Online Magazine by Center for COSMOS Connection.


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Law is Severe, Still it is Law

We'd like to continue our lecture dedicated to the Universe by defining the concepts "planet" and "star". The word "planet" in Latin means literally "wanderer". According to the terrestrial ideas, a planet is a big spherical body traveling around the Sun along an elliptic orbit as described by the laws of planetary motion discovered by Kepler and luminous thanks to the reflected solar rays. Such definition of planets was invented by earthlings and refers to the celestial bodies of the Solar Stellar System. There are numerous Stellar Systems in the Universe that have the same structure. The inhabitants of Mokayad define "planet" as a celestial body characterized by any lifeform. It can be either energy or material lifeform. In the Intelligent Universe there are both energy planets and material planets. The word "planet" is not used in the Universe at all: instead they say "Mother Entruria", "Mother Venus" etc.
By stars the people of Earth mean celestial bodies that are a source of radiant energy created in their depths and emitted into space. They consist of a very hot ionized gas compressed by powerful gravitation. According to the Universal ideas, a "star" can be defined as a celestial body whose physical and energy properties are still being formed to enter the field of life. After the formation process is over, the star enters the community of planets characterized by a certain lifeform. The concept of Energy Mother can be applied to a star.

What role does man play in the Universe? What will the further relationships between people and the Cosmos be like? This must be apprehended and understood not out of curiosity but rather for the sake of Humanity's survival.
The ancient thinkers identified man with a universally cosmic substance. According to Democritus, every person is like a world in miniature, or "microcosmos", which is a reflection of the "macrocosmos" and its laws. Another great philosopher Seneca regarded the entire world as a material and intelligent whole, man being a part of the Universe. Absolutely everything on Earth is subordinate to the Cosmos because all living creatures and unanimated things as well as our planet on the whole originated from the Cosmic Power.

We are the children of the Universe and our most important mission is to preserve the unique creation of the Cosmic matter, i.e. Man. The Universe is trying to break through to the human mind in a benevolent manner and very patiently so that people will start to live in compliance with the Laws of the Universe.
And how do we treat the Universe in return? We increasingly often talk about expansion, conquering other planets, spreading our intellect in the Universe; at the same time those who promote such ideas claim that this task must be performed not through the conquering of other stellar worlds but through the creation of new worlds similar to our own world. U. Sviridenko writes in the Kiev newspaper "Interesnaya Gazeta" - "Unbelievable", issue No 9, 2000, page 36: "The discovery of planetary systems around some stars makes us hope that one day people will succeed in finding planets similar to Earth. Of course the development of interstellar spacecraft is a matter of several centuries. The thing that seems more real now is the colonization of the Solar System planets. There is even a new branch of science called terraforming ("transform into something resembling the Earth"), which is concerned with the problems of planetary engineering, specifically directed at making extraterrestrial planetary environment habitable for humans. They think that "cloning" Earth will become a regular practice in the future. And more: "The present projects of terraforming Venus have been designed to be completed within 16-25 thousand years. They mainly suggest delivering a huge amount of space ice (comets, asteroids) to the planet's surface to cool it down, create water resourses and consequently add water steam to the atmosphere. The planned terraforming process for Mars is basically the same".
But will the inhabitants of other planets welcome us? Here we can see the human mentality at work. People have always been eager to move, travel, discover new lands and expand their habitat. The developed countries quickly became overpopulated and people started conquering other islands and continents. Some think that the same is likely to apply to the people of the third millennium. The only difference is that they will use Space instead of Earth as a scene for their expansion. Humanists claim that we will bring only peace and good to the Cosmos. And what shall we do if aliens don't like our aspiration for expansion? Advocates of expansion avoid answering this question, thinking that we will be welcome with open arms everywhere. The problem of expansion was discussed especially after the publishing of the book "Disturbing the Universe" by F. Dyson in 1979. We must admit that it is an extraordinary book written by an extraordinary man. It consists of three parts. In the first two parts entitled "England" and "America" there is in fact Dyson's autobiography - a description of events and people who influenced the author's mentality. The third part - entitled "Milestones of the Future" - contains a discussion regarding the future of the human race that is closely related to the problems of settling of the Universe.
We are always anxious to live, we try to know as much as we can. Most people are guided by the principle "here and now" and they forget that the roads leading to the temple are confused and more people get lost in their search for the truth when there is hurry.

