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Lectures for earthlings

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We'd like to begin our lecture dedicated to soul by quoting the German satirical writer, literary, theater and art critic of the Enlightenment Age, physicist and the honorary member of the Saint Petersburg Academy of Science Georg Christoph Lichtenberg (1742-1799): "People write a lot about the essence of matter. And I'd like matter to start writing about the human soul one day. Then it would turn out that we still understand each other in a completely wrong way. Man is no wiser than other creatures; he knows only that he exists and uses this knowledge to explain everything to himself. And it is this trait of our spirit that we appreciate most of all because we are the only ones in the world who can make this issue controversial."
The S.I.Ozhegov Dictionary characterized soul as:
1. The inner psychic world of a human, his consciousness.
2. A certain trait of character as well as a person characterized by certain traits.
3. The inspirer of something; the main character.
In everyday life the word Soul is usually used to define the notions of "psyche", "one's inner world", "emotional experience", and "consciousness".
The concept of Soul evolved from the animalistic ideas that primitive humans had about the special force that resides in the body of a human or an animal "when, having absolutely no idea about their body's composition and being unable to interpret dreams, people came to the conclusion that their thinking and emotions were not the result of their body's activities but rather the manifestation of a certain soul residing in this body and leaving it after death…" (C.Marx and F.Engels; Compilation of Works, vol.21).
The word "anima" has the following meanings in Latin:
1. Air, breath.
2. Origin of life, life.
3. Living creature, being; also character, nature.
4. Soul.
5. The shadow of a deceased person (soul in the realm of shadows).
6. Evaporations, spirit, odor.
The term "Soul" is often used as the synonym of the word "psyche" in literature (psyche means soul in Greek).
The ancient Greek philosophical systems did not separate Soul from matter; the life of matter was caused by the presence of a Soul in it. These systems promoted the idea of the universal animation of the world, a world soul. It is a concept typical of hylozoism and panpsychism; it applies to the initial word's basis as an animated and organic whole. By the world soul Plato means the driving force and the organizing origin of Cosmos. In stoicism, it was identified with the fiery Cosmic pneuma. Soul is one of the main substances in neoplatonism. The teaching about the world soul developed during the Renaissance (G.Bruno), in the German Romanticism and the idealistic philosophy of the 19th century (F.Schelling, G.Fechner, E.Gartman).
In the pre-marxist, metaphysical materialism a Soul is regarded a derivative, secondary, dependent on the body. And a Soul's activities were compared to the mental ones and were boiled down to mechanical or physical-chemical processes. The exponent of this current Democritus (460-370 BC) ordered to have his eyes cut out with the purpose of knowing himself better. As the result, he came to the conclusion that "soul is body". By "body" he meant the materiality of Soul.
Long before Christ was born, Aristotle (384-322 BC) came up with the thesis of the inseparability of Soul and body. According to it, a human Soul has three modifications: vegetative, animal and intelligent. This teaching was turned into an idealistic one in the Middle Ages (Thomas Aquinas).
According to Plato, Soul occupies an intermediate position between the realms of ideas and the lower world of coming into being and disappearing. Thus it is characterized by both intellect and passions. Since Soul partially belongs to the realms of ideas Plato thought it existed before a person's birth and was immortal. Neoplatonists shared this opinion. Speaking of Aristotle's philosophy characterized by material elements, one can say that on this point he adhered to natural philosophy and considered Soul's activities to be connected with life warmth. According to him, Soul penetrates into blood in the form of a vivifying breath. Aristotle considered Soul an entelechia (Greek for "conclusion"), an expedient origin of a live body that cannot be separated from the latter.
While Plato regards the Soul as an eternal idea (Plato and neoplatonism elaborated the teaching about the world soul as one of the universal principles of being), Hegel considers it to be the lowest sensual manifestation of spirit in its link with the matter (feeling and acting soul).
The New European Philosophy uses the term Soul to define a person's inner world. Descartes' dualistic metaphysics views Soul and body as two independent substances. Rene Descartes (1596-1650) saw man as a connection between a lifeless corporeal mechanism and a Soul characterized by thought and will. Beginning with Descartes, the problem of interaction between Soul and body has been discussed mainly by psychophysicists.
The German philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716) regards Soul as a closed substance, a monad.
Immanuel Kant expands the concept of Soul beyond the limits of experience, into the realms of transcendental ideas accounting for the possibilities of human cognition.
In the idealistic philosophy and psychology Soul is a special immaterial substance, carrier and cause of a person's entire mental life. The dialectical materialism denies the existence of Soul as an immaterial origin, maintaining that the whole world is material and all the phenomena taking place in reality are various kinds of movement and properties of matter. According to I.P.Pavlov's teaching about the higher nervous activity, mental processes are functions of the nervous system, brain's product and therefore the word "Soul" has the same meaning as psyche and consciousness, i.e. it is understood by materialists as a property of an especially organized matter - brain, consisting in the ability to reflect the material world in the sensations, ideas, thoughts, feelings etc. Hence the term "Soul" is sometimes used as a synonym of the term psyche.
How does the religion interpret Soul? The Biblical Encyclopaedia of Archimandrite Nikifor (Moscow, 1891) says: "Having created the first man Adam from earth, God breathed the breath of life into him, i.e. the soul, a spiritual and immortal creature (Genesis 1, 26, 27). After a person's death the soul returns to God who gave it to man". The following is written in the Eric Nustrem Biblical Encyclopaedia: "The word soul in its supreme meaning defined the immortal in man, his eternal being which cannot be killed". Religion interprets Soul as a bodiless immortal non-material force that exists independently from the body in the other world. John Chrysostom wrote: "A soul without a body cannot be called man and vice versa". By attributing to man a special essence independent of the body - the immortal Soul - religious ideologists underlined its divine nature.
The Indian schools of philosophy based on the authority of Vedas developed the teaching about Soul in the connection with the concepts of atman or jiva - a subjective spiritual origin, the individual "Ego". The Soul lives forever and puts on and takes off bodies just like a person gets dressed and undressed. It is an eternal collector and synthesizer of the achievements of many reincarnations. Matter is the thing Soul wears; energy is the means with which it acts. Soul is included into the human biofield as the three finest bodies (Atma, Budhi, Manas). The soul is understood as a certain life principle or the breath of life that every animal, including microorganisms, has just like man does. Soul is a synthesis of a Personality's qualities, i.e. a person's properties in his current reincarnation.
Buddhism put forth the theory of the non-existence of Soul, its insubstantiality. Here Soul is substituted with a flow of psychophysical elements of existence - dharmas. As one can see, the Soul is a notion that expressed the historically changing ideas about a person's inner world.
Allan Kardec (1804-1869), who is by right considered to be the founder of the newest spiritism (or spirits studies), the Parisian Society of Psychologic Studies, 1858, and Journal of Psychologic Studies published for many years, received the following ideas about the Soul during his contacts with spirits:
"What is a soul?"
"The incarnated spirit."
"What was the soul before uniting with the body?"
"It was a spirit."
"It means that Soul and spirits are the same thing?"
"That's right. Souls are nothing else than spirits. Before uniting with a body a soul is one of intelligent creatures that inhabit the invisible world and temporarily invest themselves in flesh in order to purify themselves and gain knowledge and experience."
Yoga Ramanantat who translated "The Spirits' Book" by Allan Kardec adds: "Our soul is us, our past, present and future, everything we have done and all the things we are yet to create. But this is not what really matters; it doesn't matter what it has but the fact that it exists does. Because it's destined not only to have everything but to become everything."
The Swedish statesman and scientist Emanuel Swedenborg, one of the most famous people from Scandinavia, whom the Swedish warlike king trusted and who was renowned in Europe among his contemporary scientists, born in Stockholm on January 29, 1688, and who interacted with the Energy Life of the Supreme Intelligence, wrote the following about Soul: “The secret consists in the fact that in every angel and in every person there is the very inner or supreme divine level, something utterly intimate and sublime or in other words a hiding place into which first of all the Divine origin coming from God influences that is later as if from this hiding place arranges all the other inner origins according to the degrees of order both in an angel and in man. This inner supreme origin or this hiding place can be called the entrance of God and even God’s dwelling place”.
The Slavic Mythology Encyclopaedia published in 1995 by the Ellis Lak Publishing House, Moscow, characterizes Soul as a person’s double in life that has traits of a mythical personage. After parting with a person’s flesh (in case of death or during sleep) the Soul leaves the body and transforms into a breeze, steam or a butterfly, a fly, a bird. Sometimes Soul is represented as a small transparent human or as a winged child. The Soul has its origin in the mother when a person is born; according to other views, it is generated by God. It “lives” together with the man and resides either inside his head or in the hollow below his neck or in the chest, stomach, heart etc. The Soul grows up just like the man does, it feels cold, warmth, pain, joy, but it feeds only on the vapors of food. During a person’s life it can leave his body only in sleep that’s why people dream of travelling and visiting unusual places etc.

