograph that recorded all the changes on a film. During this observation there was a very powerful explosion on the Sun. A pillar of helium burst 800 thousand kilometers upwards from the depth of the fireball. And suddenly the astonished observers the liquid flow of gas stiffened. For 70 seconds the device recorded the horrible vision: on this fiery pillar hundreds of thousand human faces exhausted by tortures in the eternal fire appeared. At first the astronauts thought that it was a hallucination but the faces were very distinct. The astronauts saw the thing that does not exist in the opinion of atheists – hell.
Ten years after this sensational news some American periodicals told the readers about one more fantastic event. Using a special equipment and a telescope for observations in the infrared light, the NASA researchers filmed a strange phenomenon: ghosts of dead people and animals soared in open space. This event caused drastic disagreement among exponents of the official science, parapsychologists and clerics. But everyone agreed on the following: the photo was authentic!
One of the members of the official commission of experts stated: “We have long known about the existence of ghosts. In May 1993 we managed to see these creatures in space with the help of the Hubble Telescope. However, the NASA directors and the government decided to classify this information until it would be possible to explain to people what these shimmering human-like formations are”.
The first pictures of the unknown were made by scientists while they were researching the impact of the Sun on the Pluto. In the photographs one could clearly see many shining human bodies. The opinion of scientists regarding this varied.
Pedro Garcia, a theologian from Spain, thinks: “This part of the Universe is a purgatory – a place between heaven and hell. Here the Souls of the dead expect to be judged for the thing they have done on Earth”.
A famous American physicist who wanted to remain unknown said: “These forms are the result of electric impulses – the real essence of life that has no beginning and no end. When people die the electricity from the body goes into space. That’s it”.
The author of 11 books on extraterrestrial civilizations Doctor Alan de Volier made a conclusion that the forms seen in the pictures are extraterrestrial creatures.
What was filmed by the American astronauts in reality? The explanation is given by the Archintelligent God, Ruler of the Moon Khach: “The Sun is a Mother that purifies the Souls that are supposed to serve as the alien Manna from Heaven (these are pure Angelic Souls). There is no Souls’ burning. And of course the Sun is no Hell. As for the second news regarding ghosts of dead people filmed with special equipment and a telescope, you should know that all the Universe and especially the House of Father God (Teteya) are full of energy life. Human Souls are exact copies of their physical carriers. Animal Souls are exact copies of their physical carriers, too. It would be incorrect to call these energy forms ghosts. They are not phantoms; they are an energy lifeform with intellect and vision that can read telepathic information from any source and possesses knowledge about both the Universe and Mother Earth and its inhabitants. This life is abstracted from emotions. It lives in a close contact with the Mother of Wisdom. In essence a Soul is an Energy Intellect – a tiny particle of the body of the Great Father God, the Ruler of the Universe”.

Let’s define some concepts people consider evil forces.
Vurdalak is a typically terrestrial notion that does not correspond to reality completely. For example, E.P. Blavatskaya in her dictionary gives the following definition: “… a corpse revived by its base principles that preserves inside a kind of semilife and leaves its tomb at night, enchants its living victims and sucks their blood”. In this sense a Vurdalak does not exist. This word can be literally translated as “resurrected from decay”. And it is quite possible. This is a very rare phenomenon and many forces of the Universe must be applied to make it happen. On Earth this concept is more fairy-tale like because such phenomena did not take place during the life of many generations of people. This concept should not be confused with the notion of zombie since the latter is a material object of a former earthling artificially revived for temporary existence, whereas a Vurdalak is an energy form materialized almost from decay to be visible.
Buk is a position of an essence that is a clot of the Abstract Intellect guided by the Forces of Lucifer and that collects evil on Earth in a sack. It is not a source of evil, it is its consequence.
House-spirit. In the World Mythology Dictionary, Nizhniy Novgorod, 1997, there is the following information: “In the myths of the Eastern Slavs a house-spirit was a man who often resembled the owner of the house or a small old man with a face covered in white fir etc. it is closely associated with the house welfare, especially with cattle: the health of livestock depended on its bad or good attitude. There were two kinds of house-spirits – a house-dweller that lived in the house usually in a corner behind an oven where trash had to be thrown so that “the house-spirit would not disappear” (it was also called good dweller, good wisher, feeder, good neighbor) and yard-dweller that often tormented animals. A house-spirit often was close to evil spirits. It was though to be able to turn into a cat, a dog, a cow, sometimes a snake, a rat or a frog. People who died without communion could become house-spirits. Sacrifices for the house-spirit (a little food etc.) were brought to the cattle-shed where it usually lived”. The Dictionary of Russian Superstitions, Spells, Omens and Beliefs published in Nizhniy Novgorod in 1995 contains the following addition: “At the holiday of EFREM SIRIN (10 February) the house-spirit is fed with a porridge left for it. The pot is surrounded with hot carbons. At midnight the owner appears from under the oven and had supper. Ever since he is obedient and obliging all year long”.
A house-spirit is kinder than the rest of evil forces. It denied Stan; as people say, it left the devil but it did not get attached to people.
A house-spirit is not mean; it is a peculiar mischief-maker. If it like someone or his house, it will serve them like a slave. And if it dislikes someone, it will make him leave his house and even die.
A house-spirit like all evil forces wanders only at night especially before dawn but unlike others it is not afraid of the first call of a cock.
When the owners are lazy and careless the house-spirit helps the household to deteriorate, torments the people by kicking them out bed at night or pressing them almost till death.
If people are on friendly terms with their house-spirit they should not leave it: when moving to a new house they should scratch under the threshold, collect trash into a scoop and spread it in the new house. The “owner” will find a new place with this trash.
During the house-warming a pot of porridge must be brought to it and it must be said with all due respect: “Grandfather house-spirit, go out. Come to live with us!”. If the house-spirit is not called to the new house, it will find the house itself but then it starts doing bad things out of spite. If a house-spirit looking like a gray smoky cat presses on the chest of a sleeping person at night, the person must quickly ask: “For good or for bad?”. And it will answer with human voice but in a low voice like a wind rustling in leaves.
If it strokes with a furry hand – there will be richness, if it strokes with a warm hand – there will good in general, if it strokes with a cold or rough hand like a brush – there will evil. A house-spirit often pinches at night, leaving bruises that don’t hurt. A house-spirit beats and bustles at night trying to make the owner leave the house.
The worst sign is to see a house-spirit in a hat. If a house-spirit cries, there will be a dead man. If it pours water over someone at night, the person will fall ill. If a great and sudden evil is coming, a house-spirit informs about it by making dogs dig pits in the middle of the yard and howl so that the entire village can hear. To reconcile with an angry house-spirit one should put a pack of tobacco under the oven that the house-spirit likes very much or make any other little present: a colorful patch, a piece of bread. To see a house-spirit is a bad sign, it foretells death. To call a house-spirit, one should say at Easter night: “Owner, appear before me like a leaf before grass: neither black nor green, like I am; I have brought a beautiful egg for you” and it will appear.
People say such things about a house-spirit. But does it really exist? What do the Great Teachers of the Universe think of it?
House-spirit is an energy essence that can be materialized to be visible but not distinctly. It can be materialized as a person or an animal. Its materialization is always caused by the need to draw attention to itself. It is an energy essence of cosmic origin; an energy intellect of a low level that has access to human feelings, events, can foresee events and sense coming troubles. The energy essence starts living in the house it likes the most as far as the energy component is concerned. It is always invisible in this house but when the energy coloring changes in this house – it can be connected with troubles, quarrels or a coming danger – the house-spirit starts being indignant and wants to show that he must go back to the initial energy condition. Sometimes, very seldom, house-spirits leave the house because there is an energy disagreement in the family and the situation is tense and those who live in this house do not want to listen to them. A house-spirit can perform actions, draw attention with energy touches, it can create energy burden on the body to attract attention, it can move objects by reinforcing its energy, drop a frying-pan, pour water from a glass; but the latter happens rarely because water can harm it. Blessed water replenishes its energy and ordinary water brings trouble because of its physical content.
House-spirits are friends of people, they help people as best they can by purifying the negative of strangers. People must tell them “Thank you very much”. People should greet them in the morning and say good night in the evening and thank house-spirits for living in the house as it is a blessing for a family when a house-spirit lives in the house.
Unfortunately, they don’t live in all families. There are many reasons why house-spirits do not settle in certain houses. Firstly, there are families that don’t need purification of energy and help of a house-spirit. It has nothing to do there. In these families there is energy comfort although from time to time little scandals happen – they are superficial, reasonable and do not affect human essences. In these cases a house-spirit does not need settle there. But where there is frequent energy misbalance in a family people should try to understand if they have a house-spirit. And even if there is no house-spirit in such families, a periodic energy check takes place there: energy essences come there – often they are the human Souls that protect this individual; they are called Angels on the planet Earth.
Where do house-spirits come from, who is their owner? We asked the Superintelligent Theophan, Universal Curator of the Forces of Purification who has the advisory vote in the Absolute, to answer this question. Theophan is a Planetary God from the energy planet Freella who collects energy negative with the purpose of processing it into Abstract-Intellect, Material for Creation.
Theophan said the following: “The daily terrestrial volume of dirt absorbed and collected by our servants of the Dark Space is very large. It is right that earthlings occupy the Ninth Spiral of Intelligence. Such dirt, darkness and slime cannot be collected anywhere else. I, Theophan, at the Behest of Father God was called to be the Ruler of the planet Freella, one of the planets that does an important work that requires much responsibility – processing of the negative. We have our servants on Mother Earth – house-spirits – that do not only protect houses from negative influence but also collect data on what happens. They are special energy inhabitants in people’s houses. Working as purifiers, they collect all the dirt of thoughts and actions of their owners. The collected dirt is sealed in energy capsules and early in the morning is sent to a spaceship. The spaceship is invisible for earthlings. When it is overcast, clots of gray fog can be seen over houses. When the weather is sunny, this negative cannot be seen. The collection of negative takes place in the evening; its flow is similar to the morning one. House-spirits are coordinators in houses. Performing the functions given to them by Father God, they carry out their mission on Mother Earth. They organize the atmosphere in the house. If those who live in the house take care of their relatives and observe the Laws of God more or less, they will always get support and protection from house-spirits. If the owners are not initiated into the Postulates of God and live deficiently harming themselves and the society (soiling both their Souls and the Souls of those who are near) bringing darkness to those who are around, they are punished by house-spirits with worsening of their living conditions. Threads of connection with the Universe are torn and the Souls is so grounded that it is very hard to clean it. House-spirits do good by helping earthlings and indicating their mistakes. They build a chain of tests trying to help the person to overcome them. They are friends and assistants for good people”.
Now we’d like to quickly share our knowledge about number 13. Number 13 is a bad number as it is no matter what day of the week it is. It carries an unpleasant sense and the fact of action because it provides Lucifer with an opportunity to send most of its servants to Earth on the 13th of any month.