Hermits from Tien Shan think that humanity will disappear when the six sacred "unities" are violated. This will result in the disruption of the connection between man and the world. The old men from the mountains consider a permanent unbreakable link with God to be the first "unity". Even those who do not believe in Him must nevertheless "imagine that He exists and ask Him for advice, share their plans with Him and contemplate, feeling His attention…". The sixth rule says: "Do not do things that can create disharmony of man and nature, Earth, Cosmos and God. Do not take things you haven't created and don't possess…". They think that before doing anything one must foresee the possible consequences of his thoughts and actions. Mars is supposed to be one of the places where a lifeform can potentially exist. Several Soviet and American automatic interplanetary stations (AIS) have been sent to the Red Planet.
Following is Mars' reaction to this. In November 1962, the Soviet Union launched the first AIS from the series of Mars unmanned landers and orbiters. Sixty-one radio transmissions were held, then the communications ceased. In 1971, new AIS's - Mars 2 and Mars 3 - were launched. The Mars 2 and 3 probes each carried a lander. The Mars 2 lander entered Mars' atmosphere and failed upon reaching the planet's surface, and the Mars 3 lander functioned after landing without however gathering any useful scientific data. The last probe transmission from the orbit was held by Mars 3 on 12 March 1972, but the results of the ultraviolet scanning remain unexplained. The station's photometer detected a flash with clear-cut outlines which was repeated during scanning. The flash resembled a spot of reflected light on an open-air water surface. But there are no such water expanses on Mars. The nature of this phenomenon remained unclear.
The Soviet Union sent four more probes to Mars. Both the Mars 6 lander and the Mars 5 orbiter transmitted useful data but ran out of their resources mysteriously fast.
Later an American automatic interplanetary station Mariner detected a certain bright object. Its light caused malfunctioning in the station's orientation system directing it towards a "support" star. NASA specialists were at a loss with this problem and dubbed the unidentified object "space vampire".
In the mid-1970s the USA launched two Viking probes. They transmitted a picture of a mysterious object that was dubbed by the media "The Martian Sphinx". It was discovered in 1980 when the NASA expert Vincent di Pietro was processing the photographs made by Viking 1 on July 25, 1976.
In the late 1970s, a Viking probe measured Phobos. But a run of bad luck followed. In 1988, two Soviet automatic interplanetary stations Phobos 1 and Phobos 2 were sent to Mars. The mission failed. Phobos 1 lost its trajectory and communication with the Earth before it reached Mars. Communications with the other spacecraft also ceased unexpectedly for unknown reasons. However, a few hours before that Phobos 2 managed to transmit unusual photos which show a dark stripe (33) on the surface of Mars resembling a shadow cast by a fusiform body flying high above the planet. In addition to the picture of the ellipsoidal shadow, there was another top-secret photograph. Marina Popovich told about this picture during an international conference of ufologists in 1991. The last image transmitted by the Phobos 2 was a picture of a gigantic cylindrical object hanging near the surface of Phobos. The object was cigar-shaped, 20 km long and measured 1.5 km in diameter. Popovich thinks that the cigar-shaped object destroyed the AIS Phobos 2 so that it would not explore Mars' satellite. It happen right at the moment when the probe was ready to drop measuring devices onto the surface of Phobos.
One more mysterious failure happened to the American AIS Mars Observer. The communication ceased as the probe was approaching the Red Planet on August 21, 1993. Ten Soviet automatic interplanetary stations were sent to Mars. Yet none of them managed to carry out the program completely and only two of them landed on the planet successfully (two American stations did too). It makes you think that Mars is not going to reveal its secrets to uninvited guests.

In 1977, the Jet Propulsion Laboratory based in Pasadena, California, finished developing two automatic interplanetary stations of a new generation - long-range space probes Voyager 1 and Voyager 2. They were supposed to explore the planets-giants of the Solar System, that is Jupiter and Saturn. A complementary mission would be to explore the system of Uranus. The Voyagers transmitted unique data but not all of it was made public. When the US authorities try to conceal something from public and scientific community, they cite the Top Secret Memorandum approved at the end of 1958 which says,
"…public shall not be told any hostile information. It must know only the facts that cannot serve as evidence for believing in the existence of extraterrestrial life…"
The images captured by the impassive video cameras of the Voyager 1 totally disagreed with our ideas of the Solar System. In the pictures one can see a giant cigar-shaped object situated billions of kilometers away from the Earth. Some experts estimate its length at 11,200 km, which is almost equal to the diameter of Earth. It is more than just a several hundred meters UFO. Those few people who knew about this photograph decided that it was an artificial construction abandoned near Saturn at ancient times. While the Voyagers were being developed, there were plans for a new space project called "Big Tour". For this program the laboratory was to develop another space probe that would be more technically advanced than the Voyagers. According to an unofficial information, the Voyager 3 that was once kept in a secret hangar was then secretly sent to Saturn to gather maximum data on the cigar-shaped object. About a year after the launch, having left Jupiter behind, this interstellar probe suddenly changed its trajectory and interrupted transmission without ever reaching Saturn. In February 1996, the "Science News" magazine published an article saying that the American astrophysicists working with the space orbital telescope Hubble had managed to photograph a huge ellipsoidal object flying around the Saturn rings only to see the Hubble equipment fail later.