In the experimental psychology that developed in the middle of the 19th century the concept of Soul was predominantly displaced by the notion of psyche.
Scientists conventionally call Soul a phenomenon of electro-wave phantom. This phenomenon was discovered in 1975 but it wasn’t studied or discussed widely because the sensational discovery was immediately classified. However, it stirred interest in many scientists and after the publication of the book “Life After Life” by the American doctor Raymond Moody this problem began to be studied in different countries. The book tells stories of people who died and returned to this world. One woman says that during the clinical death she felt herself leave her own body, ascend to the ceiling and look down. She heard a nurse’s voice saying “Oh my god, she’s dead”. She saw doctors administer artificial respiration and electroshock and thought: “Why are they trying so hard? After all I feel so great…” A 19-year-old man who practically died in a car crash and then was revived on the pages of Moodey’s book says the following about what he felt: “I heard the side of the car crack. Then I was moving in the darkness and then suddenly I was soaring above a road four meters away from the car. I saw a crowd of people and my own body in the car, covered in blood, and my crooked legs.”
Similar stories can be found in many other books by foreign authors, respectable scientists such as the professor Kubler Ross from Switzerland. A certain Malz says that in 1959 when she was 27 she was in the state of clinic death for 28 minutes. She saw a wall of precious stones and heard the music and the name of Jesus. She wanted to enter the palace illuminated with golden light but she came back to life…
Doctor and preacher L.Savchenko in his book entitled “Popular Apologetics” affirms that “by 1980 twenty-five thousand testimonies of people who died and came back to life were collected. Between 24 and 40-45% of them experience the same thing”.
The German newspaper “Bild” quoted revelations of people who traveled beyond this life’s borders and then regained their existence. Their impressions basically resemble those described by R.Moody and coincide with the results of the experiments performed by a doctor from Berlin Martin Bauer. To prepare his doctoral thesis he selected 59 volunteers aged between 20 and 30 and caused in them the condition of “conventional death” for 20-25 seconds by abruptly restricting the flow of oxygen to the brain. The whole process of “leaving and returning” was filmed. The volunteers told about tunnels they had plumbed into, about light images, sunsets and eclipses, about mysterious voices, peaceful state of bliss and encounters with unknown creatures. Nine out of ten basic impressions cited by R. Moody coincide with those of M. Bauer’s patients. The only difference is: the Berlin volunteers did not see scenes from their previous life while they were in the world of beyond. But on the whole the impressions match perfectly. However, the researchers arrived at different conclusions. The scientist from the USA explains everything by the presence of spirit, a Soul that continues to live after the body’s physical death. The German doctor attributes it to the hallucinations of a brain deprived of the sufficient supply of oxygen and denies the existence of a special substance – the Soul.
The German weekly “Focus” interviewed a British doctor, Nobel Prize winner Sir John Eccles who is convinced of the independent existence of spirit that “influences the brain through microscopic structures”. He says: “I can see the beginning in certain cells of the big hemispheres – pyramidal cells – or more precisely in their appendices, in dendrons. A cell has between 10 and 10,000 possibilities of interacting with nearby cells. The scientist goes on: “I stick to the “psychons” concept”. These are immaterial “mental units” that run through dendrons. The unity of “psychons” constitutes a thought, the consciousness. Being immaterial, the “psychons” remain even if dendrons disappear after the physical death. Through quantum fields our consciousness, our spirit interacts with the “world consciousness”, the “world spirit” that fills the entire universe i.e. with God. The concept is difficult. The scientist himself admits that “it’s likely to remain unproved… The mysteries of our life are much more significant than what we can imagine”.
Igor Goroshko from Kharkov thinks that our souls are closed files. In the 12th issue of “Interesnaya Gazeta” newspaper published in 1999 he writes: “In my opinion, soul is a limited concentration of energy that conveys information. This information concentrates in the course of a physical body’s life. It is through the physical coat that a soul can absorb knowledge of the surrounding world. And if one assumes that the theory of reincarnation is true, a soul must possess information about previous lives. Imagine the position of data in a computer. It is stored in files. To get access to a certain file one must perform a certain operation. Every previous life is a separate file. By the time the physical life is over the file closes and a new one opens inside the physical body when new life begins. A person can usually use the information from the latest (open) file that is recorded during the current life cycle. But sometimes it happens that the information about the past lacks security. In this case a person remembers one of his previous lives. The security can also be cracked in the state of hypnotic trance. However part of the accumulated knowledge leaks out anyway. It influences a person’s development in the new life cycle. The more wisdom has been accumulated by the soul during the previous reincarnations the easier it is for the soul to get used to a new cycle. The level of wisdom is determined by the age of a spiritual origin. Each soul has its own age. There are young souls that have experienced several life cycles and there are very old ones with up to a few hundred reincarnations. People with old souls realize there potential much quicker in this life; they are usually more advanced than those with young souls. These people usually occupy a higher social position. Yet only a few of them suspect that they owe this position to the knowledge stored in the depths of their subconsciousness.
American theologist from Memphis doctor Ablant does not question the existence of Soul. Moreover he has made a surprising conclusion: the majority of souls that reside in heaven belong to people who lived over 40,000 years ago. The theologist arrived at such a conclusion after collecting testimonies of hundreds of people who experienced clinical death. “Most of them saw bright light and felt their soul leave the body, move along a tunnel at the end of which it was enthusiastically greeted by the inhabitants of heaven. Usually this level was reached by those who were in a coma. But there are others who went to a higher level. They describe an amazing spectacle: millions of souls soaring effortlessly in the air. Most of them are dressed in animal skins and hold stone axes. This is exactly what Stone Age people looked like, the Neanderthals to be more precise”.
Doctor Ablant explains the fact: “Our soul becomes lighter than air after death and soars up preserving its shape and outlines at that. The Holy Writ says we must purify our soul before death to help it soar freely. But it is extremely hard for a modern man to preserve his essence innocent. The conditions of our life are such that it is practically impossible to stay completely pure in the soul and thoughts because our society prevents us being that way. Cave men were without sin compared with modern people because they led a primitive life. They lived in tribes and hunted together, shared their game and protected their home from wild animals”. Ablant maintains that the Neanderthal faith was “ideal for a human soul, for getting closer to the Creator”. Unlike our predecessors “we find it much more difficult to go to heaven and rich people have as many chances of obtaining eternal paradise as a camel that wants to go through a needle’s eye. I don’t mean money but that material spiritual world that serves for the sake of only one man and won’t let him approach God”.
A preliminary conclusion can be made: Soul exists; it is an immaterial life-creating and learning origin independent of the body.
Booker Tagliaferro Washington (1886 – 1915), an ideologist of the US black bourgeoisie, once said: “Great people develop in themselves love and only petty souls cherish the spirit of hate.” The doctor Moris Rolings, a cardiologist of the Diagnostic Hospital of the city of Chattanuga, Tennesi, USA, tells about what happens to a petty Soul in his book “Behind the Door of Death”. It is a story of one of his patients, a 45-year-old postman, who had a heart problem and was brought back to life. “Once his heart stopped and I could not find the pulse. But his muscles were jerking and his whole body was in convultions. Gradually he started turning blue. I started massaging his heart and a nurse tried to breath air into the poor man’s lungs. But the heart did not react. Then I put electrodes onto the heart area and turned on the power with a special device. My patient started coming back to life. But when I took away the device and my hands from the patient’s chest he lost consciousness and started dying again. Every time the heart started pounding he cried: “I am in hell! I am in hell!” He was trembling and tossing pleading me to save him. I was scared to death. He was coming back to life. The postman kept pleading me not to stop. Usually in such cases most my patients who came to asked me to take my hands off their chest. I am a strong man and sometimes my method of heart massage resulted in broken ribs. And this patient kept asking: “Don’t stop!” He was terrified. His pupils widened, he was sweating and trembling. He said: “Don’t you understand? I am already in hell! As soon as you stop massaging I fly back to hell. Have mercy, don’t let me go to hell.” I answered: “I am very busy. Don’t get on my nerves so that I can do everything well.” Then he said: “I don’t know how to aks you: pray for me.” I answered that I was a doctor and not a preacher. “Pray for me!, repeated he. I realized it was the only thing to do. It was the last wish of a dying person. I told him to repeat after me an improvised prayer. “Jesus Christ! Save me from hell. Forgive me my sins. I am entrusting my whole life to You. If I should die, accept me in heaven. And if I should stay alive, I will live for You forever”. I managed to save him. After the hospital I went home and cleaned dust off my Bible to know more about hell. Two days later I came back to my patient with a notebook and a pencil to write down all his experiences regarding hell. But he looked at me surprised: “What hell? I don’t remember any hell.” In such cases everyone who “went to hell” forgot all their terrible experiences outside the body.” To conclude the lecture we would like to quote a great poet and a great writer. Goethe wrote: “One must, of course, think sometimes of death. But this thought never gives me the least uneasiness, for I am fully convinced that our spirit is a being of a nature quite indestructible, and that its activity continues from eternity to eternity”. According to Dostoevsky the life of man is based on belief in the immortality of Soul; it is the supreme idea neither a person nor a people can exist without.