The web site of the Center for Cosmos Connection received a letter asking for an explanation of the following: “The editor of the newspaper “Doktor Nostradamus” got a letter. The anonymous author pointed out that very many young women have died in Minsk recently. They die of different diseases but all the illnesses last very little”.
“I am speaking about the death of those women, - writes the anonymous author, - whose funerals were visited by a suspicious person in black. She always stays away from the funeral group and her eyes cannot be seen because of a babushka that covers them. When everyone leaves the cemetery she comes to the grave, bends over the head and makes strange moves. And it is repeated every time!”
A journalist from the newspaper decided to check if the fact described in the letter was real. Following is his report:
“Trying to remain unnoticed, I watched her. Everything was going on according to the description in the letter. She stood far from the relatives and friends of the dead woman and did not seem to look in their direction. Judging by the figure, she was neither a crouched old lady nor a young woman. Anyway, she used to be quite slender. And now it was fat and motionless as a statue. Those who were present could hardly notice her.
The wreaths had been placed and the cemetery worker was busy cutting the flower stems with a shovel to keep tramps from stealing them. The funeral group got into a bus. As the letter said, she approached the fresh grave and bent over the head. I came out of my hiding place and went to her decisively. She seemed to have sensed me coming and started walking away. She stood up and turned away. I hurried after her and even tried to look her in the face. She kept on walking and managed to turn away.
- Excuse me, have you buried a relative, - asked I without stopping. And I heard her voice and it was strange but it seemed familiar and kind to me.
- I know who you are, don’t pretend.
- You didn’t answer my question.
- You know the answer as well as I do.
We were walking past graves and I did not know how to continue the conversation. At last I took courage.
- Do you often visit funerals?
- It doesn’t matter.
- Tell me.
- It does not depend only on me.
- On who else?
I heard in her voice the intonation that made my hair stand on end. Nevertheless, I found the strength to ask:
- Why did you approach the grave?
- A finishing point must be put in each job, - concluded she.
- You mean funerals are your job?
- Funeral? – she turned around for a moment and I saw her contemptuous smile. – They do not pay me for the funeral.
I could not keep up with her and concentrate.
- Who pays?
She paused and turned to me. I think I started swaying because of her look.
- It could be even you should it be necessary. By the way, it seems that you divorced your wife, right?
I was petrified, yes... she was informed... But what does it have to do with my divorce? And then I remembered words from the anonymous letter: “Be careful. As a rule, she comes to the funeral of young women who have been abandoned by their husbands”.
She was leaving; I started following her, staggering.
She went out of the gate and headed for a light Zhiguli; I noticed a young blond man at the wheel. I was approaching them. She rolled down the window.
- You will get a phone call...
The car started moving. I went to my car, sat down at the wheel and realized I had no forces for a chase.
I had read about extrasensory individuals in the newspaper – murderers who do their terrible job for money. But I took all this information with mistrust and considered the stories about modern witches to be nonsense.
“The bells in the apartment rings; you open the door and see no one and thirty minutes later you are in bed with an incurable illness”.
- Would you like to continue getting acquainted? - the same empty voice said in the receiver.
- Only as a journalist, - I managed to say.
- At the same price.
- I promise, no addresses and last names, - I kept on insisting.
- No, - the receiver answered roughly. And we suggest that you abstain from coming to the cemetery when young women are buried there.
- I will think it over, - I got mad and hung up”.

