In the NLO Magazine, issue 10 as of 6 March 2006 on page 8 in the article “Ghost in the Summer House“ O.V. Solovieva from Saint Petersburg writes the following: “This picture was taken on August 7, 1999, in my summer house in the village of Koviryaevo near Opochka in the Region of Pskov. At first I thought that it was simply a damaged film but then I saw a similar photo in the NLO Magazine which said that it was a ghost. They say a luxurious mansion where a nobleman lived was situated here before. Since that time an alley of old ash-trees and elms leading across the slopes to the lake remained. We bought the house here in 1990. On the first night my mother saw in a dream a grey-haired elderly woman with her head bowed down was watching her. The next day my mother sprinkled holy water around the house and the dream never repeated again. Not counting the two incredible dreams I had later that can be considered mystical…”
The answer of the Center for Cosmos Connection – A ghost or a spirit is essentially a clone of a dead person. Clones have outstanding power only when the death was not natural. The pillar we can see in this picture is not a ghost. It is the energy link of a former material carrier with the free Soul.