Let's continue our conversation about Soul. C. Lichtenberg thought that when people hadn't learnt to understand the usual phenomena of the material world yet they attributed them to the existence of spirits. When the connection between these phenomena was studied better, the spirits, whose existence we are unable to explain, finally became God and Soul. Thus Soul still remains a sort of illusive ghost that exists in the body.
The philosophy of Rosicrucians (Rosenkreuzer) affirms that "man is a spirit dwelling in a body that has a soul. Spirit is what he is and soul is what he has". The exponent of the Hermetic philosophy John Baines interprets spirit as a divine, immortal and eternal part, a spark of divine emanation we keep in the depths of our existence. It is the power of God, an eternal ever-burning flame that illuminates us in the crucial moments of our lives. God can be compared to huge masses of water which swiftly disperse into millions of tiny drops equivalent to the spirit of an individual human being. A soul is an animal part that has intellect or rather what we call a personality that is formed gradually as the result of combining of spirit and body. Baines thought that, like man, animals, plants and even minerals have soul too because there is life in everything. He arrives at such conclusion based on the hermetic principle of Vibration: "There is nothing immovable; everything vibrates". Hermes Trismegistus, a great sage who according to the legend lived 15,000 years ago, was the founder of Hermetic philosophy. One cannot help but agree with the point of view set forth by this teaching which maintains that Soul needs purification done by man himself: "A soul that sheds off the slag of untamed emotions and base passions resembles a sparkling golden shield which protects a human being from evil and poverty".
What is Soul from the point of view of Mokayad (Intelligent Universe)? Soul is an energy clot consisting of a center-intellect and an energy bodiless coat. The intellect-center is always present in the Soul of an inhabitant of Earth - both during his lifetime and after his death. The Soul is connected with the source-carrier through a thread-canal which serves for the Soul's coat to be renovated by the energy of the physical body during the entire period of existence; the exchange cycle lasts exactly 31 days. The days do not coincide with the beginning and the end of the month but depend on the earthling's birthday, and every 31 days the energy of the Soul's coat and the energies of the physical Cocoon of a person are replaced completely. On other days of the month there is no exchange; the Soul and the body are in the state of balance. When under a lot of stress, the energy coat of the Soul breaks and ejections into a person's physical body begin. The person experiences mental anguish and discomfort.
Where does Soul dwell? In the antiquity brain was thought to be the organ of Soul (Alcmeon), whereas the Soul itself was believed to be a kind of matter. One of the founders of the Association of Mongolian Astrologers Z. Bold begins his story published in the newspaper "Erdeniyn Erih" ("Precious Rosary") like this: "I had never believed in the material existence of soul before. But once my mother complained of a bad toothache and then I introduced a needle into the point lao gun on her palm. The toothache ceased and my mother quickly fell asleep. When I had come back home from work I was surprised to find the mother with an immensely swollen cheek. I told about the fact to a respected old man and he exclaimed reproachfully, "But you have stung the place where your mother's soul is!" Later while studying an ancient treatise I found out that human soul "hides" in the palm on certain days of each month". This Tibetan writing contains a whole calendar according to which the Soul is: on the 1st day of the month - in the toes, on the 2nd day - in the ankle, on the 3rd day - in the muscles, on the 4th day - in the knee area, on the 5th day - in the knee-joint, on the 6th day - in the hip area, on the 7th day - in the hip, on the 8th day - in the kidneys, on the 9th day - in the ribs, on the 10th day - in the scapulas area, on the 11th day - in the forearm, on the 12th day - in the palms, on the 13th day - in the neck and thoracic vertebra area, on the 14th day - in the ears, on the 15th day - in the entire flesh, on the 16th day - in the inner ear, on the 17th day - in the thoracic vertebra, on the 18th day - in the palms, on the 19th day - in the forearm, on the 20th day - in the scapulas, on the 21st day - in the ribs, on the 22nd day - in the kidneys, on the 23rd day - in the thoracic vertebra, on the 24th day - in the hip, on the 25th day - in the knee-joint, on the 26th day - in the knees, on the 27th day - in the muscles, on the 28th day - in the ankle, on the 29th day - in the shin, on the 30th day - in the entire flesh. One can only exclaim: "Blessed are those who believe for they feel warm in this world".
American neurosurgeon professor Robert White is going to perform a serious operation: "sew" the head of a paralyzed or terminally ill patient who has cancer to the body of another person. In Professor White's reanimation unit there are those whose chest still moves sustained by a reviving apparatus, as a reflex, like that of a chicken which, having lost its head, can still run around in the courtyard, and whose arms and legs twitch brokenly. "Man's essence, his spirit and character are represented exclusively by the brain. When it dies the person is gone. The body is just a power station: it generates energy to set the brain going. I will transplant the soul along with the brain". According to Professor White, the soul, as well as human essence on the whole, is located in the brain.
Discussing the question of Soul, exponents of the Hermetic philosophy propose to view the heart as the center of all the mental and emotional life. It is not for nothing that great praises are pronounced in its honor and he who listens to his heart is considered wise.
The Bible does not regard the brain as an organ of thinking either. The following texts can be quoted as an example: "my lips will utter wise words, and the thoughts of my heart - knowledge" (Is 48.4); "I will put my laws into their hearts and I will write them in their thoughts" (Evr 10. 16); "the things that come from the lips come from the heart" (Mth 15. 18). Many writers, thinkers and poets thought that man's wisdom, his highest moral qualities are situated in Soul which belongs in the heart. "Guard your heart more than anything else you guard because it is the source of life. Reject the falsity of lips, and distance yourself from the slyness of your tongue. Let your eyes look straight… Think out the path for your feet and let all your roads be reliable" (Book of Solomon's Parables 4. 23-27). The English writer and politician Edward George Bulwer Lytton wrote: "If a beautiful face is a reference letter, a beautiful heart is a credential".
So we can make a final conclusion: Soul is located in the heart area and the heart bag is its home.
If Soul is in the heart bag, then the fact poses a question: what happens to it during a heart transplantation? There are options. In the majority of cases after a heart has been transplanted the Soul stays with the person who is saved during the surgical intervention. The person who donated the heart is now dead. His Soul terminates contacts with any terrestrial body after the death of the physical body. Whereas the life of the person who was to receive the donor's heart was sustained by the doctors all the time and the Soul didn't leave its owner; it could leave the heart bag if the patient was clinically dead or connected to a reviving apparatus or a pump oxygenator and stay near. The heart is a tank. It is not connected with the Soul directly. The Soul's body knows that its owner will undergo a tank replacement and when a new heart will be implanted. The Soul of a person who has a new heart implanted passes into a new physical coat. It happens if the person is destined to have a normal lifespan with the transplanted heart. But sometimes it happens that the Soul belonging to this physical body is not inserted into the new heart. In this case during the operation at the Behest of the Patriarchate of the Universe an alien life, the Soul that can be used is implanted. The new heart does not have the Soul of the one who lived with the sore heart and the Soul of the one who died. This person's Book of Life remains almost the same but his death will not correspond to the terms established previously, before the heart transplantation, it can happen at any given moment of life. It depends on the alien life that has been inserted at the Behest of the Patriarchate of the Universe. It is the Patriarchate of the Universe that curates the implantation of Souls into the physical bodies of future inhabitants of Earth.
Does the transplanted heart affect the body of the recipient? The Director of the Transplantology and Artificial Organs Institute V.I.Shumakov once announced that he did not observe such influence in his patients. American cardiologists have a different opinion. John Schrader, a cardiologist, professor of the Stanford Medical Center where over 900 heart transplantations have been performed since 1968, thinks that an encoded life experience of the donor is transmitted during organ transplantations. After a heart transplantation the American Silvia Clare wanted some beer. She had never liked beer, green pepper and hamburgers that she could not resist after the operation. The mystery was solved when she learnt that her donor was an 18-year-old rocker Tim who had perished in a motorcycle crash and adored these products. One could easily wave aside this strange incident if it weren't for other cases when a person changed after receiving a transplant. They are described in the book "The Heart's Code" by the physiologist Paul Pearsall from the Sinai Hospital in Detroit in which he proves that a heart contains information used by our brain. After a 41-year-old man had received the heart of a 19-year-old girl run over by a train, he changed completely. He had been sluggish and prudent since his very childhood. After the transplantation he acquired traits he hadn't had before: sharpness of movements and a frenetic zest for life. A 52-year-old patient with the heart of a 17-year-old who had died in a motorcycle crash suddenly stopped liking classical music and started listening to hard rock in headphones almost nonstop. A 47-year-old woman who had as an implant the heart of a 23-year-old homosexual shot in the back started experiencing strange sexual fantasies every night. A modest 35-year-old woman with the heart taken from a deceased college student suddenly started behaving like a prostitute.
All these strange phenomena can be explained with the help of the studies performed by the professor of the Center of Molecular Behavioral Neurobiology of the Rutgers University Candis Pert. She discovered that cellular nerve-endings do not only transmit information to the brain but carry it throughout the body via vibrations of a certain frequency that trigger transformation of thought, feeling, emotion into a physical action at the molecular level. These vibrations are the language of our organs. The immune, gastrointestinal, nervous and endocrine systems "communicate" with one another with their help. It means that "imprints" of a person's character, his preferences, dislikes and other emotions are preserved in the body at all the levels. It is the heart that acts as a conductor of the orchestra who directs the inner symphony of the entire organism transmitting information to its every cell. According to the data the authors of this article have, the conclusions of Kendis Pert are correct. Heart, being a physical organ, interacts with a carrier's body and fixes his habits at the level of its tissues.
The poet Sergei Polikarpov writes:

Behind gray hair and the Soul
There are no deserted soils
But rather a long age of the native land
And epical deeds.