The Archintelligent God Nefchucht gives the following explanation of this phenomenon: “Some earthlings have very powerful negative energy. They can cause Ukhozhat of a victim they choose by sending this energy with rage into the victim. This work is usually done by magicians extrasensory individuals who study all the tricks of black magic and use these tricks to achieve their goals. These magicians include wizards, witches, fortunetellers and all negative contactees with a low level of contacts. They must visit cemeteries periodically to feed on the energies of the Souls of dead people.
The Soul of a dead man for some time (this time varies from person to person) stays near the physical body saying good-bye to it. When the Souls says good-bye it gives away a powerful current of energy as if it thanked its physical carrier for the house it has lived in. These energies are soft, warm and tender. Magicians need them to improve their health. Besides, the Souls that come to say good-bye to the owner provide energy help to the earthlings who need it most and are in the cemetery then. Magicians know it and use this help. Soul performs a Cosmic mission: to give warmth to the one who does not have it hoping that the person’s heart will soften and maybe he will try to go the path of purity”.
The planet Adonatamus waits for the Souls of those who dies bad things. On Adonatamus there is so much love for Souls that sinners feel it as a thin tight string emitting a sharp sad sound and this sound, this pain of the surrounding love turns human Souls inside out. Sinners see all their sin at this time. Energy Granules that recorded all the past events come inversely one after another and a sinner relives all the moments of the past life again.
A. Melnikov from Perm writes: “Not everyone wants to believe in what happens in the room of a dying person. My grandfather’s death was unexpected for me. I live alone in a wooden house. I don’t have much money and I did not organize a commemoration for the dead. The grandfather’s life was mysterious that’s why I had reasons to suspect that he was a magician. One night I saw a blue light in the window of my grandfather’s house. I thought it was a fire and entered the house through the back door. It was dark and silent in the house. I stood still and listened. All of a sudden I heard muffled groans from the bed where my grandfather had died. I was dizzy. The groans pressed from all the corners. I looked at the bed – it was empty. In the morning I looked a mirror and saw that my hair was gray”.
The grandfather was really a contactee, practices magic. An Energy Double whose unsatisfied essence was struggling in the net of live energy remained in the house. Hence the voice and the light of the Energy Double. This story is true.
The Russian and Ukrainian language and literature teacher, school director, author of works on the theory and methodology of children’s education, Ukrainian teacher Vasiliy Aleksandrovich Suhomlinskiy who taught that evil must be opposed. Evil is intolerable. To tolerate evil means to become an immoral person.
Munuta is the Mother of Darkness as it is called in Mokayad. Dark Forces are a necessary phenomenon like Forces of Light. In the Universe it is impossible to reach perfection without struggle of opposites. For the beautiful to be perfect it must have an opposite because it is impossible to go forward and up far away without overcoming obstacles. The beautiful will become dead at once. Many words in the Universe have reached perfection in this struggle. The Forces of Munuta sleep in the Worlds of the Universe but perfection always feels the presence of Dark Forces and becomes more perfect to keep darkness from defiling its purity. A few lives in the Universe have accepted as a dogma the use of Dark Forces for their work. Mother Earth is among them; it carries individuals who try with their force and are unaware that their false salvation harms human Souls very much. Munuta is an energy with a Colossal Power. It is controlled by Father God and Amadeus. Munuta is an Energy Intelligent layer with a negative inclination. One should know that Munuta does not enjoy Her Power being used. The Servants of the Mother of Darkness are called Munutas.
Despite the opinion of the ancient Egyptians who thought that a tongue-tied person could not be transformed into an eloquent person, a lazy person could not be transformed into a diligent person, an ignorant person could not be transformed into a wise person, a silly person could not be transformed into an intelligent person, we must always remind to those who are near that man is nor a pig and when he sees dirt he mustn’t bathe in it – he must avoid it.


We begin this lecture dedicated to Soul with a discussion of an article by Yeremey Parnov "Destinies of Living Gods" published in the newspaper "Tainaya Vlast", issue No 23, 2001. The article says that the Supreme spiritual hierarchs of Tibet don't die. Instead of leaving this world forever and going to the mystical nirvana, their Souls are reincarnated in other bodies and continue spreading the light of Buddhism for the welfare of people. When the time comes for the Soul to leave the physical carrier, the high lama already knows where and when he is destined to be reincarnated to continue his holy mission. In Tibet such spiritual people are called rinpoche which means "great jewel". Every successive lama is a reincarnation of his predecessor. Y. Parnov writes, "In the beginning new lamas were elected by throwing dices. But this custom didn't last long: hierarchy cannot rely on chance. And the selection process was entrusted to a board of supreme lamas. Candidates aspiring to become a living god started to be tested in different ways and instructions of a recently deceased saint were followed as well. And the saint would leave a message shortly before his death telling where to look for his reincarnation. Before searching for the new head of Tibet the supreme lamas consulted astrologers who told them when and where the next reincarnation of Dalai Lama would happen. The child was recognized thanks to many signs: strange events that accompanied his birth, strange behavior during his childhood etc. This procedure started three years after the death of the reincarnated lama. In the meantime lists with the names of children who could potentially be his reincarnations were prepared. When it was time to select the Dalai Lama the list was sent to the regent beforehand. After all the names had been discussed, the paper strips with candidates' names and strips with the words "yes" and "no" written on them were rolled up into small balls of barley flour. These small balls were put into a golden urn that was placed on the altar of the main sanctuary - Lhasa. Continuous prayers to gods lasted for 7 days; on the eighth day the urn was shaken several times and the casting of lots began. The person whose name was cast three times together with the small ball where it was written "yes" was recognized as the true reincarnation. A special commission was sent to test the baby. The future "living god" was mostly required to identify the objects that used to belong to the dead lama among dozens of identical things (cups, beads, rings and so on)".
The above-mentioned facts lead to a conclusion that every successive Dalai Lama is a reincarnation of just his direct predecessor, while the entire incredible chain of reincarnations can be traced back to Avalokiteshvara. The religious and secular power in Tibet belonged to Dalai Lamas who had their residence in the capital Lhasa. Avalokiteshvara (the god of compassion and charity) is considered the mysterious forefather of Dalai Lamas and the most venerated among the bodhisattvas. Bodhisattva means "he whose essence is Insight". This term applies to those who have reached the insight but refuse to go to nirvana as long as there are still people in the Universe in need of salvation. All Dalai Lamas are considered to be reincarnations of Avalokiteshvara on Earth. We still have one question to answer: is such purposeful reincarnation of Souls really possible? It turns out that it really is. On Earth there are people who carry the same Soul in different generations. In the Universe they are called Tuafas. These people are not relatives. In essence it is the same individual at different stages of his life, in different time insertions (reincarnations) on Mother Earth.
Soul is a living energy subject that carries Intellect and energy power. Soul is a very precise and subtle mechanism. It protects its carrier more that anything else. All the terrestrial factors of human existence as an individual of Mother Earth are gathered in the terrestrial part of the Soul which takes them away at the moment of death. Human Soul is the most sensitive instrument. When a person acts according to the aspirations of the Absolute, his Soul is calm and the Great Father God hears the subtle song of its joy and satisfaction with its master. In this case the Great Cosmos plays the same tune with this Soul. Joy in the Soul is the sounds of Cosmos that lets the earthling know that it is contented with its child. Be kind, love with all your heart, be compassionate and you will see and hear Cosmos in everything you do for it reaches out to those who are pure and gentle. A spiritual leader from Byzantium, Bishop of Constantinople John Chrysostom would tell his parish that soul can be fearful and weak because of its ignorance and not because it's the soul's essence to be that way.
We should remember what Rasul Gamzatov taught:

Those you are ready to fight
Have a heart that’s made not of cheese...
Don’t start useless quarrels -
They make your soul sad.