The Lunar Embassy has been working in the USA for 12 years. Its CEO is Denis Hope. The Embassy sells property on the Moon. For quite a long time, there were very few customers but then the demand increased dramatically. 50,000 thousand plots of lunar surface have been sold so far. The area of each plot is 1.777 acres, i.e. a little over 7 square kilometers. The price is 99 dollars.
But before some people start selling property on other planets and others start buying it, they should remember the flights to the Moon and what happened to many astronauts who had been there.
The first (unsuccessful) attempt of the Americans to send a spacecraft to the Moon in 1958 failed. The Soviet automatic spacecraft was the first to reach the lunar surface the following year. The automatic station Luna 9 landed on the Moon on the last day of 1966.
The first human sacrifice was the Apollo team. On 27 January 1967, three astronauts were burnt alive during the launch. On April 24 of the same year the Soviet cosmonaut V. Komarov crashed while testing Soyuz 1 spacecraft - prototype of a lunar orbiter. In the autumn of 1968 Soviet orbiters flew around the Moon with tortoises aboard. The Americans launched a manned mission to the Moon in December 1968. Apollo 8 landed in the Pacific Ocean after the flight. Apollo 11 was successfully launched on July 16, 1969. As it was discovered later, the American spaceships from the Gemini and Apollo programs were accompanied by UFOs during their flights.
The first picture of a "flying saucer" was taken by the astronaut James McDivitt (4 June 1965, Gemini 4, flight over The Himalayas). On 20 July 1969, people of Earth could see a live transmission from the Moon. TV viewers and radio listeners suddenly heard a sound resembling that of a rotating drill. It forced the astronauts to switch to a different frequency to communicate with the Earth. Armstrong asks an operator from Houston, "What's that?" The latter is puzzled himself and cannot explain anything. Still he says a strange thing, "Are you sure you haven't contacted them?" All of a sudden a series of mutual questions is interrupted by an excited voice reporting from the Moon, "There are objects here, sir! They are huge! Oh, my God… They are on the other side of the crater. They are on the Moon watching us!"

Apollo 12 was launched on a mission to the Moon in November 1969. There were three people on board: C. Conrad, R. Gordon and A. Bean. Like before, the Apollo was accompanied by an UFO which was huge this time. After a successful landing in the Ocean of Storms, the Apollo 12 commander sighed with relief saying: "We were lucky. It turns out that they like us". However, this attitude did not last. Some researchers think that the explosion of an oxygen tank on the Apollo 13 in April 1970 that prevented the astronauts from landing near the Fra Mauro crater was no accident.
The Apollo 14 astronauts managed to land on the Moon and step onto its surface (January-February 1971). The first thing Alan Shepard and Edgar Mitchell did after returning to Earth was to resign without ever revealing what had happened to them on the Moon. They went for a walk on the slopes of the Fra Mauro crater and did not come back by the appointed time. Houston thought the astronauts had gotten lost and died. Nevertheless they came back refusing to explain their unbelievable salvation.
In the summer of 1971, the Americans successfully tested a Moon research vehicle whose passengers were D. Scott and J. Irwin (Apollo 15). Then the lunar vehicle was handed over to the Apollo 16 crew. This mission saw two strange events. The first was a prismoidal glass object found by the spaceship commander John Young in the moon dust. The analyses performed on Earth indicated that the prism was at least several billion years old. The second strange thing was that the high-class astronaut Young did not push the button to activate the isolating device after he left the lunar module "Orion" and got into the spaceship. Instead of crashing onto the lunar surface, the "Orion" became the Moon's satellite. The fact cannot be explained by sheer absent-mindedness. The last manned mission to the Moon - the Apollo 17 voyage - took place in December 1972. The spaceship commander Eugene Cernan and geologist Harrison Schmitt brought back an orange glass object.

For many American astronauts space and lunar flights resulted in tragedies and unforeseen twists of fate: many started suffering from an acute depression, some became very religious, others began drinking. The astronaut Stuart Roosa, the Apollo 14 command module pilot, resigned, converted into Buddhism, built at his own expense a small temple in Nepal where he spends most of the time talking with pilgrims about the meaning of life. Neil Armstrong was the first man to step onto the Moon and he will be always remembered for that. But the mission affected his psyche. Neil began suffering from heavy depressions and refused to go out. He prohibited journalists to go near his house and took up gardening. He also became extremely religious and refused any contacts with NASA. Edwin Aldrin, the second person to have walked on the Moon, started drinking and gave up training. The Apollo 15 commander James Irwin left the crew after two space flights. Like Armstrong, he turned to religion saying, "I found my Lord on the Moon. God exists and I believe in Him!" He was treated for a bad nervous breakdown for a couple of years and searched for Noah's Ark. The futile quest aggravated Irwin's mental disorder. He died in a private clinic in 1991. The Apollo 16 lunar module pilot Charles Duke entered a cathedral in Rome in 1978 and started shouting: "I know God loves me!" He was not aware of what he was doing and was taken to a lunatic asylum. His name was crossed off the list of astronauts in 1978. The above-mentioned facts should make one think twice before deciding to buy property on the Moon.

