In the “NLO” (UFO) Magazine, issue 28 as of 7 July 2003, page 2, there is an article by Aleksandr Olgin “Cacti and Pines on the Red Planet?. According to the article, the publisher of the ufology newsletter Filer’s Files George A. Filer, director of the oriental department of MUFON (USA), says that recently he has received a quite interesting photo from Larry Hatch taken from a governmental web site. In the picture there is an area of the surface of Mars. Larry included the following letter with the picture: “From what seems tops of sand dunes to me, some vertical formations rise that were defined by one person as similar to cacti. I am not sure of that but I cannot find another plausible explanation. Some of these formations resemble pines (but I am not sure of this either), some of them seem to have fallen on one side. Others resemble wormwood. If there is a geological explanation of this phenomenon, I would like to know why such formations cannot have greater dimensions or why they are not more numerous on the sand dunes”.
Answer of the Center for Cosmos Connection: “The things we can see in the picture are the results of work of the air”.