Atma is a state of soul in its original purity. This is an ideal that does not exist on Earth. This is a Soul without a single sinful darkening. People often complain about their destiny and don't understand that destiny is the energy life of the Soul of an earthling from the moment of insertion into the newborn human body till the moment when it leaves the body. First of all, people can create their own destiny and, secondly, it is decided from above and one cannot change it.
The poet Yuriy Belash confirmed this thought in his poem “Destiny”:

He told me:
- I will go and see
If the field engineers have already freed the highway from mines…
- Don’t move, - said I, - Don’t hustle,
- No, I will go, - said he, - to have a look.
And he was killed: hit by the artillery.
And if he hadn’t gone, he would be still alive.
I say:
- I will go and see
If the field engineers have already freed the highway from mines…
- Don’t move, - said he, - Don’t hustle,
The field engineers don’t need your help…
- No, I will go, - said I, - to have a look.
And he was killed: hit by the artillery.
And if he had gone, he would be still alive.
In everyone's Soul there are dark spots. No one is without sin. Voluntarily or involuntarily we, earthlings, acquire darkness. That's why man must constantly strive for purification. One must always remember two words: "Temper Mutantur" which underline the necessity of cleaning of spots in human Soul with the help of kindness and prayer. The Persian poet Uhad Al-Din Anvari wrote:

Human thought is the crowning jewel of all the living things
And the purity of soul is the basis of existence.

Speaking about Soul, one cannot avoid the concept of human assurance. Assurance, in the sense of faith, is a sublime quality of human Soul when one knows that he goes upward and forward, when he enriches his Soul with new knowledge and sharing his warmth with other people he is sure that they will get it. Assurance cannot be a sublime human quality if it transforms into self-assurance and the individual begins to harm others. The assurance must mean being sure that one can be of benefit to society on the basis of true Universal knowledge. As for the rest, we must live with faith and a little bit of doubt. The French philosopher C. A. Helvetius wrote, "He who explores his Soul profoundly notices so many mistakes that he involuntarily becomes modest". He is not proud of his enlightenment any more, he doesn't consider himself superior to others. If we think of the film "Schindler's List", we can call its main character Schindler a person who has showed confidence. During the life inside a physical body on Earth he manifested strong will, he risked his physical body and saved many human lives of Jews from the German genocide. Thanks to these merits his Soul is not subject to further insertions. Now he lives on the planet Dzintara, that can be defined paradise from the terrestrial point of view, and continues to come and help people in a certain way at the Behest of the Absolute.
In the previous lectures we dwelled on the structure of the Soul, on where its components go after the person's death. Now let's expand our knowledge. When the Earth is ready to take a person's body, Tetdaya receives the Earth's Energy Cocoon in Eheteya. This Cocoon shrouds the Tetdayas of those people who will go together in the same direction. Other Tetdayas are not allowed into this Cocoon. The Cocoon is a closed space wrapped up in energy. In it there are the Souls of those who will die at the same time. After the Terrestrial part of the Soul leaves the body, the pure energies lift Tetdaya and the Terrestrial Soul to Eheteya. Only a capsule-life carrier remains in the person's body during the last days of his life; the Terrestrial part of Soul along with Tetdaya are already in Eheteya. As for Teiud, it passes on to the state of Tyaiud after the death of a physical body-carrier and lives freely until there is an opportunity to pass on to the state of Teiud or Teiuda. Tyaiuds are Energy Doubles, parts of Souls of former inhabitants of Earth. They stay on Earth in their former appearance until the next Soul insertion into a physical body takes place. After that Teiud ceases to exist freely. It lives with the embryo-fetus in the mother's body and comes out when a new human is born; it takes the name of the new owner and passes from Tyaiud to Teiud.
The knowledge we have acquired allows to respond to the article by V. Kipling entitled "They Have Pulled Out the Teeth of My Corpse…" published in the newspaper "Interesnaya Gazeta", issue No 10, 2001. It tells about an extraordinary trial that took place in 1969 in the Region of Zhitomir. The defendant was a 42-year-old Dmitry A. who had killed two tomb looters.
"Dmitry had a strange dream one night in January. He saw himself lying in an old coffin. He had been buried at the beginning of the 20th century - a simple departmental municipality official who died of scarlet fever. Over the 60 years his corpse had turned into a dried skeleton. The dream repeated itself the following night but with an unexpected continuation. There were aliens. The coffin's rotten cover suddenly came off and three silhouettes appeared on the background of the starry sky. There was a subdued whisper and a flashlight turned on. Dmitry recognized one of the night guests: it was his neighbor from the first floor, a heavy drinker. Combination pliers glittered in his hand. A hoarse voice asked for the flashlight to be brought closer to the body and immediately exclaimed: "This guy has golden artificial teeth!" After these words Dmitry felt acute pain; the combination pliers pierced the upper jaw of the skeleton and the bone cracked. Having pulled out two golden teeth, the tomb looters quickly started to fill up the grave with soil. Dmitry could hear clods of soil knock on the coffin's cover. In the morning he was surprised to find himself lying on a blood-soaked pillow without upper foreteeth. He immediately remembered his dream that seemed so real; the only difference was that the real Dmitry had never had artificial golden teeth".
The article goes on to describe how Dmitry decided to sort out this situation by himself and went to the neighbor-drunkard. There was a quarrel and Dmitry killed the neighbor and one of his friends with a stool. The third tomb looter survived only because he managed to escape and went to the police with a confession. Dmitry was arrested two hours later. The tomb looter confirmed that at night he and his friends had really opened the grave dating back to the turn of the century and pulled out two golden teeth of the skeleton. The grave was examined only to reconfirm the thief's words. Dmitry was interviewed by a KGB psychiatrist. All the participants of the trial including the public prosecutor, the judge and assessors had to make a signed promise to keep secret the details of the hearing. The KGB psychiatrist's conclusion was: "…We cannot exclude that the defendant Dmitry A. is directly related to the departmental official Golovlev who died in 1901 and whose grave was looted. According to one version supported by the secret research of a scientific group from the University of Delhi (India), there is a certain energy substance whose nature has not been studied well enough yet and which the religion calls "soul", that leaves a person's body after physical death and penetrates into another, just conceived organism, helping it to develop in the mother's womb. This energy substance might be practically eternal, passing from one organism to another, which sometimes allows some people to see those in whom their "soul" dwelled in the past, provided the substance is active in a certain way. I suppose that only this theory can explain what happened to the defendant Dmitry A.".
Dmitry A. was released and placed into a lunatic asylum although he was officially recognized as a mentally sane person.
The Archintelligent God, Vizier of the planet Luna Khach, has answered the question what exactly happened. The Soul of the dead official was really reincarnated in Dmitry A. Tetdaya did a great work to reconstruct the connections between the energy of the Soul of the past life and the energy life at present. It is obvious that there was no one to pull out Dmitry's teeth. But as the result of a tight energy link between the past and the present they simply fell out at the moment when they were being physically removed from the skeleton's jaw. The body energy of the previous life united with the energy of the living human. The feelings of the former earthling were transmitted to the living one through Tetdaya. It was possible because the dead man's Soul was inserted into Dmitry shortly after the dearth, which allowed to transmit energy substance of emotions from the Teiuda of the dead person to the Tetdaya of the living person and Teiuda knew what was happening to its former owner. If a Soul is inserted into a new inhabitant of Earth after a long period of time, the connection between the Teiuda of the former earthling and the Tetdaya of the living one is lost completely. In this case Teiuda does n ot respond to Tetdaya's call any more.
Aleksandr Shevelev wrote the following poem about this:

It is a gleam of an extinct fire
That trembles over the forest for a long time.
Someone calls me in the darkness
With two voices instead of one.
But I don’t answer at once -
I keep walking towards the voices slowly…
My soul did not respond to all the things
My eyes saw in the field.