In the Universe, the Moon is called Kulund. The inhabitants of Kulund are energy. They carry such powerful and pure energy that it overcomes energy barriers. One must have a pure Soul in order to be able to stand the Moon's energy. Man must not strive for expansion: he must seek to make contact with the more advanced aliens who are eager to help earthlings to solve many environmental and medical problems.

Since we have already begun space flights, we must know the Laws of Mokayad (Intelligent Universe).
Law One. Every ZXY (alien life) has the right to independently choose its form and vital functions. Therefore a ZXY cannot interfere in another ZXY alien life's life without its consent; such interference is acceptable only with the mutual consent of both parties.
Law Two. The interference is acceptable only as long as the provided data do not contradict the lifeform and the methods of vital functioning of a ZXY alien life.
Law Three. Any ZXY alien life that has violated the first two regulations is to be punished; the punishments may include even physical and energy extermination. That's why all the spaceships that reaches the Earth without a permission of Father God and the Absolute are doomed to crash here.
Law Four. It is prohibited to ever treat a ZXY alien life aggressively wherever an interaction takes place and in whatever situation the ZXY alien life finds itself.
Law Five. Provide help and support for a ZXY alien life both on its own Mother planet and in any other place in the Universe where it might be necessary to provide help (having read the article carefully, you will realize that aliens hold these Laws sacred).
Law Six. The experience gained during lifetime should be transferred to all who are willing to receive it; the transfer of experience is to be carried out through the channels of the Great Space Data Bank rather than at the request of a certain ZXY alien life, so that the mastering of innovations of Mokayad life will be accessible for the entire Universe.
Law Seven. It is allowed to begin making contact with a ZXY alien life only with the consent of the Father - Creator of the Universe - and under the control of the Absolute. The seventh law gives the right to make contacts of any kind only with the consent of the Creator.
Law Eight. Whenever the above-described laws are violated, any contacts and data transfer must be ended immediately and measures should be taken to eliminate the data that has caused the disaster both for the ZXY life of a specific planet that has provided the data as well as the other planets of Mokayad and the whole Universe.
In addition to the above-stated laws, the Universe has the Polyutrimonial Laws i.e. the ability to possess all the Laws of the Universe and use them for the realization of Universal order and the objectives of the Great Intellect. These laws suggest learning the essence of things from within. These Laws are above all the other Laws. A Polyutrimonial Law means that a master explains and commands and makes it possible to rule all the other Laws in the Universe.
Here are the Polyutrimonial Laws:
1. Law of the knowledge of life in all its manifestations.
2. Law of the knowledge of natural phenomena in all the manifestations of the Universe.
3. Law of the knowledge of the essence of energies in the entire Universe.
4. Law of the knowledge of Intelligent Creation in the entire Universe.
5. Law of the knowledge of annihilation in the entire Universe.

Besides, there is the Law of Khachat - start to act. Reincarnation, transformation, annihilation and rebirth can happen at the Creator's behest. This is the Comprehensive Power of the Creator's Strength in the Universe.
The Law of Life in the Universe is the same for all living creatures. It means to obey the number eight. Life evolves in circles around the two Rings of Life (an eight which is placed horizontally) and forms the number eight. When life ends, an individual takes the finish straight line situated horizontally and stops moving along the twists of eight. To move is to live, to stop is to die. The number eight encompasses the eternity of life that changes its form.
Catechism is the basis of the Laws of human behavior regardless of their religion with respect to the implementation of the Laws of Life in the Universe. The Laws of the Universe are simple and varied. The people of Earth must know many of them to be able, through their behavior, to get help for life from the Father and all those who fulfil the will of Father God.
Mokayad is trying to pull back the curtain separating the life on Earth from the considerable energy scope of the Intelligent Universe and only he whose mind is dark can consider these intentions bad.

The Need for Unusual is Probably the Most Powerful after the Need for Sleep, Hunger and Love