English writer Joseph Conrad is sure that a human soul is capable of everything since it contains all the past and all the future.
Which part of the Soul contains data on the past and the present? The answer is simple - the Soul's intellect. The Soul's intellect is the experience of centuries-old lives accumulated in the center of the Soul's coat. It is intellect in the sense in which it forms in the Universe. If we suppose that thoughts are vapor-like, then the Intellect is vapor squashed into a round shape under immense pressure, it is colorless and odorless, its appearance cannot be perceived. This clot is akin to clear and pure air that should be on planet Earth. The physiological essence is transient while a human Soul is eternal. The Great Cosmos helps the Soul under stressful circumstances. It is the cosmos, and not the physical body, that restores the Soul's energy via the heart chakra with the help of a light ray.
Human Soul is a link between the physical essence and the Great Cosmic Intellect. From the Cosmic point of view Soul is a material object. From the human point of view it is bodiless and seems invisible. Its shape is elliptical, flattened out on the edges. These flattened-out areas are the points of the Soul's connection to the physical body-carrier, to its Energy Cocoon. During conception and uniting of two fundamental components the Great Intellect inserts a tiny point - a Soul's embryo. Developing with the fetus, this point - Intellect-Clot - expands and finally becomes ellipse-shaped as the man grows. During the period of pre-natal development this small concentrated part of Soul connects with the mother's energy via a canal through which the baby's Souls gets all the data necessary for the Soul's growth. The purer, kinder, fuller the mother's feelings, thoughts and deeds are, the more smoothly the development of a future human goes. After the baby is born, the canal that connects him to the mother's energy comes into the terrestrial world in the open state and serves to perceive and give back human feelings till death. It sustains constant communication with the Great Cosmos because the Soul is the only place in the human body that the Universal Intellect controls constantly without leaving it unattended even for a second; through the same canal the Soul leaves the body after the death of its physical carrier. The canal is located right above the heart perpendicular to the person's body. The second canal connects the Soul with the Spiritual and other energy bodies of the physical carrier. It is situated a palm lower than the dimple where clavicles converge.
Unlike the Soul's Intellect, the Soul's Body is silvery and smells like almond. Soul is connected with a person's Spiritual body via two canals situated at the edges of the ellipse. Depending on a person's soul qualities, the Spiritual body can be round because of the saturation with energy matter or on the contrary it can be fragmented, wavy and mellow. The more one gives of oneself to others, the more compassionate one is towards those near and far, the closer to the heart one carries love for all that exists on Earth, the more willing one is to make self-sacrifices, the fuller, richer and more intense one's Spiritual body is as it is filled via the Soul dwelling in the individual's heart bag or, to be more precise, via the heart chakra.
The poet Nina Gagen-Torn has written the following thing with regard to this:

Blessed is the name of the Universe
Blessed is the call of life;
The immutable movement of unknown worlds
Is all around.
And inside the heart - this red grain of sand -
There is the same ringing in return
Both for the indifferent flocks of stars
And for the humble supplications of tribes.

Having scrutinized hundreds of contacts of people telepathically connected with exponents of Higher Intelligences, US scientists Isac Rubin and David Khramsky made a conclusion that when a baby is born he is provided with an individual program where his whole fate is written. They think that one copy of the program is stored in our subconsciousness and the other one in the Universal Data Bank. Before making such conclusion the scientists, using complex mathematical and psychological methods, lie detectors, hypnosis, selected the patterns of encounters with aliens or textual transmissions to contactees that had passed all the necessary stages of control. Having studied the works of the American specialists, the British researcher Alison Mintraub wrote the following: "It's hard to imagine that people living in different countries, belonging to different social groups and who have never met before, have agreed to pull other people's leg by telling them at different times and in different places the same story in all the details. The distances between the contactees who get this information are too great while the differences in time are too insignificant. Besides, all of them - at least those Rubin and Khramsky spoke to - are tranquil and certainly sane. Moreover the overwhelming majority of them speak rather reluctantly about their interactions with the Supreme Intellect, especially to journalists. The information they got, when compared and analyzed, can catch the imagination even of the one whose fancy is not that sophisticated. And so does the world outlook that stems from it".
Having done a lot of work, Rubin and Khramsky found out that every baby is born not just with an indestructible energy body called Soul but also with a document "proving" its identity in the Universe. This document is a Program of Higher Forces (PHF) built into the thin (astral) body of a newborn and consisting of two parts. One of them gives an account of the ideal program of work of all our physical systems during the whole period of terrestrial life and establishes tasks we have been sent to perform in this world. The other part of the PHF reflects our real life taking into consideration genetic defects, diseases, traumas etc. The authors complain that they have to discourage parents who are crazy about their children by telling them that children are born to fulfil their own mission and not to follow the ambitious plans of their parents and be a live toy in their hands. Then the Americans conclude that the unique information about the PHF is stored in the subconsciousness, in the sector of the so-called hidden memory (memory of the previous reincarnations, family memory etc.). There is a copy of it that is sent to the Planetary Data Bank the moment a child is born. From the same moment on the information is automatically entered in the second part of the PHF giving an imprint to the personality of the original. The difference between ideal and reality in most people grows as years go by. Somehow or other from the moment of birth the "good" option is firmly fixed in our subconsciousness, in our PHF that starts giving signals of alarm every time we deviate considerably from this variant putting the entire program out of order. If the deviation gets so serious that it endangers a person's sense of existence, amendments that remove obstacles along the path of development or indicate additional recourses are made to the Program of Higher Forces. Nothing cruel to do with violation of personality is ever accepted because man is always granted the freedom of choice. We are simply offered unexpected variants of changing our destiny. After performing in due course the program assigned to us, we must pass into the energy form of existence carrying with us our only and most important document with the complete characteristics of our personality. If the original is not as good as the model but still the overall development is positive, during the next reincarnation on Earth a reinforced program is inserted into the PHF and the protein coat is matched with healthier genes in order for the person to be able to make up for missed opportunities of the previous existence. And if the original exactly or almost exactly coincides with the model, a qualitatively new, more complex program is inserted into it. A person is given more but on the other hand he assumes more responsibility. However if the assigned tasks are not carried out properly and the individual does not use the help given to him and degrades, an additional positive program is entered into his "punched card". If the original surpasses the model, his program becomes increasingly more complicated; the task of forming a harmonious (that is the one which does not need further reincarnations) personality as soon as possible appears. The saddest variant: the entire path of reincarnations has reached its end, the personal PHF has been realized, yet none of the programs has been mastered. Individuals who fail to perform the tasks of Cosmos are broken up, their energy is purified, mixed and reincarnations begin anew.
The conclusions of the above-described research of the American scientists cannot be accepted as the truth nevertheless their work is original and deserves to be read.
From the moment of man's birth the Absolute purifies his Soul with the help of fiery rays: and the process continues after the Soul leaves its physical carrier. The purifying influence goes through the subconsciousness. A person who has committed a dark action, unfavorable for the Soul, feels remorseful. Speaker and publicist from Athens Isocratus said: "Don't think that you can hide away after doing a bad thing for even if you manage to escape from others you will never escape from your own conscience". Remorse means that the Council of the Great Cosmos achieves its goal. If it weren't for such work on behalf of the Absolute, many inhabitants of Earth wouldn't be able to clear their Souls after death. The poet from Kazakhstan Tursinkhan Abdrakhmanova expressed her point of view in the following poem:

Why accuse anyone, get offended
And complain of other people?
You'd better try to face your conscience
And explain everything to it.

Great God takes care of earthlings by providing them with an opportunity to relieve their Soul so that it can become lighter than Light and ascend to the Worlds unknown to human beings. Hence the natural conclusion that a soul darkened with vices gets heavy, which prevents it rising up beyond the Earth's atmosphere. Souls of those who have sinned a lot gravitate towards the Earth and bring evil to others who are still alive. The condition of a sinful Soul needs pity and compassion because its mind is unwilling to be evil but darkness makes it connect with the weakened energy of the person with the purpose of recharging and replenishment to go to the Palace of Almighty. A philosopher-stoic Panetius of Rhodes gives recommendations to those with a weak Soul: "A weak soul shouldn't be trusted either to wine, or beauty, or flattery, or other tempting enticements". And the Old Testament says: "Do not exalt yourself in the thoughts of your Soul so that your Soul won't be torn apart like an ox; you will destroy your leaves and your fruits and will turn into a withered tree. A cunning Soul will kill its owner, making it a laughing-stock for his enemies".
We'd like to conclude the lecture with an advice from Anatoly Teles on how to preserve Soul:

Sometimes it takes so little
To shine like a star in the hearts of others:
Let your actions bring joy to people;
Let your kind words warm up their Soul.
And you will not be forgotten
As long as they live:
Kindness that heals human Soul
Has always been honored in this world.


We will start this lecture by explaining how the insertion of Soul takes place. Having taken a look at the entire Universe, one of the Hierarchs who curates a certain part of the surface of Earth and its inhabitants finds two individuals. They can be a husband and wife or a couple united in love. The fact that suitable individuals have been found is communicated to the Universal Intellect. The Soul reaches them with the help of carriers (Souls that have earned the right to be servants of the Great God). They take this Soul and transport it to the place where the physical intimacy of the two individuals take happen. The forceful implantation of Soul into the infant organism takes place at the moment when an ovule and a spermatozoid unite. If for some reason the necessity of this Soul’s presence in the future physical body of the person about to be born has been reconsidered, the Great God permits the Soul to come back. Then either the pregnancy is terminated or a dead baby is born. If the Soul is inserted, it grows inside the physical baby filling in the space near the heart. We can say that it is a casing surrounding the heart. The Soul interacts with the Universal Intellect via a chakra situated opposite the heart. The Universal Intellect can assign concrete tasks, concrete activities to the Soul. Our (erathlings’) main purely human task is to listen to what happens in our Souls. Sergey Ostrovskiy wrote the following poem:

“Children are born in the stillness of the night.
Milestone after milestone pass by.
The antenna of my soul sounds
Like a troubled voice of the century.”