We think that the readers will be right to ask: why do we use poetry so often in our lectures? The answer to this question was given by the great Voltaire who wrote the following: “Poetry is the music of soul and a great and sensitive soul in particular”.
Rasul Gamzatov wrote the following verse:

We were born in the brightest hour
By kind and holy women.
Why are many of us
So mean sometimes then?
Children grow in our houses,
Reach for us with their kind hands.
People, explain why
We are sometimes mean?

Satan’s sphere of activity is the Earth and its living intelligence. He has dependants of various ranks. None of them carries evil, no one disseminates it all over. Evil is sowed by people who then gather fruits of this evil.
David Kugultinov does his best to tiy to convince people to extinct evil:

Great sages taught us:
If you find Good, hurry up to make it grow!
And you should eliminate evil
While it’s still weak and has not opened its eyes!
How must I cry to make everyone hear my voice?!
To make people understand:
Wake up!.. There is still time!
Extinct evil until it’s too late!

One mustn’t judge Lucifer’s servants; they work with earthlings at the Behest of the Great God, cleaning the Earth and preventing dark heavy Souls from multiplying with impunity. When we, people, regard Satan as a devil incarnated we are wrong. Satan protects, respects and appreciates purity. Pure Souls make him happy. His army of Energy Inhabitants of the Universe is ready to help purity. People must always keep in mind the verses by Kaisin Kuliev:

Human vices are innumerable:
One person is greedy, the other is ambitious;
But in all of us
good is stronger than evil.

The readers can object: And what about the cult of Satan? Satanists are a sect with terrible inclinations. The majority of its leaders can hypnotize people. A person is turned into a robot with the help of hypnosis and different intimidating rituals. The leaders of the sect are partially really connected with Satan since they have special skills based on the knowledge of magic and hypnosis. Their connection with Satan is at the level of magicians and magicians usually serve dark forces that are Forces of Devil. This service takes place in a dark room far away from strangers. The services are attended by beings who have already undergone hypnosis, which makes them absolutely obedient to someone else’s will. The rite is aimed at further intimidation of the already blurred brain. During the rite a victim is chosen and this victim can be forced to leave this world. The person’s body can be manipulated in different horrible ways. The person will never come back to normal after the tortures and the pain he has suffered. He will remain dependent on the will of the sect leaders. The victim is usually a person on the verge of disclosing his consciousness, which might result in his leaving the sect.
The purpose of these sects is to recruit an army of obedient robots; their intentions are more sinister than those of Lucifer. In fact Lucifer does not have any mean intentions. He performs a purifying function and does not spread evil; he identifies a person who merits evil and gives it to him. Satanists’ intentions are worse than those of the devil because they purposefully, knowingly destroy human lives, damage human psyche, human mind, preparing people to be servants who are supposed to raise them to a great throne. These are people who strive for autocracy. This is their only and main purpose – to create an army of obedient servants who would serve them as if they were kings.
People cannot leave the sect not because they are under the influence of a prayer to Satan but because they are encoded with a certain hypnotic code. Every time it’s different. First the leaders of the sect study the object from the psychological point of view and then find an approach to this person. The code itself is very simple; any ordinary word-taboo can be imposed during hypnosis and if this word is not pronounced during decoding process, no specialist will be able to bring this person back to normal. This is why the decoding process is so difficult. For the person to be able to return to normal state of mind the code needs to be decoded by the one who imposes it. That’s why after the person loses his intellect and control over his actions the process of coming back to normal is hard.
One should know that the Devil never comes to anyone by himself: earthlings attract hhin with the darkness of their behavior. This is the Law of the Universe. The Devil himself cries beacuse so much dirt appeared on Mother Earth. One must not go to sects where knowledge is given a sinister meaning; a prayer should be carried in one’s Soul. Teteya (inhabitants of the House of Father God) help those who read the Bible seriously and these people start to understand the meaning of what they read correctly.
Here is what “Interesnaya Gazeta” newspaper, “Magic and Mysticism” section, issue No 8, 1996, writes about one of the ideologists of satanism Anton La Vey: “On April 30, 1966, in Walpurgis-night, Anton La Vey shaved his head, announced the beginning of the Age of Satan and founded the Church of Satan. Millions of Americans believe: Satan is alive and is personified by Anton Shandor La Vey on Earth. Of course this man cultivates his appearance: bald nead, black pants, shirt and belt, black leather jacket and a “fisherman’s” cap. Although La Vey is over 60, his Lenin beard is still silky black and he wears an earring in the left ear. This man really has innate sinister features that distinguish him from other mortals.
La Vey worked as a circus animal trainer and organist at carnivals before. His love for big cats is still strong and he has a small lion called Tagora at home. Then he got interested in human psychology and obtained a reputation of being a ghost hunter. The main features of La Vey’s satanism: acceptance of oneself as a person on Earth with all pros and cons, struggle against the state church.
Satan according to La Vey is a kind of Prometeus that personifies tolerance, inviolate wisdom, kindness towards those who deserve it, revenge, idea of man being part of the animal world and the so-called sins that liberate man from physical or mental tension. According to La Vey, Satan is a source of all these values. Sex is regarded as the strongest instinct after the instinct of self-preservation, a manifestation of a person's natural origin. Drugs are escape from the realistic world outlook prescribed by the Church of Satan.
The Church of Satan celebrates three main holidays. For aome people the main holiday is their birthday. For the Church in general such holidays are Walpurgis-night and Halloween – eve of all saints’ day. Both holidays have a sexual meaning – revival of nature in spring and harvest. The third ritual holiday is a baptizing which is a ceremony of glorification of the one who is initiated into the mysteries of the church. There are other rituals that use the language of Yenoh that was used for the first time if writing in 1659 for the biography of the famous astrologist and alchimist John Dee and used later by the geometric Order of Golden Sunrise. In some cases black mass is served. One can become a life member of the Church by paying 100 dollars as a donation. According to former “perishers”, in the Church there are always 250 life members at most. In 1966 after the foundation of the Church La Vey published his main work “Satanic Bible” that was republished 30 times. This book helped him obtain the reputation of the most sinister man on Earth. In mid ‘70s the Church of Satan was transformed into a secret society. Anton La Vey is a key figure in the process of the development of spreading of satanic ideology in Amercia. At the same time, as La Vey points out, he has never presented himself as a person who interacts directly with God or Satan or any higher forces or having any special spiritual powers. He was called seducer of young people, non-human and circus magician; his followers were people who sought pungent sensations and were obsesses with occultism and La Vey became increasingly isolated over the years. At present the spiritual father of the movement lives alone in his gloomy house in Chimond where he lives as a hermit surrounded by books, weapons and musical instruments, animals and works of art and his permanent blond companion Blansh Barton. His present life resembles that of a Benedictine monk: no alcohol, no smoking, no drugs, no black masses, no human sacrifices. La Vey made a carrier by studying the dark sides of human psyche. “I personify all the base, bad and sinister things that exist in this world, - says he proudly. – I personify the most terrible nightmares”.
Who is Anton La Vey in reality? We asked the the Archintelligent God Nefchucht: “Anton La Vey is a contactee with the Forces of Lucifer. His life attitude is to harm people. He thinks that evil is the best of human manifestations that allows man to view the world soberly without relaxing and getting lost.
He started dealing with evil, entered a satanic sect. Having learned the bases of satanism, he became the founder of the satanic union. In this union there were representatives of the negative camp who regarded him as their teacher and tutor. As the founder of the satanic sect, Anton La Vey introduced his laws into its life:
1. to completely refuse the Church and God. To consider Lucifer to be God. Having incorrect knowledge about Lucifer, he considered him the Ruler of the other world who commands the Devil and deuces;
2. to be guided only by evil in life.
Unfortunately, his teaching spread to many countries of the world”.
Coming back to good things, we’d like to reiterate that all the energy components of man have in Teteya the same appearance as their owner living on Earth. After the person’s death Tetdaya and the Terrestrial part of Soul continue to look the same for a short period of time; then Tetdaya abstracts from the outward appearance of the former owner and the Terrestrial Soul has the same appearance till the moment of the next reincarnation, and after it is inserted into a new person a Clone remains that can assume the form of the former owner if needed. And Teiuda after the death of the earthling with whom it was connected before the Soul’s next insertion into a new body can assume the appearance of any of its previous owners-carriers. The next reincarnation does not depend on who the earthling’s parents were. Only Father God can determine into which body the Soul must be inserted so that the Soul that used to live in other bodies can go through purification, correction of mistakes and sometimes even punishment in case there was negative attitude of people towards one another.
To conclude the lecture we would like to make an appeal to everyone: let’s learn to listen to our Soul. Origen writes in the Old and New Testament: “…you will find many places where heart is mentioned instead of mind”, that is instead of learning force. A. Serafimovich expresses the same thought: he is sure that one can live only with the help of heart. Mind judges and considers coldly, heart steams and beats with real life. Mind lies, at least it can do it, but heart – never. Lubov Vaganova wrote a wonderful verse:

The mysterious flower of soul
Shimmers in the moonshine.
The unknown current of love roars,
Wave after wave.
And life is careless and generous
Like hundreds of years before
And in it there is great good
And denial of evil…


The ancient Roman poet Publius Ovidius Nason was convinced that Souls don’t die. Having left their previous residence, they continue living in other places. He did not specify who or what can potentially be a Soul’s new container. With regard to this we will talk about an article by M. Buuk entitled “A Hanged Doll” (“NLO”, issue No 16, 2002). In 1990 John Folner from the state of Virginia decided to sell the house in which he and his wife had lived for 15 years. The house was very old; it was built in 1899. He hired workers to do the repairs before selling the house. “Two women who were working in the attic noticed a strange hole and decided to explore it. They took a stick with a nail at the end and used it to extract from under the floor a dusty doll wearing an old dress in the style of the 19th century and a white apron. The doll represented a black girl with a very strange oppressing expression in the glass eyes. John Folner remembered that the previous owners of the house had kept a mentally retarded girl locked in the attic. This girl hanged herself on a beam. This sad story happened in 1910. John’s wife had always told him that she felt the presence of some sad bodiless creature in the house, especially in the attic. Folner thought it was just her imagination but after he found the doll he changed his idea regarding his wife’s fears. The wife advised him to take the doll to Nora Flash, a famous city medium. Folner wrapped the small black girl up in paper and put it into a bag. When Flash unfolded the package she screamed and hurled the doll away. She had felt someone squeeze her throat trying to suffocate her. Having taken a deep breath, the medium said that there was nothing she could do with the doll: in her opinion it was the incarnation of evil. Nora’s advice was to burn the doll immediately to free the poor creature locked inside. Folner didn’t feel like burning the doll and took it to another local medium. The latter did not get scared and asked Folner to give him the doll so that he could examine it. After a while the medium was found lying on the floor with the doll clasped to his chest. He had died of a heart attack. Folner decided to find out the truth. Once again he talked to the neighbor who had told his wife the story about the girl who hanged herself in the attic. The woman remembered that the previous owners of the house had a servant named Sarah Mathew who lived in the vicinity. It turned out that Sarah was long dead but her daughter was still alive. The daughter told Folner the whole story of the doll. The previous owner of the house, a saw-mill owner, raped a young black housemaid who died in childbirth nine months later. The newborn girl was a great inconvenience for the respected family of the saw-mill owner. That’s why she was locked up in the attic along with the doll. Over the months of her imprisonment the girl made a hole in the attic floor, hid her doll there and hanged herself on a beam. According to Sarah Mathew, the girl’s Soul was reincarnated in the doll that started bringing bad luck to anyone who touched it… An expert in paranormal phenomena Thomas Elliot comments on the story pointing out that such cases are not rare. It often happens that the Soul of a suicide or a murdered person is reincarnated in a certain object or wanders around the house where that person lived. John burned the doll and according to Elliot destroyed the prison where the hanged girl’s Soul was locked and it was finally liberated. Why did Folner burn the doll? Because it continued to haunt him in a strange way. Once he was passing by a doll store and suddenly saw a doll, very similar to the one found in the attic, in the shop-window. Guided by an unconscious impulse, Folner entered the store and bought the doll. When he brought the doll home he realized that it was an exact copy of the doll found in the attic; the only difference was a modern dress. John didn’t tell his wife about the purchase and put it in the closet. The following day when the husband went to work, Mrs Folner opened the closet although she didn’t need anything from it. Later she would say that she had heard a voice calling her from the closet. When Folner came back from work he found his wife lying in bed; there was a broad red line on her neck. As it turned out, at the moment when Mrs Folner took the doll she felt an acute pain in the neck and started to suffocate. She called a doctor who was very surprised and said that only a rope can leave such trace on the neck. At this point Folner took the doll to the countryside, built up a fire and burned it. When he came back the wife was completely healed and the red line had disappeared from her neck”.
If we wanted to describe this article in a few words they would be: the story is not worth your attention because Souls are never reincarnated in unanimated objects. Nor can they cause the changes on the neck that the article describes.
Can a spirit be materialized? Yes, it can. One of the variants of its materialization is a ghost. Sometimes it happens that a human Soul fails to finish its good or bad activities and then when it leaves the physical body it makes an incision in itself. Against all laws this Soul tries to assume material form to do the things the person failed to do during his life in the physical body. The Soul cannot realize this on its own, but if it failed to finish a good activity and makes contact with a Universe’s messenger (contactee), it gets what it wants. If mainly out of stupidity the Soul wants to put into action some negative plan left over to it by the strong mind of a living person, it can interact with individuals who have a negative Soul scheme to realize the incision it carries. The Soul itself as a ghost cannot do anything.
Here is a message “Animal with a Human Soul” (“Mir Nepoznannogo” newspaper, issue No 10, 2001). Yuri Efremov writes: “Once I had to take a plane to go to work in the town of Chernishevsky in Yakutia. My job allowed me to communicate with many interesting people. One of them, named Venka Marin, was particularly interesting for me because of his unusual hobby. He painted pretty studies of local nature and in his house there were several copies of famous classical paintings he had made himself. Another one of his hobbies – hunting – made him buy an Eskimo dog he called Matilda. Once I decided to take a good look at the copies of paintings that were hanging on the walls. Having entered the second room, I started contemplating the “Lilac” by Kustodiev that was in harmony with the white days and nights of Yakutia in the summer. As the result I didn’t notice that I was not alone in the room. Matilda was contemplating the “Red Square”. Suddenly she turned to me, looked at me and shook her head almost like a human. The gesture revealed her annoyance at being distracted. Venka came into the room. I pointed to Matilda and said: “We are admiring classical painting”. The door creaked again and my brother appeared on the threshold. He looked at us and smiled: “Matilda is admiring the red ham once again? Venka, when was the last time you fed her?” Then something unexplainable happened. Matilda came up to my brother, looked at him reproachfully and walked out. Once Venka and his Matilda were present when we were watching TV. There was a film with Doronina. When the actress appeared on the screen, Matilda began barking. We turned off the TV set and she stopped. We turned it on again and Matilda began barking anew. Venka and Matilda had to go away. When the following day I started asking Venka about this strange behavior he told me that Matilda does the same thing when he invited girls to his house. But when my brother and his wife came over for a visit she did not manifest any negative emotions”. The author makes other examples that can characterize Matilda’s behavior as intelligent, superior to that of other animals, and draws a conclusion that the Eskimo dog Matilda became an animal with a human Soul.
We cannot agree with the author of this message for one thing because human Souls are never reincarnated in animal bodies. However, we agree that animals possess a quite high degree of intelligence of the Soul. The mental activity in animals such as dogs and cats can vary. When its level is high the Soul’s intellect and brain’s intellect can unite, which leads to enhanced intellect, of course if the word “intellect” can be used to describe animal intelligence.