Philosophers think that the Universe, the world around us, is infinite in time and space and limitlessly varied as far as the forms of moving matter are concerned. All physical and mathematical models of the Universe and, which is more, the laws of its functioning are based on a simple concept - a watch that has been wound up once will work until the spring (or the battery) runs out of energy; then it is necessary to wind up the watch again. And it is at this point that one is faced with a new problem i.e. who winds up the watch?
Astrophysicists consider the Big Bang that gave rise to all existing things to be one of the crucial factors indicative of the existence of God.
Igor Cherkasov writes in his article "The Universe Was Created According to a Plan" published in the "NLO" (UFO) Magazine (Issue No 51 dated 18 December 2000, page 5): "If the power of the Big Bang had been at least a portion of a percent more or less intense, there would be neither Universe nor humanity now. If the explosion had been weak, the speed of expanding space would have been insufficient, making it (the space) shrink back to the point from which it emerged. Had the explosion been more powerful, the matter would have flown apart too quickly, failing to form stars and galaxies. The well-known physicist Paul Davis estimates the chance of our Universes' emerging at the moment of its birth at one out of 10 to the power of 60. American astrophysicist John Wheeler points out the analogous incredible coincidence as far as the power of gravity in the Universe is concerned. If it were greater that the one there is now, the stars would be too small and couldn't warm up the nearby planets. Otherwise heavy chemical elements necessary for the existence of living creatures couldn't be formed. The answer to the question why even the gravity of the Universe is the only one acceptable for favorable emergence and development of life is quite clear - it was designed by the Creator of the World".
Scientists call simple water, covering three quarters of the globe and included into any living organism, the principle component, an impressive "imprint of God". "Water is one of the strangest substances known to the science", write the astronomer John Barrow and the mathematician Frank Tipler in their book entitled "The Anthropic Cosmological Principle", "It looks as though practically all the properties of water had been selected expressly for the Earth and its inhabitants. Just one example: if water's freezing and boiling points were different, the oceans, seas and rivers of our planet would either evaporate or freeze making Earth uninhabitable for humans".
According to scientists, in the history of the Universe and the Solar System there have been many coincidences proving the existence of an intelligent power that rules the nature. In 1697, Sir Isaac Newton wrote: "Our most beautiful system consisting of the Sun, planets and comets could have emerged only according to a plan and the will of the intelligent and powerful Creator".
However, not all astrophysicists accept the concept of a permanent system of control over the Universe; they don't want to acknowledge the Creator's existence. Hence the demand - let the Creator reveal himself to us and then maybe we will believe it. This calls to mind our first encounter with the representatives of the planet Venus. When asked whether they believed in God, they answered negatively. And a few seconds later they specified: there is no point in believing or not believing in God because we know for sure that he exists. And you, earthlings, need such faith since you are deprived of this knowledge at this particular stage.

In the previous lecture we focused on expansion. Such thoughts were possible thanks to the hypotheses claiming that our planet is obviously the one and only cradle of intelligent life in the history of the Metagalaxy. Such conclusion was drawn from the sum of modern scientific ideas about the most general laws determining the development of living and unanimated nature. But Giordano Bruno (1548-1600), a great Italian thinker, materialist, a bold critic of scholastics and fighter against the Catholicism, had a different opinion: "A curious and vivacious mind can't help imagining that all the infinite worlds are no less and no worse inhabited that our Earth… It is stupid and absurd to think that there are no other sensations, other kinds of intellect than those at our disposal. Any of the numerous worlds necessarily comprises the four main elements like the Earth and has seas, rivers, mountains, gorges and trees."
Now during encounters with aliens the members of the Center for Cosmos Connections are able to appreciate Bruno's insight. Many scientists have recently made a conclusion that humanity still occupies the lowest, the most primitive level of knowledge; therefore the conclusion about our civilization's uniqueness in the Universe cannot be regarded as definite and indisputable. As the German philosopher, critic and belletrist Max Nordau said: "The most important thing in the pursuit of the truth is not in finding it but in searching for it. It is enough to search for the truth honestly".

In our lectures we try to take into consideration the opinions voiced by scientists of different branches of knowledge without however forgetting to express our own because, as Goethe wrote, "Daring ideas are like chessmen moved forward. They may be beaten, but they may start a winning game". Let's talk about the Interplanetary (Intercosmic) space.
This is a space characterized by the Intelligence of a level other than the Space field filling the Intelligence around any planet. The term Cosmos can only refer to the atmosphere or space near any planet; in the Universe the word Cosmos as people understand it is not used. This word is a human invention and corresponds to the circumplanetary fillings. In Mokayad the term Cosmos is meant to define the life of heavy energies. According to the terrestrial notions, near every planet there is a circumplanetary Field or the Field of Cosmos. Stellar Systems generate Intercosmic Field where the energy life of all the components of a Stellar System flows into the Common Intercosmic Field. In the Mokayad (Intelligent Universe) language this Field is called the Intrafullation Field because the circumplanetary life in this Common Field is mixed and inhabits the planets of a given Stellar System. Between the Stellar Systems there is a place which Mokayad calls Elliadakayad. This Field is a live breathing Archintelligent matter that can by no means be called Cosmos since this Energy Intelligence is very tender, subtle and soft, capable of creation within the limits set by the Will of Father God. The space we, earthlings, define as Cosmos or the Universe is only a limited part of the Mokayad Field. The Mokayad Field includes both the circumplanetary Space (atmosphere) and the Intersystem Stellar Space and the Intercosmic Space of Elliadakayad and the Neutral Intelligent Field surrounding any Stellar System. The Intelligent Universe (Mokayad) is the part of the Body of Father God which has life.
As Valery Brusov wrote:

The great is intangible when viewed at a close range,
It can only seem solemn from afar.
We all pass the great by
And see but a link in its chain.