Through the sensation of consciousness the Soul shows which action is good and which is disgusting. Boris Slutskiy showed this in his poem “Stop”:

“It is as shameful as cheating a cashier
Who earns a hundred roubles a month,
Or as shooting from a submachine gun
At a flock of a harmless cranes.
What a shame. What a pity. How sad it is
Because it is a shame.
Shame is an important valve in the body.
Everyone will forgive but your consciousness won’t.
Everyone will forget.
But the evil insomnia
Has a good memory.
It comes at night and kills,
And cuts into pieces with a blunt saw.”

If a child overpowers his Soul with the help of his mind and acts badly, he steps onto the path of darkening his Soul’s background. Why can’t the Soul command a person and his mind? In order for this to happen a child must be taught to listen to his Soul’s feelings instead of obeying his mind. And the Soul’s feelings are conscience. A. Herzen was sure that conscience is the worst inquisitor. I.A. Pushkin was convinced that a person with guilty conscience is miserable. M.S. Stelmakh wrote: “One can escape a bullet, one can escape death, but one cannot escape one’s conscience”. God will ask the Soul, “What have you done to prevent the person from acting badly?” If a person feels like doing a bad thing regardless of his age, the Soul must scream and tear itself to pieces. If the Soul feels comfortable inside the physical body, if it likes the world around it, the planet where it might have already been several times, and fails to carry out its tasks and agrees with the things the person does despite his conscience, it means that the Soul does not obey the Will of Father God and will be punished for this in future. The Kabardinian poet Alim Keshokov wrote the following:

“And when you start your ascension,
Don’t be neither too slow nor too quick,
Don’t be afraid of falling down,
Be afraid lest your soul should fall.”

When the Soul fails to carry out its tasks during several reincarnations, God tells it, "My dear, you have been inserted so many times, yet you have failed to implement my orders. It means, my dear, that now you will have to spend some years in a certain company to become wiser". And this Soul goes to do the dirtiest work in the Great Cosmos. It has to collect the Souls of those who are not fit to ascend to the Illuminated Worlds. This Soul together with other Souls similar to it catch such Souls on their way to the Illuminated Cosmos and send them to the places where servants of the Devil wait for them.
There is such a concept as separation of Soul from the physical body for a short period of time. During this period the Soul does not break the connection with the physical carrier but acquires the ability to prolong its connection with its container. The linking thread of the Soul becomes longer during clinical death as well. The Absolute prepares a gift called "insertion of greatness" for the beloved children who dedicate their Soul to serve their neighbors. This is the moment when the Absolute breathes the Fiery Light - purest energy - into the Soul of a person the Absolute especially loves. It is then that the Soul leaves its container without leaving the physical body and soars freely.
The Soul consists of the following components: Soul's Embryo, Soul's House, Embryo of the terrestrial part of the Soul, Tuada (Terrestrial Soul), Tetdaya, Teiuda.
Soul's Embryo is the origin inserted at the moment when two fundamental components unite. The Soul is inserted into a person in two stages. The first stage is connected with the insertion of a physiologically intelligent infornent that is called Soul's Embryo. The infornent has a microform - a capsule which is a thread linking the future person to the Earth and the Universe at the same time. The Embryo stays in the growing fetus during the first three months of pregnancy and takes an active part in the formation of the Soul's House. The Soul's Embryo and the Terrestrial part of the Soul are closely connected. The Soul's Embryo keeps the Terrestrial part of the Soul in its dwelling place. Teiuda is inserted immediately along with the Soul's Embryo. After three months the second stage begins and the Terrestrial part of the Soul and Tetdaya are inserted into the developed Soul's House. After three months both the native planet and creative forces of Father God participate in forming the Earth's future inhabitant. Mother Earth starts forming the energy of its future child, forming its energy components. The Intellect of the Soul's Embryo is aimed at the physical preservation of the person. It does not participate in any processes of the earthling's Cosmic life; when the person dies there is no purification, it travels to Mokayad in the capsule. The Soul's Embryo is deprived of memory; it doesn't have its own self. Its physiological essence is to mix with the material part of the Soul's House after getting accustomed to the body. At the same time the Soul's Embryo possesses information about the life span of the physical body and experiences anxiety if a person dies prematurely. When the physical body dies the Soul's Embryo leaves through the Soul's chakra canal after the Terrestrial part of the Soul leaves. It is taken by the Manna from Heaven consisting of human Souls.
The Soul's Embryo - that is the embryo of its terrestrial part - is the coordinating intelligent center of the Soul that unites all the processes of the state of mind. The intelligent impulse first connects with the Soul's Embryo and then the Embryo passes the information to the Terrestrial part of the Soul. That's why if initiated messengers of the Universe are to experience stress, the Teachers block or separate the Soul's Embryo to prevent them feeling acute physical pain during the mental impact. When the Embryo of the Terrestrial part of the Soul is not blocked the energy of bad news influences the energy body of the Terrestrial part of the Soul in such a way that it causes changes in the form of the Soul, which in turn entails changes in the physical activity of the heart. The individual starts having heartaches, spasms of brain's blood vessels and other phenomena resulting from the stress.
Terrestrial Soul or Tuada is part of the Soul that doesn't have the right to leave the physical body; this is a typically terrestrial part of the Soul. The Terrestrial Soul communicates only with Tetdaya and the individual's mind. It is an intelligent component that knows its owner. The body of the Terrestrial Soul and the person's body are connected too closely; that's why Tuada is always torn away violently. At the moment when the Terrestrial part of the Soul is inserted it is assigned a Pot - a protector of Soul till the last day of its life in the physical body. It is located inside a person's Soul, accumulates all the sins of the Soul and submits them to the Great Council of the Universal Patriarchy. This is Energy - Intellect of the Greatest Power, part of the Absolute that is inserted along with the Soul. There are two ways to insert the Terrestrial Soul into the Soul's House. In the first case the Soul is inserted at the third month of pregnancy when the baby in the mother's womb hasn't formed as a corporal creature yet. In the second case the Soul is inserted at the fifth month of pregnancy through the cinciput. Usually it happens to the Souls that need a very active purification and to the Souls of future messengers of the Universe. Many of such humans do the following after they are born on Mother Earth: some of them become mentally ill, others make contact with the Forces of Father God. The reason for the Soul to be introduced through the cinciput is to make it live with the thought of its mission on Mother Earth. But this knowledge is not available to earthlings. That's why Father God begins to accelerate the realization of karma by making various painful symptoms appear, mainly mental ones. As a rule such individuals manifest symptoms of mental disorder and start actively seeking ways to heal. Some of them do to a psychiatrist; others find people who suggest who they should turn to in order to get true information about the mental discomfort.
Tetdaya is translated as "carrying intelligence of a very high level". This is the exiting part of Soul, part of the Energy Intelligences. It also includes a small part of Intellect-Matter that cannot leave a live terrestrial body of a person because if this part of the Soul leaves the body the Soul ceases to exist. It is a part of Terrestrial Soul. One can talk with Tetdaya. It can transmit its thought telepathically and with the help of a blank sheet of paper. Unlike Tuada, Tetdaya is the part of Soul that has the right to walk in Teteya. The exit of Tetdaya that contains intellect is open for every individual. Tetdaya can leave a person's body when he is asleep, dead or alive.
Tetdays that leave during the sleep go for walks mostly to get information about their owner and his future from the Universal Space Data Bank and to warn him in case of possible troubles so that he can choose the right way to overcome them. The Soul warns both about good and bad events in the person's life. When Tetdaya exits with part of its body and gets information about the person it communicates the information to its owner through presentiments, whereas when it is the Astral to go out, after walks it communicates the necessary information to the individual's mind through dreams. In one of the previous lectures we mentioned that every inhabitant of Earth has an Astral Double. It is given to the person for communication with the Universe. The Astral exit happens through the Aura of an Astral coat. Astral Double is a small part of a person's body. It often exits when a person is asleep, sometimes when a person is awake. There is also Astral Phantom - a complex of energy bodies of a person that have lived a certain moment and carry information to Odon about every moment of the person's life in the past; it does not have intellect. It is an informer about the past consisting of stable dead cells of a given individual at any given moment in time that goes into the past. When the Soul is in a human body it is isolated from the Cosmos and the planet Earth by an energy cocoon. The Soul's communication canals are created to bring energy to the person but not the information that exists in its various forms in the Universe. That's why in order to obtain information from the Universal Space Data Bank the Soul has to leave the physical body. If all people listened to what goes on inside their Souls, what information Tetdaya and Astral bring them, they could have approached the Cosmos long ago.
The Soul can leave the body even during the person's life for negative reasons. On Earth they say that such people are without Soul. Those Souls that have left the physical body before the earthling dies wander on Earth without finding refuge, without being able to go away to the House of God to restore its energy balance and return to the physical body of another human. The person whose Tetdaya has left him with a part of the Soul's body during the person's life lives without the Soul's intellect. In him there is still the energy part of the Soul's body that provides an opportunity to preserve the heart so that it can keep this individual alive. Tetdaya is that part that gives the Universal warmth and a person whose Soul has left him during lifetime doesn't have this warmth.
The condition when the Soul of Tetdaya is temporarily absent from the person's physical body is called Tugat. When a person is awake Tetdaya exits for a short period of time and stays close. When it goes away further during the sleep the conscience blacks out temporarily. One can say that Tetdaya is the owner's second face. If a person injures his brain seriously (when most of it is damaged) but the heart goes on functioning, it works at the expense of Tetdaya: it is Tetdaya that keeps the heart going. Even if the brain is totally destroyed by a trauma, the heart can continue functioning. When the brain dies the Soul (Terrestrial Soul) leaves the body while Tetdaya keeps the heart going for a certain period of time.
Teiuda is the Cosmic form of human Soul, a copy of the Soul that conveys energy which is not connected with the planet's energies present in a person's physical body. Each person has his own Teiuda that observes the events happening to the owner but that has no right to interfere. It is an alien Teiuda that can interfere and influence the developments if it is authorized by Father God. Teiuda is surrounded by a halo that represents the essence of the state of its owner's Soul. The colors of an individual's Aura and his Teiuda's helo are the same. By looking at Teiuda any inhabitant of the Universe sees what its owner is like.
And if a person does ask his Teiuda for help, what are the conditions for it to be able to comply with his request? Teiuda must receive extraterrestrial power by an order. Teiuda can perform the task only after receiving this power. The less sinful a person's life is on Earth, the longer Teiudas can live in the House of God in without undergoing insertions. The more badly an earthling behaves, the sooner Teiudas find themselves inside a new body. Teiuda feels bad if it lives with a person who is not only a fool but also a boor. In the House of Father God - Teteya - other Teiudas say that such Teiuda is bad, point fingers at it, turn away from it. A bad Teiuda is given a place in the direct vicinity of the Earth in the House of Father. It is cold, it feels uncomfortable, it suffers and cries. Teiuda and Tetdaya have the same names from the previous life. Teiuda is a source of knowledge of many generations of people; it knows when the Soul will leave the physical body. When a person is still alive Teiuda can be seen in Teteya or as the future in Mokayad.
Matrimonial Teiudas are a variation of an extraordinarily close spiritual intimacy of two terrestrial Teiudas. People get married without taking into consideration how close they are in Cosmos energywise. The energy intimacy of two Teiudas in Cosmos is identical to matrimonial intimacy, and if this happens, two people have an ideal marriage. The possibility to match two Souls similar in their energy depends on how good one is at listening to his Soul. It is one's Soul's deafness that results in choosing a partner without taking into consideration the energy kinship of the partner's Soul. Kindred Teiudas, that is Teiudas with similar energy, favor good marriage. However, it does not exclude misunderstandings between partners. But since these people's Teiudas interact well easily with one another and are prompted by the House of God, they will definitely find common ground and solve all the family problems. Strange Teiudas, i.e. Teiudas that are not akin energywise, do not suit each other at all and drift apart in Cosmos. Married people whose Teiudas are strange live like a cat and a dog without getting any help from anywhere. Strange Teiudas are not recharged with purity from the Storeroom of Father God; they don't have warmth and light that burn weaknesses in relationship. Kindred Teiudas get strength from the Storeroom of Father God through the Soul, they are guided in marriage and get assistance according to their sign without the Soul's participation. Moreover they enrich the Soul with warmth, purity and light from the Universe. Only matrimonial Teiudas have been granted such blessings by Father God. The sign of Teiuda for the initiated can be seen on a person.
Teiuda has an opportunity to speak with Tetdaya and Tetdaya reports the result of the conversation to Tuada. But not all Teiudas tell the truth to their owners - they can provide them with false information as well. Teiuda like Tetdaya has the right to leave the person for a certain period of time unlike the Soul's Embryo and the Terrestrial Soul that leave the Soul's House after the person's death. Teiuda recharges 75% of its energy from the energy of Mother Earth and 25% from the energy of Cosmos. In Teteya Teiuda can be seen as a ring with a little person. The ring is Teiuda's connection with the energies of Mother Earth. In reality when viewed closer it resembles a ball whose core represents a condensed Cosmic hemisphere filled with energies of Mother Earth. If a messenger of the Universe enters another energy field, his Teiuda undergoes changes necessary for being in this new state as well.
Teiuda preserves the cosmic memory. If a messenger of the Universe works at a telepathical level while the information needs to be conveyed to the brain not by listening telepathically but via a constant knowledge flow, Teachers of the Universe open a passage from Teiuda to the brain by inserting Clone Echaya - a copy of Teiuda that enjoys a full right to a new destiny, open opportunities and prolonged connection between the contactee's Clone and the contactee himself.
When the Soul is in the Soul's House it just touches the House without adhering closely to it. It is necessary to make sure that the Soul's state is not transmitted to the Soul's body. Stressful states of Soul can be very dangerous. If the Soul adhered closely to the Soul's House, a person could die when under a lot of stress. By only touching the House the Soul can avoid leaving it. Thanks to such a connection an individual can experience emotional stress of various degrees and remain in good health. One more aspect: if the Soul were firmly fixed on the walls of the Soul's House, it could negatively influence the heart's activity.
Entomologists insert parts of Soul into the future life about to be born. This word doesn't have anything to do with its terrestrial equivalent. From the Cosmic point of view an entomologist is a specialist who mixes energies or in other words the one who interferes with the energy of other lives.
The entire Mokayad uses the knowledge of the Universe through Teiudas rather then through the brain.
Tuyad is an Energy Double or part of the Soul separated at the Behest of Father God or Lucifer. It stays mostly in the free state coming to Earth from time to time in the form of condensed energy. This is an Energy Form that has an opportunity to leave the body in the form of the person's Energy Double. We'd like to reiterate that this part of the Soul is controlled by the Absolute for pure Souls and the service of Lucifer for vicious Souls. Tuyad is the Cosmic part of the Soul.
Tetdaya is a complex of the Energy Double and a person's Soul. It can visit a person and provide him with information. After the individual's death it goes to the Life of Earth. When the complex of Teiuda and Tuyad leaves the body it finds a field of work besides its physical house. They can work miracles and bring the immense Power of Father God to their Tuada.
When speaking of Soul, we cannot help mentioning such energy category as conscience characterized by a person’s ability to perform moral self-control, formulate his moral obligations independently, make himself meet these obligations and evaluate his actions. Conscience is one of the expressions of the moral self-consciousness of an individual. Many people started regarding conscience as an obstacle in life recently. This was shown in the poem “Confession of an Executor” by Armando Tejada Gomez:

“Carrying out a decision,
I look down.
I say I agree
Even if deep down inside I oppose.
At first I was afraid
Of the close words of the fire.
It seemed to me that people
Held ne in contempt,
That they spat me in the back
And their spits were like stones.
All beginners
Must have faced this.
That’s why I started living without shame
Not to be ashamed.
Otherwise I could never
Hope to be promoted.
Believe me, shame and consciousness
Are only words.
I am afraid of no rumor
It doesn’t matter if I live
Deep down in shit.
I am free after all
While others are in prison.
I’m telling you, chap,
So that you know in advance:
It is shameful only in the beginning…
This will pass soon.”

There are many people who carry such Souls on Mother Earth now. That’s why it is very common to hear that Armageddon is coming. Armageddon is the moment when Soul has opened up to understand its essence being inside a physical body at that. Many inhabitants of Earth will begin to realize the purity and the meanness of actions taken during their lifetime. This process of opening up started in 2001 and is connected with supply of immense Power of the energy of intellect of the Soul into the intellect of the brain to perform this realization. First of all it will concern those people who were described by the historian Gaius Sallustius Crispus like this: “Many people, slaves of stomach and sleep, live their life without education and good breeding, like vagabonds, and despite the laws of nature they use their body for pleasure and consider their Soul to be a burden.”