Living in a physical body-carrier, the Soul gradually assumes the form of the face of the person whose carrier it is. Soul rejoices when the day of its transition to a free life draws near and starts gradually preparing its owner for the moment of death. This is a Soul’s planned leaving the body. Violent, premature departure of the Soul is a crime. This is an unforgivable sin for the earthling who has participated in it. An individual is in the state of clinical death for a while. During this period the Soul does not go far from the body-carrier; the thread linking it with the House of the Soul remains intact and the brain works without damage, with all its strength. If the person comes back to life, he undergoes surprising transformations. Many of those who have been reanimated don’t suffer from the diseases they used to have. They stop drinking alcohol or drink it in much smaller quantities. Many say that their life has become more profound and meaningful. Almost all of them think that the most important thing in life is to love other people, to understand every individual. They regard the concepts of life and death and the other world from a different point of view. They consider death to be the process of intellect’s transition to a higher level of self-discovery and development; the accumulation of knowledge continues even after death. When Soul leaves the physical body-carrier and travels to the world of subtle energies everything it has gained on Earth remains with it. The individuality is preserved.
In the article entitled “The Phenomenon of Transition to the Other World”, “Neveroyatnoe” Newspaper, issue No 12, 2001, page 9, Vitaly Pravdiev writes: “The people who had an extremely long period of death experience – about fifteen minutes – had a vision of “perfect knowledge”. They experienced a real insight: they saw a whole area of existence in which, it seemed, there was everything – past, present and future – in a state out of time. “I have a feeling as if in a split second I had learnt the secrets of all the centuries, the meaning of the Universe, the stars, the Moon – everything; I was omniscient – I knew everything that existed from the very beginning and will exist eternally”. It turned out that there is a certain mechanism blocking the omniscience acquired as the result of this special state. All of those who have experienced clinical death said that the feeling of perfect knowledge disappeared after their return”. The author goes on to complain that there is no official center that would concentrate – for scientists and researchers – data on unknown phenomena including the “transition phenomenon”. We undertake to announce that there is such a center. It is the Center for Cosmos Connection. We have been studying this problem for eleven years and today we can answer practically any question.
During the clinical death three centers participate in the study-like reception of information: Terrestrial Soul, Tetdaya and the Third Eye that sends the information to the brain to see all the events. At the moment of complete death such processes as seeing one’s body, environment, other earthlings who are near and other typically terrestrial factors don’t happen. Complete Ukhozhat (death) is a subsequent birth of the Soul as a free energy subject. And the Soul doesn’t have to suffer at the view of the material body of its carrier. The verification of the events in the surrounding world takes place a few hours after leaving the carrier’s body. The duration of this period can be determined approximately because it depends on the variant of performance of the Moment of Truth of Ukhozhat (death). After a long illness this period is shorter (2-3 hours), in case of a sudden Ukhozhat it is a bit longer (5-7 hours).
After this period of time the Soul that has completely left the body abstracts from the factors of terrestrial life and enters the room of a new life although it comes to it repeatedly undergoing insertion into a physical carrier and returning in due time. After abstracting the Soul looks at things without experiencing the usual terrestrial emotions. It reads the mind of every earthling, the Books of Life of the living, the Books of Destiny, it is aware of its responsibility for the behavior of the person who carried it in his body and it treats him without emotions. Let’s explain what Book of Life and Book of Destiny are. Every person has his individual Book of Life; the Book of Destiny is passed on as heritage with the Terrestrial Soul. The spine of the Book of Life is turned to the person’s spine and occupies the space between the heart chakra and the solar plexus. It ends four fingers lower than the solar plexus. The pages are turned over from left to right. The pages are turned each moment. If we imagine it as a sphere, the moments are its slices. The Book of Life begins with the person’s birth. First the Book of Life is attached to the earthling’s Energy Cocoon; then it descends until it is fixed in the proper position. The pages are filled through the Time Corridor (Corridor of Life). There is another Time Corridor parallel to it; it is called the Corridor of Life Movement. The Life Corridor registers all the events in the life of the earthling in the mother’s womb; a fetus does not have a Book of Life. When a child is born he immediately needs a gift of the Book of Life. The child’s first cry is a slice of a moment of life; the next moment covers the previous one from left to right. The Book of Life begins always from the left-hand side. So a child’s first cry signals that a Book of Life has been attached to him on Mother Earth.
Man has seven Books of Life in all. They are placed in such a way that the pages merge; nevertheless one can affirm that generally the Book of Life carries pages from seven layers. The Book of Life is an Energy Intellect-Matter. The Book of Destiny places its pages on the Book of Life. The first Book of Life reflects the typically terrestrial path of the person: terrestrial activities, worries, joys and problems, level of interests. Many earthlings live this Book from birth to death. The second Book of Life has a higher energy level. In it there is aspiration to know extraterrestrial things, contact with the unknown, access to the treasuries opening the limits of material perception. The third book of Life is the stepping over the threshold of the rooms where the energy from beyond Mother Earth becomes close to the subject of Mother Earth. The forth Book of Life is the carrier of possible changes in the earthling’s life. It means it reflects Destiny’s plans. The most important events are outlined in the Forth Book. The fatal factors are revealed only on its pages.
Man lives according to all the Books of Life at the same time. But the degree of the importance of events is signed not by all the Books. Life routine is the first Book. The Second one is a more elevated degree of spirituality. The Third one is the process of entering the level of energies different from those terrestrial. The Forth Book is the realization of Destiny’s plans. The Fifth Book is going out to things beyond the typically terrestrial way of life. The Sixth Book is the merging at an intelligent deliberate level. The Seventh Book reflects the full entry to the World of Mokayad, a harmonious life, insight into the life of Mokayad at the level of energies that become close to the present terrestrial life. People don’t use to the full extent the potential of the Books of Life and don’t fill in all the pages; however they live using all the Seven Books of Life. The Fifth Book of Life is a link with Mother Earth. Separation of the previous Books of Life provides an opportunity to open the next ones in which there will be a complete merging for the one who will use the following Books with an energy level of elevated purity. The tearing away of Books doesn’t mean tearing the connections with the world that has already been absorbed by the body and the blood of the earthling. The Terrestrial Book of Life is a typically terrestrial perception and a typically terrestrial logical reasoning. It is torn away via an energy restructuring of the cerebellum.
The Moon controls life and death on Earth. Every person born on Mother Earth has a Clone on Zetera (Moon). With a child’s first cry the Clone of the new inhabitant is separated with its Book of Life. Clone is an energy copy of a newborn earthling. All the inhabitants of Earth give the second copy of the Book of Life to the Moon. The Clone that takes the Book of Life to the Moon is intelligent and represents the third component of an earthling. The first component of the earthling is the physical essence; the second one is an Energy Double that is torn away not in all people but which is present in every earthling. The Clone which goes to Zetera is called Etymological Energy Controller of Life of a terrestrial physical carrier. Zetera takes away second copies of the Book of Life not only from earthlings; it is destined by Father God to perform this task for all the inhabitants of the planets of the Solar Stellar System. The position of Clone-Controller is called Zthut. The second Book of Life is needed so that Father God can get necessary data from the library of Zetera at any given moment. When the time of Ukhozhat comes, the Clone-Controller comes to Earth from the Moon and takes with it the Book of Life of its Double at the moment of fulfillment of the Truth of Ukhozhat. Zthuts are linked with Time Corridors; they are inseparable. The Time Corridors of Zthuts are different from those of earthlings. One end of their Time Corridor has entrance and exit and the other end is like a decanter – its narrow neck ends with a closed vessel – a bowl. Zthuts live in a Bowl-Capsule on Zetera. They carry the Book of Life with them in the same place where it is located in an earthling. They come to Earth only to take away the Book of Life. After an earthling’s death Zthut undergoes a chemical process abstracting from the specific terrestrial life. The two Books of Life of an earthling (the original and the copy) merge into one and are kept in Odon until the next reincarnation of the terrestrial life.