All the energy life of the Universe is akin. There are several entrances into the Intelligent Universe:
1. Entrance to the Lower Mokayad - it is an entrance to the Systems of Intelligence of the lower level, the knowledge of elements, natural phenomena, natural objects and minerals on all planets in all Galaxies.
2. Entrance to the Middle Mokayad - knowledge of the manifestation of life's essence, life condition and all vital factors of flora and fauna, all the planets and Galaxies in the Universe.
3. Entrance to the Very Near Mokayad - it is an entrance to the House of Father God near Mother Earth i.e. Teteya.
4. Entrance to the Remote Mokayad - entrance to the secrets of alien lives of any planets of the House of the Father that is the Galaxy where the planet Earth belongs.
5. Entrance to the Intelligent Universe - entrance to the Mokayad of other Galaxies.
The upper layer of the atmosphere is the first layer of Cosmos and the last form Mother Earth. It preserves the energy life of any form in Teteya. The notion "House of God" applies only to earthlings. This is the entrance to the Intelligent Universe. Earthlings live in the House of God in all the forms of their existence. Let's remind that Dorup Pargag is the Son of Prioric Proorzim, the Creation of Prioric Proorzim for creation, birth, transformation, perfection of all the things in the Universe that carry the Intelligence of the Highest level. The energy intellect of Dorup Pargag concretizes all the inhabitants of the Universe according to their activities and degree of perfection. The Almighty Father God is the Son of Dorup Pargag and it is he who rules the Universe.
Lower Cosmos is the level of the Solar Stellar System planets.
Middle Cosmos is the level of planets in a proper Galaxy.
Upper Cosmos is the level of planets beyond a proper Galaxy.
The Cosmos Beyond is the Material for Creation. Energies of the Stockroom of Pure Intelligent Abstract Energies are used in Creation. The Stockroom has an immense power. Its material gives birth to Galaxies, planets, their inhabitants and the Universal time and space. The Mokayad energy is characterized by a more subtle structure than the Energy of Teteya life. One must know how to see not only the Superenergies but also the Hyperenergies of the Universe in order to be able to see the Mokayad Energy. The Hyperenergies of the Universe comprise the Abstract Intelligent life of the Universe and the Energy Doubles of Mokayad life. Teteya is our terrestrial surrounding to the energy coat of the Earth. Odon - the Data Bank of Mother Earth - is located in Teteya like the past. Through Teteya, Mokayad can be seen as the future and the terrestrial world as the present.

The Father of the Universe can be called Agny because the purity of the Universe is a refreshing, purifying, ennobling, uplifting, resurrecting and life-giving fire. It is the origin. It is the Father of the children of the entire Universe. The Absolute and those who live beside it do not need a luxurious house. This is world in the Universe, where the fiery matter penetrates into every individual and he or she bathes in this fiery matter.
The interplanetary Gods are entitled to energy replenishment on any planet in the Universe. The interplanetary Gods rule the whole Universe. The Universe does not have a birthday as it has been in existence forever. The eternal existence of the Universe was in the form of the Abstract Intelligent Matter. The Abstract Intelligent Matter can create or generate any lifeform, from a tiny speck to planets and Galaxies. The Universe is one and only although many astrophysicists who refuse to believe in the Creator suppose that the Universe is multiple. They think that there is an infinite number of parallel Universes one of which accidentally had the necessary conditions for the emergence of intelligent life.
In the Universe there is much life similar to that on Earth with minor differences in the physical appearance and major ones in the body structure. It is connected with the conditions of life on planets. Man is part of the Universe and cannot exist on his own. The people of Earth must have a correct idea of the Universe. Alan Gregg wrote: "When the society is unable to get what it cannot exist without, it is the right moment for an intelligent gift". Victor Hugo said something similar to that: "An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come".

The Galaxies of the Universe. All the Galaxies of the Universe have planets with material life in places reserved especially for this. Although the material alien life is quite diverse, there is none to match that on Mother Earth, which however doesn't mean that there is no similar life. James William once wrote: "The whole drift of my education goes to persuade me that the world of our present consciousness is only one out of many worlds of consciousness that exists". And of course F. M. Dostoevsky was absolutely right in saying that "the most serious problems of modern man arise from the fact that he has lost a sense of intelligent cooperation with God in His intentions with regards to humanity."
And there is only one intention - man must apprehend the Laws of the Universe, its structure, and live in compliance with those Laws. We have already mentioned that there are planets whose life is similar to that on Earth but this similarity is not limited only to the physical appearance; it also applies to activities and thinking, creativity and communication. There is only one significant difference - the aliens' material life is far more advanced than that of the inhabitants of Earth as far as the knowledge of the Universe is concerned. All the material entities in the Universe have a Soul; yet they have various levels of Intellect. The increase in the level of intelligence in extraterrestrials is connected with the level of development of the Soul which is capable of communicating with the World of the Universe at the level of energy perception of mental messages of any lifeform of the Universe. The physical appearance of aliens can vary but no one, no alien lifeform can harm a human provided the latter does not behave aggressively. One should treat extraterrestrials as equals, behave naturally whatever one does. Then one is likely to get kind attitude and all-encompassing love in return.