In the magazine "Nevedomiy Mir" (Unknown World) No 12, 2001, Ust begins his article "The World We Live in" with the following words: "I do not claim to fully reveal the concept of the human Spirit phenomenon, of all its properties and qualities, and especially the life of Spirit in the next World. The secret of human Spirit has always been a mystery".
We started solving this mystery with the help of the Teachers of the Great Mokayad in the previous lectures. In the same article Ust reports that animals do not have Spirit; that's why they cannot become humans. "An animal has a "soul" of a different kind, different form the human Spirit; it doesn't have self-knowledge abilities and its existence is limited to the body's life i.e. it isn't immortal and is deprived of individuality unlike man".
Fortunately it isn't so. It is true that during life on Earth in the physical body animals cannot think like man but their Souls have the same intelligence as human Souls. Dogs read people's mind at the level of Mokayad (Intelligent Universe). All animals know about all the events that happen in the Intelligent Universe but only a few can warn their owners about the coming events because they are unable to fix these events in their consciousness. The Souls of animals in Teteya, like people, are characterized by thinking activities. The insertion of Soul in animals takes place immediately at the moment when two origins come together. Two components are inserted simultaneously: the Terrestrial part of Soul with a center-intellect and its part located beside its owner. It is this Cosmic part that protects the animal, suggests variants of world existence and helps to find a way to stay alive in difficult situations. If we speak about animals tamed for decorative and useful purpose, the Tetdayas of the Souls of cats and dogs have the role of purposeful intelligences that stimulate their owners to be useful for people. These animals have the right and capability to take negative energies out of man's body, and not just take out these energies but transform them into energies of inferior level of intelligence leaving them in the Abstract Field of Teteya as harmless neutral energy. Not all Tetdayas of animals have maximum abilities in this field but it is not their fault, it is the fault of people who surround them. When animals are treated kindly Tetdaya reaches out to people blossoming like a flower and becoming more human-like. When confronted with rude behavior Tetdaya does not leave the animal's body as if it wanted to protect itself near its owner. The Tetdayas of all viviparous animals of any species have a special name - Sutaya.
We'd like to quote a part of the article "The World We Live In" where the author writes about spirituality: "The time of great changes in the life of humanity is coming and human spirituality will play a crucial role not just in the life of Earth but in the life of the whole Universe. The main criterion of a person's spirituality is the inner Fire of his soul! The brighter this Fire burns, the more spiritual the person is. Spirituality is a manifestation of the Spirit rather than that of the Intellect. Education and intellectual development do not determine a person's spirituality. These qualities are not spiritual; they are necessary for the development of material progress. A spiritual person is a hearty person who manifests qualities of kindness and love. Sometimes a simple uneducated person can be more spiritual than he who considers himself learned and intellectual".
Ust has written this thing very well. However one doesn't have a clear idea of spirituality. We have decided to formulate our own definition of spirituality. Spirituality has the same content both from the point of view common to all mankind and the Cosmic point of view. This is a condition when feelings of the Soul's Intellect fully coincide with thoughts and actions of a person's Intellect. The sublimity and purity of the Soul's condition corresponds completely to the outward appearance and behavior of the physical body.
At the moment research of the Soul is underway. Scientists are trying to detect it with the help of devices and learn to influence people through the Soul. In particular the Russian academician Victor Khromov in an interview published in the newspaper "Na Grani Nevozmozhnogo" (On the Edge of the Impossible) in 1998 says the following about the work conducted in one of the laboratories: "It was moving in my hands like a living fish. And it was alive too. But it wasn't a fish; it was the soul of a person who had just died. I could not see it with my eyes. However, on the screen of a special computer it looked like a creature a bit similar to a newborn - with a disproportionately big head, tiny body, gnarled legs and arms similar to stumps of wings and … a fan-like tail clearly visible at the base but then as the eye moved further from the body the image became increasing blurred and disappearing, dissolving in space. My hands that were squeezing the dead man's soul were covered with special gloves or more precisely wrapped in a net of thin wires that created a special field. The deceased was one of the laboratory specialists and had been in coma for a long time or, as doctors say, he was a "vegetable". When it became clear that it was impossible to bring him back to life a decision was taken…
According to Khromov, it was decided to transplant the dead man's soul into another person's body. This other person had been especially selected and who resembled the deceased physically. Khromov maintained that brain and spine transplantation had been mastered by them a long time before. 293 out of 384 operations performed in the laboratories turned out to be successful. The main problem was the soul transplantation - without it people guessed very quickly that there had been a substitution, that the person was not the same. The work of Khromov's laboratory was aimed exactly at catching the "soul substance" and its "condensation". The scientific research in this field, still classified, performed by a neurophysiologist Oleg Bakhmetiev, was the beginning of such work. He finally managed to determine the physical nature of the phenomenon we call "soul". It was established that human soul is not exclusively a product of the brain but is a radiation of all the living cells of human organism. We manage our soul mostly through the eyes. An energy "core" of the soul penetrates the entire human body from head to toe. According to Khromov, the soul is located mainly in the head, at the level of forehead and lips. Khromov's laboratory has already presented to the world three specimen of its production. Brain and souls of other, dead human beings were transplanted into the bodies of the "donors". According to Khromov, the experiments with transplantation have been performed at an accelerated rate recently and a lot of funds have been assigned for this person.
Having read such a horror interview, one can easily get depressed. But alas we must disappoint the author of the article. Inhabitants of Earth cannot catch a soul. The theme of Soul in this interview is described incorrectly. Soul leaves the Soul's House as concentrated Energy Intelligence. After the exit it assumes its carrier's outward appearance. At first, after exiting from the Soul's House, it is a folded form with oval content and after being surrounded by the Manna from Heaven it immediately expands to the size corresponding to the carrier's physical parameters. What was it that Khromov held in his hands and saw at the computer monitor? It was a substance of energies of the dying earthling. Soul transplantation into a terrestrial body is a fiction that cannot be performed at the terrestrial level. Many changes can be made at the level of the physical body and the brain but Soul cannot be used in such operations. It is only possible to gather the concentrated energy of a dying person and insert it into another person's body via a mental message. This phenomenon is akin to insertion of an alien life via a mental message (evil eye). Soul can really sometimes be seen through a person's eyes but it happens very often that the eyes' behavior does not correspond to the soul's condition. Soul is Intelligence that reads the information from the owner's brain and the Data Bank of both Mother Earth and the Universe. Soul is not a product of human brain at all.
What connection is there between death and Soul's departure? The death of a physical body occupies the first place, the exit of Soul is secondary. Soul never leaves the body completely if the physical carrier shows signs of life. There is a complex of energy indices that help to immediately determine if it is possible to save a person for a future life or he must leave this life forever. One of these important criteria is the color spectrum of an individual's Aura field. The Aura field of a person who can be brought back to life is reddish.
The Soul leaves the Soul's Energy Cocoon through the Door of Life of Mother Earth. The Door of Life of Mother Earth is triangular. Behind this Door there is free life in the House of God. The Door of Life doesn't have a fixed location in the Energy Cocoon; but it is always with the person, it moves with him. Mother Earth gives Doors of Life to all its inhabitants. It keeps the Doors closed until it's time for an individual to die and finally opens them when the Soul has left the physical carrier. After the Soul's exit the Door is shrouded, which means that this person cannot come back to life. The Door opens inside out to let a Soul out of the Energy Cocoon. After the Soul leaves, energy bodies begin to separate.
When leaving a physical body, human Souls belong to the life of the Intelligent Universe until the next insertion; and when the Terrestrial Soul is inserted into a human body it dwells in the energy volume of the field that is called the Soul's Body. The Terrestrial part of the Soul that gets ready to go to the world of Teteya is not completely inside the human body. Its tiny part along with Tetdaya is in the Harvest of Earth and then transfers to the World of Earth. The Terrestrial part of the Soul is taken by the Souls of people in charge of this work. No one else but specific people has the right to take the Terrestrial Soul at the moment when a person dies. Before death the Terrestrial part of the Soul divides into several parts. A tiny part separates to reserve a place in the Harvest of Earth for the death to happen according to the Laws of being.
The Harvest of Life is the energy of the planet Earth where a person's energy, his energy bodies and the energy of flesh are located. The Life of Earth is the Tree of Life, a trunk with branches that have faces of people on them. If for example a person is destined to die in a car crash, an initiated Messenger of the Universe is shown a study of a moving car that crashes into the tree making a certain person's face fall down like an apple. If a person is destined to drown, in the study one can see this person washed away from the Tree of Life by a wave. The Harvest of Earth is a mirror image of the Tree of Life. Those living on Earth are on the Tree of Life; those who are going to die are on the mirror image of the Tree of Life. There are no dead people on the Harvest of Earth. Egoists are placed in the direct vicinity of earth on the mirror image of the Tree of Life.
Besides being filled by Cosmos, man is a part of the Universe; without this filling he is part of the planet. The Life of Earth is a temporary phenomenon for man because he cannot last long without the Cosmic energy intelligent components of the Soul. The Life of Earth is the destiny of those people who die. The Earth waits for their body because a physical body is the fruit of Earth. There is nothing constant in the Life of Earth; everything changes in an instant. If we take into consideration the fact that Tetdaya leaves after a person's death, it is present in the Life of Earth like a physical body. Satan is responsible for the dying; it's his job.
The most difficult thing is to overcome the fear of death in one's conscience and understand that the physical death is not a tragedy at all. Vladimir Novikov wrote the following lines:

Love and be delighted till the end.
You are a guest in this world
And sometimes you are not even welcome.
It's a pity but strange as it may seem
Both a fool and a sage end their life in the same way.
The time comes to pay: the nature has ordered
To take both your mind and your body away from you.