Before talking about the Book of Destiny let’s determine what Destiny consists of. The destiny consists of the Karma and possibility of intellect that must listen to the Soul. The Book of Destiny lies on the solar plexus across the Book of Life. When the pages of the Book of Life are turned, they are covered by the pages of the Book of Destiny so that the person can correct the important milestones written in the Book of Destiny during his life or leave them in the Book of Life uncorrected. Let’s interpret one more notion – Energy signs. Energy signs are the behavior of the Clones of the Future. Every earthling has a group of Clones of the Past but there are also those of the Future. They are born together with the person and go away along the Thread of Destiny to the most important capsules of Destiny where they wait for the moment of truth of a realized event. If the destined event does not happen, the Clone goes into the past without realizing the events. Such phenomenon is favorable for the person-master because it means that he is in control of his actions. Only hard events are capsulated in the Thread of the Destiny; happy events are realized during the lifetime. Teteya is our typical terrestrial Destiny and Echaya is the Destiny in connection with the Cosmos. Every inhabitant of Earth has a Hem of Life – it is a clear and pure flow of Destiny. Man must live according to the Hem of his terrestrial life without tearing its edge apart, preserving integrity through his actions and deeds. Apart from the individual Destiny, all people are interdependent and have one common Destiny of pure and bright life of all the inhabitants of Earth and the bright future of Mother Earth.
We’d like to explain the concept of Key of Life. When a person goes through life he can lose energy of life. A person needs to be replenished so that the connection between him and his energy and the life of mother Earth and the Universe can be restored. A woman might give the Key of her life to an authoritative man she lives with or to a child she loves and in this case she moves on Mother Earth not through her own rooms. By giving the Key of Life back to such a woman it possible to give her an opportunity to proceed painlessly, restoring all the things lost before she was handed the Key of Life. All the people who live on Mother Earth have a Sign of Life in the area of the head. It is a triangle with one spike pointed up. In the center of the triangle there is the person’s physical body; on one of the apexes there is this person’s Teiuda. This figure is the same for all living earthlings. It’s just that every individual lives his life in his own way.

The poet Svetlana Kuznetsova thinks that she has lived her life not the way she wanted to:

The life is certainly coming to an end.
Of course the life is not successful.
But my lips are dry
Because I kissed as much as I wanted to.
Because I burnt everything I had
And now I am laughing over the ashes.
I have lived such a merry life
That I don’t want to remember it.

The poet from Kazakhstan Tursynhan Abdrahmanova sees the meaning of life in struggle:

The heart soared up like a pigeon
Breaking the blue in its flight.
And my thoughts are flying away
Into an unknown height.
Is the goal still far away?
The winds are roaring with anxiety.
Will I really reach it
Through the dangers,
The wind,
And the fear?
But like a horse
Tamed with power
The hope suddenly looks me in the eye:
The anxiety is beautiful,
Fear and wind are necessary.
We got forces in the struggle!
All the falls were good for us.
Those who did not taste bitterness,
- What does a sip of sweet water mean to them?
Joy will pass like yesterday’s shadow,
But what destiny will there be for me
If there are no days of doubts,
Days of hope
And days of struggle!..

To conclude the lecture, we’d like to address the people who have lost their children. The child’s relatives must know that they shouldn’t grieve his death because children’s Souls go away mostly to serve Father God the Great Ruler of the Universe. Every terrestrial life has its own duration and the Soul is always happy to leave the body. Many of such children’s Souls undergo a small purification and retraining and serve for a certain period of time on Earth as Angels and then are inserted into the next terrestrial life.
Soul longs for purity and the body can harm it irrevocably, behaving incorrectly. Let’s listen to the words of Shakespeare: “A good leg will fail, a straight back will stoop, a black beard will turn white, a curled pate will grow bald, a fair face will wither, a full eye will wax hollow, but a good heart is the sun and the moon – or rather the sun and not the moon, for it shines bright and never changes, but keeps his course truly.”

OUBA.e.V. Berlin Germany Organization for UFO connection and Bioenergoinformation. Officially reistered.
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