The entire Universe is an Energy Intelligent Space that moves naturally clockwise. The Law of the pure motion of energy suggests spiraling movement from the left to the right. Life is the motion of the Energy Intelligent Matter from left to right.
The life of the whole Universe happens in two circles. These circles are the Rings of Life generated by the fatal rhythm of the Universe's life. An inhabitant's life goes fatally round a ring. When one spiral is over, he moves on into another ring. The entire Universe lives in the ring of movement. The Rings of Life are like two wheels of a bicycle: they always move together; still one of them is always ahead of the other. Let's say the bicycle symbolizes life motion.
As life draws to an end, an individual abandons the means of transportation (in this case - the bicycle) and goes beyond the last Ring of Life. When a person moves (rides the bicycle) he lives; when he gets off, his life is over. We will focus on these problems in more detail in the lecture dedicated to Ukhozhat (death).
We'd like to remind that one can say ZXY (Zet-Iks-Igrec) instead of extraterrestrials - it stands for the energies of aliens who are far from Mother Earth's Field. Their energy fields are not connected with the Energy Field of the planet Earth.

Let's dwell a little more on the Galaxies. A Galaxy's radius is a ray of light coming from the mark of the Center of the Galaxy (it is directly connected with the Center for Creation) and reaching the start point where the energy ends - the power acting in this particular Galaxy. The fact that a Galaxy is oval prevents its diameter being calculated because the flowing form conceals the exact crossing point. The value will be different at any given moment but the radius is the value of the distance from the Center (Source of replenishment from the Material for Creation) to the most remote point that captures the volume of this particular Galaxy with the power of the Universe's energies. Every Galaxy has its own galaxy background and is characterized by speed, motion, and time. The faster the rotation is, the more favorable the conditions for material lifeforms are. The Galaxy Ecatahedron moves at the highest possible speed.

The Dark Cosmos is a place where energies of the negative concentrate and are later processed with the help of a brown ray of Theophan. Lucifer has a brown ray too, but burning energies of the negative is not in his power. His task is to control energies of the life of the negative of different shades, whereas Theophan collects mental, abstract and specially sent energies of evil that are wandering across the Universe.

In the Universe there is a storage room dubbed the Universe's Injector - a Storeroom of the Energy Intellect in preserved form. The Injector is a storeroom from which all inhabitants of the Universe who enjoy special privileges because of the huge amount of work they do for the sake of the life (47) in the Universe can get Power and Intellect. Such inhabitants include: Archintellect, Superintellect and Representatives of the planets of the Universe who provide help for their planets and their inhabitants for them to exist in favorable conditions. Such Representatives include Planetary Curators or Planetary Gods.

Teteya has rough energies, fine energies carrying the events of the near future, and hyperfine energies of the House of the Father. In the energy hyperfine layer of Teteya there are momentary events. In the House of Father God there is energy life of the Souls of the former inhabitants of Earth, Teiudas, Energy Doubles, Tetdayas, Tyayudas, Clones, Trolls etc.
A Troll is a very fine life energy-wise at the level of the Abstract Intelligent inhabitants in the House of the Father. The purest Energy Life is the Alien Manna from Heaven. It differs from alien lives i.e. from the other Souls of earthlings in that it is a subtler structure. Elves live in the House of Father God too. Elves are very fine lives energy-wise at the level of the Abstract Intelligent inhabitants.
What governing structures are there in the Universe besides the ones we mentioned in the previous lectures? We have already said that the Board of Gods of the Universe is the Absolute but the term the Board of Gods is a general concept referring to the Council that is the ruling body on a certain planet. The Minor Council of the Board of Gods consists of Planetary Gods. These gods solve the problems of a planet's inner life (the state of intelligent existing life and those who are physically gone). The Council gathers immediately and there are from one to five Planetary Gods from each planet. And so it happens while the Universe exists. Life changes and various problems arise momentarily. Every Stellar System has its own Council of the Board of Gods which draws Gods from those planets which are part of this particular Stellar System. Every planet has one or several Planetary Gods. The higher the level of intelligence of a planet's inhabitants is, the fewer Planetary Gods there are. However not all Planetary Gods can become members of the Board of Gods. But if a planetary representative gets there he is by all means a Planetary God.