We cannot agree with the poet when he speaks about man being deprived of his mind. It is true that a person leaves his body to Mother Earth; yet his mind is inside his Soul that keeps on living. The physical body dies and the Soul is happy to be liberated. A quote from Marina Tsvetaeva says: "If a soul was born with wings no walls can keep it in".
When a person is pure and kind, capable of self-sacrifice in the name of his neighbor, the Soul is reluctant to agree with the death of its physical carrier for it knows that the owner can share his pure energy of kindness with his neighbors. When a person is egoistic the Soul is not happy with its shelter. It looks forward to leaving the physical body as a relief from the suffering because it will be able to perform a great deed by opening itself to life to help sanify and supply knowledge still unknown on Earth. Its Intellect does not aspire to protect the owner; on the contrary, it stimulates the realization of all the base vices and urges assaulting the callous egoistic intellect of the physical owner. A teacher from Alexandria named Origen in its treatise dating back to the 3rd century and entitled "On First Principles" writes: "At the time of the flood, when all flesh had corrupter their way before God, it is recorded that God spoke thus, as of undeserving men and sinners: "My Spirit shall not abide with those men for ever, the Spirit of God is taken away from all who are unworthy".
The Terrestrial part of the Soul in not in the body of a person who is going to the World of Teteya till the end of his physical life. Before a person dies the Terrestrial part of the Soul goes to the world of Earth. Only a capsule - an energy carrier of the Terrestrial part of the Soul remains inside the person's body. This is Energy Intellect that keeps the physical body alive until the moment when it is time to leave the body. The Terrestrial part of the Soul leaves its dwelling place only a few days prior to the death of the physical body and stays in the World of Earth where it gets strength to be able to travel to Teteya together with the Soul's carrier. We repeat this information in more detail expressly for it to be better understood.
We'd like to reiterate one more thing. Souls can't smell. Soul's embryo is implanted into an individual in the period when ovules come together. The Terrestrial part of the Soul is inserted when the fetus in the mother's body reaches the age of three months. The Soul gradually assumes the shape of the face of the person whose carrier it is. Souls can realize human desires through a special Clone they possess.
Now it's time to get acquainted with the Law of Death Call. This Law says: a Soul is initially summoned from the body by a Death Call. When a Soul hears this call it doesn't want to live in the physical body of an earthling anymore. This Law applies to any lifeform that has a Soul. Another Law is closely connected with the Law of Death Call. It is the Law of Taget i.e. the law of complete readiness to enter a new state. Taget will never start unless a Death Call makes the Soul want to leave the body. When the Law of Death Call comes into force the Soul has to make a choice: stay in the physical body or leave it. If Teiuda wants to live on while the Terrestrial Soul doesn't the person definitely dies. The Law of Death Call prevails over the Law of Taget. When the Law of Death Call comes into force the Soul wants to change the body.
There is also such the concept of the mystery of an earthling's death. This is the knowledge of the time of Soul's departure from any carrier. Only a few people on Mother Earth know the mystery of death: it is connected with the fact that the mystery of death is the only and final act in the destiny of a specific earthling. The knowledge of the mystery of death must not influence the course of destiny established by Father God. One has to have higher wisdom to know the mystery of death.
Now let's speak about Tetdaya. Before the Terrestrial Soul leaves, Tetdaya is at the top, at the highest point of the Aura field or on the vertex of triangle. When a person who lived more for himself than for the others i.e. an egoist dies Tetdaya directly participates in the owner's death. It is responsible for introducing the owner into the Net of Death.
The Net of Death is an Energy Intelligent field situated in the place where an individual's death will come to an end. The Net of Death absorbs a person's destiny and a dying person is irresistibly attracted to this place. The person goes to the Net of Death himself with the help of Tetdaya; he approaches the moment of his life's end through a blow destined for him. The Net of Death starts working 5-6 hours before a person's death. Having entered the Net of Death with its owner, Tetdaya bounces off from him and plumbs to the ground to avoid participation in the processes it has no power over. The rest of the work is performed by other inhabitants of Teteya. Taking into consideration all of the above people must try to live according to an advice from M. Jalil:

Let there be a mark of spiritual purity
In everything you do:
For your strength is not in your appearance
But only in your human touch.

When a Soul gets to know that it is going to leave the carrier's physical body Teiuda is sent to Naraut. Naraut is a mysterious storeroom of knowledge in the Universe. Teiudas go to Naraut to get the initial energy for the Souls that leave physical bodies. This energy will help the Souls to rise. Teiudas stay in Naraut for quite a long period of time until the Soul leaves the physical body. After this Teiudas come back from Naraut with a reserve of energy they give to the Souls. The Souls are then taken away by tiny pretty servants of God and are passed on to other authorities.
Teteya is the present. Odon is the past. Mokayad is the future. From Naraut Teiuda proceeds to Odon because Naraut is the entrance to Odon. Naraut just like Odon is located within the Earth's energy coat. Such institution as Naraut has been created only for the inhabitants of Earth.
Then Teiuda moves to Danaut. Danaut is Teteya's hall, a place where human Souls stay before going to Odon. When in Danaut, Teiuda doesn't have connection with the physical owner anymore. Teiuda and Tetdaya stay in Danaut at the same time. In Danaut Tetdaya gets ready for separation of the Terrestrial part of the Soul and finds out about the ways of its further energy life. In Danaut Tetdaya is prepared for future life without a physical carrier. Unlike Teiuda, when Tetdaya stays in Danaut it continues to visit the terrestrial non-exiting part of the Soul and discusses the future of its owner-carrier. The Terrestrial part of the Soul finds out about its further ways and makes a decision as to whether it can leave the physical carrier now or additional conditions are needed for further existence. The demands of the Terrestrial part of the Soul are always met. That's why even a seriously ill person sometimes does not die immediately. The Energy Life of the Terrestrial part of human Soul is happy to cross the borders of terrestrial energies because there is no death as destruction of life. All the energy components of a person except his perishable physical carrier go on living. All that happens is done for the sake of the Soul of the one whose physical carrier it leaves.
In Danaut Tetdaya is abstracted into a living Energy Intellect Essence without binding itself to any living creature for a certain period of time. Unlike Teiuda, Tetdaya has no opportunity to remember the life it has spent with the earthling since in Danaut it leaves all the terrestrial facts from its life and fills with purity of Universal energies. Later, during the insertion of the Terrestrial part of Soul into a human being, Tetdaya reunites with it to form a complete Soul. All the three components (Tetdaya, Teiuda and Tuada) always unite to continue the physical life of the next person. Naraut and Danaut are the last authorities; after them there is no coming back to life - a person's physical death comes. Teiuda carries mixed (Cosmic and terrestrial) energy. It gives away its terrestrial energy to the Terrestrial part of the Soul through Tetdaya. Danaut leaves it with Universal power so that it can live in the capacity of Tyaiud. Transferring into the state of Tyaiud, Teiuda remembers all the facts from the lives spent together with earthlings. Teiudas have different names in Teteya than the names of a person living on Earth. It is mostly a name from the previous insertion.
After Danaut Tetdaya goes to Nahaut - a place situated in the energy layer between Teteya and the World of Earth. Any energy layer is not a flow of a certain current but rather the energy state of the subject in question. Nahaut is a place where the Tetdaya of a person going towards the final is situated. The final means the finish line that ends with separation of the Terrestrial part of the Soul from the physical carrier. In Nahaut Tetdaya waits for the Terrestrial part of the Soul to leave the carrier's physical body. There are leaving energies here. It is in Nahaut that the energy of a physical unit is split into energy components.
All the kinds of states that have specific names in the Universe i.e. Odon, Naraut, Nahaut etc. are present simultaneously near every inhabitant of Earth according to his or her path. There is a certain macro- and microworld near every earthling, the World of Earth or the World of Cosmos that is closely connected, mutually helpful, leading and protecting, giving strength and destiny and taking them away. This is the World of the Planet Earth and the World of the Universe in one embrace, coordinated, living on the Supreme Intellect of the planet Earth and the Universal Intellect, Power and Creative Origin. Nahaut is the last place where part of living person can be found.
The moment of being in Nahaut has one peculiarity. While all the stages of passing of energy satellites of man are connected by the presence of the power of energy for life, in Nahaut Tetdaya doesn't have life energy any more. That's why it looks perforated, eaten out, as if covered in pocks. From Nahaut Tetdaya goes to Eheteya. When this happens it means that the time of an individual's life is over. Eheteya carries only the Souls of dead people; it is near future for those about to die. The energy door through which it is possible to enter Eheteya is behind the Life of Mother Earth. A small line divides the state of life from death. This line is called "door" in energy life. To cross the threshold of the door means to favor Tetdaya's leaving Eheteya. Once Tetdaya crosses the door threshold the Soul leaves the carrier's body. This action immediately entails the decay of the physical body. Tetdaya goes to Teteya immediately after the liberation of the Terrestrial part of the Soul.
Before going to Teteya, Tetdaya passes through a short period of energy state - Vizhuyat. Vizhuyat is an energy state of concentration of forces for taking the Terrestrial part of the Soul out of the body. The duration of Vizhuyat is different for different Tetdayas but it never exceeds seven terrestrial days. After Vizhuyat Tetdaya transfers from Eheteya to Tetya and a few hours later the thing the Forces of God of a terrestrial individual lead to happens. When the time of the life's final comes Teiuda and Tetdaya scrutinizes the World of Earth not to miss the moment of the opening of corridor they must use to go to Odon. Odon is the very first room where the Tetdaya of the Terrestrial part of Soul goes. In Odon Tetdaya says good-bye to Teiuda and goes its own way. Teiuda stays in Odon for a very brief period of time too. Together with Tetdaya they wait for a sign form Father God. It is an energy signal clear to every energy inhabitant. It is a very bright light that resembles a flash and is visible only to those inhabitants who are to go to Odon and further in the near future determined by the clock of terrestrial dimension. Earthlings can also see this flash in the state of clinical death but if they are not destined to die, their Soul do not reach Odon. The corridor they see carries a lot of Souls of dead people at the same time; later they hold hands in Eheteya. The corridor is an energy pipe; Souls fly through it to reach the Light shining at the end where they will be seen clearly. People who are temporarily clinically dead find themselves in someone else's corridor that's why they come back. The corridor carries away only the Souls which have been assigned a place to stay in Odon as part of Teteya and later in Teteya. Souls cannot get there prematurely since a place have not been prepared for them there yet. As long as Tetdaya carries terrestrial energy, it has one structure; when it is liberated from terrestrial energies it acquires an even energy background. We would like to end the lecture by quoting G. Skovoroda: “Heart is the human content, man is a stuffed animal and a stump without it.”

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