The Interstellar Council of Absolutes is a Board of Gods dealing with connections between the planets of the Universe. This is a prerogative granted by the Great God to one tenth of the Absolute. The Absolute with its full complement comprises billions of Gods, between one and five Gods from every planet of the Absolute, plus Universal Interplanetary inhabitants who have the Right and Trust of the Almighty God.
The Interstellar Council of Extraterrestrial Civilizations. Every Stellar System has its collective governing body. It consists of Planetary Gods of every single planet. They solve Interplanetary problems in their Stellar System and then make a decision of any kind at an Intergalactic Council which in turn submits its decision to the Collective Council of Gods of the Absolute.
Councils of the Universal Patriarchy. There are Major and Minor Councils of the Universal Patriarchy. These Councils address all the problems connected with human destinies, souls and karma. The Council's work is controlled by the Great Absolute. At the Great Council decisions are made regarding a change in a person's fate if it is necessary from the cosmic point of view.
Fantasmagol came to the Cosmos Connections Manager of our Center. It is the Universal Patriarch, representative of the Archintellect, Supercurator and the aide to the Universal God. He visits specific inhabitants of the planet Earth only if they have been assigned the Cosmic Mission and it has been determined that they will be able to carry the Great Cosmic Ideas unavailable to others.
Another our visitor was called Fetdai . He is an Interplanetary resident of the Archintellect. His position is Archimandrite, the Patriarch of the Universe. Every single second of his existence he can be either on a planet or in the interplanetary space. He leads a nomadic life. The entire Universe is an energy home and he is in every particle of this Great Home. He can be both in the area where there is the Material for Creation and in the sphere of the planet Earth and in the atmosphere of any Intelligence Spiral. He can approach any inhabitant of the Universe; nevertheless he visits Earth very seldom. He lives where he wants to live or where he must be at a certain time. He has even more energy than the Superintelligent. The Superintelligent can adopt human appearance to make people understand what they are like, whereas this inhabitant never transforms into any body because he doesn't need it. He is simply the Greatest and Purest Energy of the Absolute.

Gods comprise a part of the Universe in all its manifestations. Gods live by the life of the inhabitants of the Universe. Their pain, joy and all the other manifestations are part of Gods. The multitude of Archintelligent and Superintelligent Gods form the Top that rules the Universe. There is never a condition in which at least one thought of the Top Ruling the Universe wouldn't be present. This thought is constant at the very Top. The thought concentrates throughout the Universe all the time since the problems of the Universe are urgent, arise every second and every instant and are constantly supported by the thought controlled by the sum of thoughts of those individuals who are allowed to keep the Universe in order.
The Archintellect is 100% Gods. Only those Superintelligent who have reached the level or the skill or, in cosmic words, easiness of their energy state that allows them to think instantly for the entire Universe can be nominated Gods.
In the Intelligent Universe there is never such a thing as undivided authority. Even an isolated little thought opposing the opinion of the majority is always discussed by this majority and an alternative decision is made. Any denial of a certain postulate is necessarily considered and a common decision suitable for everyone is made. In the Universal Council decisions are never made individually. We'd like to reiterate that the Absolute is a Collective Body of the Community of the Archintelligent and Superintelligent and partially those representatives of the Supreme Intellect who have been granted the right to enter the Community of the Absolute during their lifetime thanks to their merits.
According to mythology, Gods dwell on the Olympus. But the Olympus in fact is an assembly of terrestrial Gods with the purpose of solving a specific problem. It is a momentary decision about the Planet's Destiny made by its Planetary Gods.
One mustn't confuse Olympus with Odon. We reiterate that Odon is a place where knowledge about earthlings is stored. It is located in the Earth's energy, within the Earth's gravitation. The Data Bank of Mother Earth is the Energy Intelligent Matter subordinate to the Mother of Knowledge. It is also referred to as the Data Bank of the House of Teteya. A contactee who gets information from this Data Bank of Mother Earth has the opportunity to know everything about people.
Odon, like the natural Earth, has cities, gardens, and roads; the only difference is that they are made of energy. There are also phantoms of all earthlings living on Earth from the moment of their birth to the moment of their leaving the physical carrier. These phantoms carry energy-intellect of limited quality. They cannot provide any information about themselves because they are not entitled to interaction with humans. Information from Odon can be received only visually - through phantoms. One shouldn't be afraid of meeting them. In Odon the knowledge is not located in one place in all its volume; it crosses the whole planet like hoops, along meridians.
Despite the remark of Honore de Balzac that public opinion cannot stand drastic changes, we thought it necessary to present the above-stated information. It is time we learned the basics of the Universe's structure - this Great Home whose part we, earthlings, are. Like Alexander Green, we think that the most important things should be said at once or they will fade away like a wave on which someone has poured oil from the ship.
We'd like to conclude the lecture by quoting the words of the master of philosophical lyrics Nikolai Zabolotsky:

Isn't it strange that in space,
In the living family of constellations and planets,
Love should always outweigh sorrow
And darkness is always overpowered by light?

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